nvidiadriver 发表于 2017-12-14 21:32:59

yuotube 发表于 2017-12-14 09:20
有大烧透露,银彩双皇冠在高端HIFI圈子里,线只能算是“入门”,比较全面,没有明显缺陷,但也不不见得多高 ...



Evangelion 发表于 2017-12-14 22:44:26

yuotube 发表于 2017-12-14 21:20
有大烧透露,银彩双皇冠在高端HIFI圈子里,线只能算是“入门”,比较全面,没有明显缺陷,但也不不见得多高 ...


黛眉如花 发表于 2017-12-14 23:11:58

kyokyo 发表于 2017-12-14 23:48:44




At Siltech, we strive for ultimate audio quality, so we evaluate our products in extensive listening tests. But before that, much research, prototyping, designing and measuring is undertaken. Cable research is a costly though exciting endeavour, like the exploration of the Earth was in the 15th century. And there is always the risk of misinterpreting your findings or being led in the wrong way. Columbus called the Native Americans ‘Indians’, for he thought he had landed in India. It proves the importance of checking and double-checking, using the most advanced measuring equipment and the latest insight. If Columbus had a sextant or, even better, a GPS, he would never have made that mistake. We at Siltech believe that making a high-end cable is based on a lot of science, craftsmanship, some exploration, a little improvisation and, of course, a bit of luck as the icing on the cake. And where the latter factors are not easily controlled, all the other factors are: speed, jitter, distortion, magnetic field, noise, microphony, dynamics, micro signal handling and so on. As most of these parameters can be measured objectively, provided you invest in the latest test equipment, we believe we are able to make reasonable objective judgments on cables. As a result, there is a very strong family resemblance through the whole line of Siltech cables. The more costly Siltech cables are indeed better in all mentioned key parameters as a result of more expensive materials and manufacturing.

Cable technology has come to the 21st century and yes, we at Siltech do not use a sextant, but we do use GPS (in our cars that is). When we explore cable technology, we use even more advanced equipment. This gives us the opportunity to approach cable technology as science rather than alchemy.

说用了各种技术,用了各种牛逼设备,涉及 “speed, jitter, distortion, magnetic field, noise, microphony, dynamics, micro signal handling”。。。就这么牛逼的各种领域,厂家硬是没什么专利。

其他一些有名的小公司,还是有些专利的。 比如passlabs, 著名的goldmund, Weiss, Graham Slee 等,对了,连加奈美, mogami 都有些专利。


may2567 发表于 2017-12-15 09:51:32


chaisan 发表于 2017-12-15 10:08:49

本帖最后由 chaisan 于 2017-12-15 10:40 编辑

may2567 发表于 2017-12-15 09:51
仅从成本上考虑,银彩双皇冠1.5米这种水准的线基材,从diy零售市场如果能买到的话,估计成本都要两万了。那 ...
双皇冠和三皇冠的利润率不高的,银彩老板自己这么“宣传”。一般高端型号都是跑个sales revenue。


天将明 发表于 2017-12-15 10:34:43

chaisan 发表于 2017-12-14 21:08
双皇冠和三皇冠的利润率不高的,银彩老板自己这么“宣传”。一般高端型号都是跑个sales revenue。

我 ...



daniel_梵歌 发表于 2017-12-15 10:57:01

天将明 发表于 2017-12-15 10:34
忽然想起来,线世界白金电源线的介绍里说用了20根3平方毫米的银线,我算了一下,那一米五的线里光银就用 ...


kyokyo 发表于 2017-12-15 12:02:21



yj2041 发表于 2017-12-15 12:08:34


robinhook 发表于 2017-12-15 13:53:18

本帖最后由 robinhook 于 2017-12-15 13:56 编辑


突然发现Headfi的搜索结果有误。Siltech全文搜索461条并不是Headfi全部历史的结果。这个搜索结果默认一次显示最近500条内的结果,若要搜更早的,需要点击页面右侧的“search after”。这样全部搜下去,总数应当是1067。之前没有注意,特此勘误。

1. 俱乐部和HF的总规模比值并不是1:5,更精确的数据统计我已经做好,按所有器材子论坛的回帖数统计,两者的总规模比值是1:3.6。
2. 以俱乐部搜得的贴数推测全文搜索的结果数取1:10也太粗略了。在没有更好的数据时,以俱乐部器材论坛的回帖/主题数,也就是回帖率为准比较有说服力。而这个估计是可以用HF的数据验证的(全文搜索结果/主题搜索结果约等于回帖率)。这个数值应当取19.4。



may2567 发表于 2017-12-15 14:12:58

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