发表于 2012-1-11 15:14:33
Very briefly I want to clarify a few things:
My home rig is the MSB Platinum DAC iii and the amps I use are the TTVJ Millett 307a as well as the Larocca PRII MKii. I've had the fortune of also auditioning most of these headphones on the Apex Pinnacle and Ray Samuels Audio B52 in my home. I am presently looking to get a second main amplifier to complement the 307a so some of my reviews will be edited at a later date I'm sure. I will update the Wiki as my experience and equipment changes.
For IEMs I mainly use the iPod or the Ray Samuels Audio Hornet, SR71a (which I just sold), Larocco PRii, Ray Samuels Audio Tomahawk, the Meier Corda Move and the Headroom Total Bithead. And I use them mainly with an iPod 5G :-)
All headphones are in stock configuration unless otherwise specified.
By "Uses" I am referring to which genre I listen to with the headphone as I think that is a key aspect of viewing a headphone. I break the genres down into percentages which I just roughly estimate based on my personal listening experience.
My references to packaging have to do with a case that comes with the headphone and sometimes accessories, not the actual cardboard box that most headphones are "packaged" in. |