发表于 2009-4-7 14:18:03
我之前也贴过了,所谓方波是由无数的谐振波构成的(亦即是说依赖于很高的工作频率:A simple square wave at 10 kHz is actually "seen" by the capacitance and inductance of the network as a series of multiple sine-wave frequencies which extend into the hundreds of kHz at significant amplitudes. What we receive at the other end of a long 2-conductor network won't look like a clean square wave anymore, even under the best of conditions!
当然一方面会有jitter,另一方面也会有干扰和数字本身的失真的可能性,但是由于数字系统的抗干扰性能极强,误码率非常的低。但是,时间误差就比较难恢复了。 |