amex 发表于 2019-9-1 18:45:00


4979886 发表于 2019-9-1 19:14:28

小白 发表于 2019-9-1 18:42
提一下,如果愿意交钱的话,中科院计量所也是有条件测试这些时钟的。它测试后是可以出具报告的。就国内范围 ...


小白 发表于 2019-9-1 19:48:43

4979886 发表于 2019-9-1 19:14


4979886 发表于 2019-9-1 21:25:20

小白 发表于 2019-9-1 19:48
如果是我请测试仪器代理商朋友私下测一下,不用花钱就可以测,结果公布。如果要权威的中科院计量所报告, ...


Caballer 发表于 2019-9-1 22:18:52


小白 发表于 2019-9-2 10:41:20

4979886 发表于 2019-9-1 21:25


4979886 发表于 2019-9-2 11:22:38

小白 发表于 2019-9-2 10:41


zhouquan198166 发表于 2019-9-2 13:03:24

作为Mutec Ref10的用户,为这贴加一把火。



所以我贴一下MUTEC官方回复的邮件内容供大家参考,在此不翻译了, 有英语好的朋友代翻一下吧。

Dear Zhou Quan!
(I am sorry I don’t know which one is your first name?)

Thank you for your email and the link to the forum discussion. Something like that is at any time very interesting for us, of course, even if the content is problematic, like here. My first question is, are you the customer of the REF 10 which was measured here? Or is that the REF 10 of the guy who opened the thread in the forum?
I am sorry, but I am not able to read in Chinese language, thus I needed to use Google Translate to read the statements and I think that the translation is not the best one. I hope that I got the content correctly.

First off, the pictures shown in the thread of the different OCXOs were published by the author months ago to try to denunciate us and to present us as liar. Fact is, that the picture showing the larger OCXO shows a pre-production model. The smaller OCXO is the one we are selling. Anyway, both OCXOs are of same quality and manufactured in Germany, there are no differences. Thus, all speculations in regards of cost savings which lead to worse clock performance are lie!

As far as I understand the author has measured only the Grimm clock and the REF 10, all other plots shown are of other manufacturers or taken out of the web. The question is why did he not try to get the other clock products as well for his own (!) measurements? Why he is trusting the other manufacturer’s measurements, but our measurement is denunciated as lie? Why he is thinking that his way to measure is the only one right and not this one of a renowned manufacturer? At no point he is doubting at his measurements, but ours are the only wrong ones?

Secondly, when measuring a product like the REF 10 with a system like the presented Symmetricom 5115A, which is a bit dated because six years ago already the manufacturer was acquired by Microsemi, you definitely need a clock reference. That means a clock reference which is much better as the clock to be measured. That is ESSENTIAL because the 5115A has got no internal clock reference, as far as I know. Furthermore, the internal architecture of the 5115A is quite noisy, we would say too noisy to measure the REF 10 correctly, no matter how good the externally connected clock reference is. With a good clock reference you just about can measure the phase noise at 1 Hz, but already at 10 Hz the hardware noise floor is reached with the measurement system in use.

Nevertheless my question again, which clock reference was used – can you provide this answer? We could nothing find about that in the thread. The Symmetricom can only measure as good as the supplied clock reference is. I am sorry to say that, but it seems to us that here a clock reference was used which is of lower clock performance as the REF 10.

For your information, our oscillator manufacturer is measuring oscillators with various Noise XT systems, the REF 10 developer is measuring with a large Holzworth system and others as well. These are the most professional phase noise measurement systems, you are free compare those against the Symmetricom, if you would like.

All in all, the content of this discussion is very confusing in most parts and we think that many participants do not agree with the author. He also mired himself in contradiction what is not really trustful. But as said above, I am not sure whether the translator did a good job, or not. It may be that we can’t follow this discussion 100%ly. Thus, I will stop at this point with further impressions we have about that all.

4realms 发表于 2019-9-2 13:10:57

:lol 旧时代的软文带着单反图, 新时代的带着表格图.

Flysoftter 发表于 2019-9-2 13:43:05


小白 发表于 2019-9-2 13:48:51

Flysoftter 发表于 2019-9-2 13:43


4979886 发表于 2019-9-2 13:56:41


13hades 发表于 2019-9-2 18:10:36

本帖最后由 13hades 于 2019-9-2 18:16 编辑

      时钟已经打包寄给白版了,关于这个钟有几个小tips我给大家分享一下 这个钟后面有两个小开关,一个是时钟信号强度的档位分为High和Low,我基本也没啥脑放金额闲情逸致去对比两个档位的声音差距,平时使用的话都是用High档,另一个小开关是根据音源的BNC接口类型可以调整时钟信号阻抗为75Ω或者50Ω,这个功能很实用,很适合我这种强迫症用来匹配BNC线和音源的阻抗。

leter15 发表于 2019-9-2 21:50:43

zhouquan198166 发表于 2019-9-2 13:03
作为Mutec Ref10的用户,为这贴加一把火。

看到楼主的测试后,我发了一份邮件给Mutec,把测试结果告知他 ...


zxathlon 发表于 2019-9-3 08:06:36

horae最好也测一下吧 最好一样是中立用家的 厂商提供的“甄选”个体不做数
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