4realms 发表于 2015-6-18 17:20:47

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-18 17:07 static/image/common/back.gif
EMM的一体机中,cdsa se是入门机,用的是飞利浦转盘,稳定性不佳(不适应高转速长期使用,耐用性差)。XD ...
看r33有传说cdsa后期改为德国制转盘 (猜测lindemann同款), 老兄听说过么.

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-18 17:23:13

本帖最后由 风云不变 于 2015-6-18 17:25 编辑

4realms 发表于 2015-6-18 17:20 static/image/common/back.gif
看r33有传说cdsa后期改为德国制转盘 (猜测lindemann同款), 老兄听说过么.

feishifeiye 发表于 2015-6-18 17:34:42

有些出二手的强调自己是CDSA 黑牌,估计有这个因素

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-18 17:39:19

Upgraded Transport + Feet

This is a job for the professionals, so plan on sending the unit to your dealer (or the factory) for them to accomplish. The original feet were just some simple plastic jobbers found on any low-fi piece of equipment, but the new ones are obviously machined and have a non-resonant filler within them, and are more befitting a component of this quality. However, the discussion of feet pales in comparison to the discussion of the transport change. The original transport, an OEM from Philips, was replaced with a (more or less) drop in substitute of much better quality. While still not up to the heroic construction standards of a VRDS transport, the new unit is one for which no apologies need be made. It has the look and feel of a solid drawer, with much greater rigidity to any twisting or vibration.

The differences were not subtle, and I was not struggling to hear them. As I wrote in my original review, the CDSA got negative marks for bass depth and impact that was not up to state-of-the-art standards (as defined by the Esoteric XO1-D2 in my experience). Well, the new transport made significant improvements in just these parameters, allowing a drum kit to extend lower and with a greater percussive feel. Additionally, while I was very much pleased with the leading edge of the stock unit, feeling it defined the attack without the overemphasis often found in inferior players (a characteristic which, along with an elevated treble balance, gives rise to "digititis"), the upgraded transport gave a bit more snap to the leading edge. This is a point worth elaborating on. In comparing solid-state amps and tube amps, I've found the former to emphasize attack and linearity while the latter emphasized musicality, but it was seldom the two in equal measures within any component. Prior to the upgrade, if forced to I'd have categorized the CDSA more on the "tube amp" spectrum of the above continuum, but after the transport upgrade, it is now more evenly balanced, treading that rare ground that gives rise to both the attack and the musicality. In other words, the unit has seen its sense of PRAT (pace, rhythm, and timing) improve quite significantly, while still maintaining that tonal truthfulness that made the CDSA such a godsend for vinylphiles and others who abhor the sterile sound of digital audio.

An additional improvement that was easily predicted from the use of a sturdier (which can easily be read as "more resistant to vibration") transport was the ability of the unit to extract even more details than before. Given how good the original unit was in this regard, I was surprised to hear those additional low level details that were heretofore obscured to me. What was interesting was that the net effect of this was greatly improved imaging and soundstaging. And this makes sense when you think about it. When you add detail, you're really adding information both about the performance and the venue of the recording. The unit has always gotten the performance and the venue, but the lowest level details are in the reverberation of the studio / recording hall, and extracting this information helps place performers in space.

Taken as a whole, the upgrade to the transport has taken what is arguably the finest single-box digital player up another notch or two.



chaisan 发表于 2015-6-18 17:50:11


4realms 发表于 2015-6-18 17:52:58

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-18 17:39 static/image/common/back.gif
Upgraded Transport + Feet

麻烦老兄特意找了, 多谢啊

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-19 11:09:59

chaisan 发表于 2015-6-18 17:50 static/image/common/back.gif


风云不变 发表于 2015-6-19 11:36:33

4realms 发表于 2015-6-18 17:52 static/image/common/back.gif
麻烦老兄特意找了, 多谢啊




LUOXIONGWEI 发表于 2015-6-19 15:43:15


风云不变 发表于 2015-6-19 17:51:14

LUOXIONGWEI 发表于 2015-6-19 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif


zhuangzhong 发表于 2015-6-20 11:07:58

看了您的帖子 实在是学习了 我也喜欢大声场非常赞同您对MBL葫芦箱子的认同我就是喜欢那种
感觉那个人就在前面台子上唱歌的感觉, 所以可能年底就会收个MBL120或者126这样的小葫芦玩一下
适合听大场面大声场音乐么??还有天龙SA1看有人出二手100v 这个东西是不是不能要了?
其实最多考虑还是二嫂,看到他家入门的 SZ-1 (好像用的是VRDS转盘吧,二手15000),以及那个SA-60(用的VOSP转盘二手15000价格)
女声我不太听金嗓子510估计不适合我。别人还有人建议了ARC 3或者5 ,怀念就贵了一些了超过2万挺多,二手的话CARY KRELL 马克敢选择么?
还有就是买个日系二手几千的转盘搭配wadia X-64.4的解码这么玩?效果会好过CX7么?毕竟是旗舰解码了,柏林之声992这样的老货还敢接不?

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-20 12:26:56

zhuangzhong 发表于 2015-6-20 11:07 static/image/common/back.gif
看了您的帖子 实在是学习了 我也喜欢大声场非常赞同您对MBL葫芦箱子的认同我就是喜欢那种
感觉那个人就在前 ...


zhuangzhong 发表于 2015-6-20 12:46:40

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-20 12:26 static/image/common/back.gif
建议艺雅7emp,长处就是大 ...

但是我看SZ-1就是用的他家VRDS的转盘啊, SA60就低一点了 用的VOSP,这么说来 也就艺雅最合适我对吧 谢谢了 升级了CD 年底再搞个小葫芦, 真是中毒葫芦啊,感觉你面前就是舞台那种!

zhuangzhong 发表于 2015-6-20 12:52:45

对了 还有 ,KRELL 280300 还有 怀念的6 、8 啊 这些是不是太老了 不宜接手呢?对了 还有ARC 2、3、5 这三个估计二手也可以看看

风云不变 发表于 2015-6-20 13:08:07

zhuangzhong 发表于 2015-6-20 12:52 static/image/common/back.gif
对了 还有 ,KRELL 280300 还有 怀念的6 、8 啊 这些是不是太老了 不宜接手呢?对了 还有ARC 2、3、5 这三 ...
ARC cd5,音乐之旅 1up,机龄三年以内,18000左右也可以考虑,具体选择依照后端而定
krell wadia 太老了,容易坏
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