雪风 发表于 2017-1-13 11:06:10

Hugo 2初听感,刚在Headfi上扒下来的。。。

本帖最后由 雪风 于 2017-1-13 11:46 编辑


Well I was at CES last Friday and first stop was Chord's show room.I have both the Mojo and Hugo for awhile now so I am familiar with the Hugo sound.The Hugo 2 that I listened to was connected to a AK380. I have my WM1Z with me and was able to locate a few similar songs on both systems. I used my own Vega to listen to both. I listened for about half an hour and switching back and forth between similar passages to make sure I can compare the sound accurately to my auditory memory of the other system.Right out the gate I was very surprised by the sound signature because it is quite different from Hugo.The sound signature of the Hugo 2 is much warmer with more body which Rob confirmed that is the case from conversation afterwards.Then I listened to my WM1Z with the same songs (Michael Jackson's Billy Jean, Nora Jones' Come away with me etc) seems like everyone has those same songs for demo.I was very surprised that the Hugo 2 has a very similar sound q as my 1Z, warm and lush. From my conversation with Rob afterward, he seems to think that the Hugo 2 has more resolution. But being in a show condition, I do not want to render any judgement prematurely.But I walked away feeling like the two are very similar.

上周五我去了CES,第一站就是CHORD的展间。Mojo跟Hugo我都已经听过一段时间了,所以对Hugo的声音还是有数的。试听时用AK380光纤输出给Hugo2。当时我还带了sony WM1Z,在两部机器里找了些相似的曲目以作对比。用到的塞子是campfire audio的Vega(钻石振膜,液态金属外壳,我X宝卖9900)。前后听了半小时,在两部机器上相同的乐段间来回切换,以准确比较其声音的异同。刚一开声我就大为惊讶,因为Hugo2的声音与Hugo大不一样:Hugo2要温暖得多,且更为丰满。在其后与Rob的交流中他也确认了这点。接着我用WM1Z听了相同的几首歌(Michael Jackson的Billy Jean, Nora Jones的Come away with me等等),并再次大为惊讶地发现WM1Z与Hugo2的音质非常接近。声音温暖,且丰满。(此处的“温暖、丰满”应该说得是从耳塞里出来的最终效果。Vega这塞子,据某期Headfi视频介绍,低频量感不是一般的大。。。)据之后与Rob的交谈,他认为Hugo2的解析还是要更好些的。当然,这仅是展会环境下的听感,我不想过早地下什么结论。不过我还是觉得,hugo2跟WM1Z的声音是非常相似的。

雪风 发表于 2017-1-13 11:12:47

chenbincyber 发表于 2017-1-13 11:08
HUGO 2 肯定比 HUGO 1 声音有提高的


小白 发表于 2017-1-13 11:16:27


4realms 发表于 2017-1-13 11:20:51

温暖, 感觉要完了

大肠见参 发表于 2017-1-13 11:21:42


KFQ119 发表于 2017-1-13 11:25:19


发烧的血液 发表于 2017-1-13 11:32:05

本帖最后由 发烧的血液 于 2017-1-13 11:44 编辑

小白 发表于 2017-1-13 11:16
乍听,会觉得比较素相对于之前大法的随身听,但是过了几首歌会觉得声音华丽得不得了比如歌剧这种。 应该是白版说的像某些高端器材还原出了音轨的本色,而不是加入很多的染色。。

asakiota 发表于 2017-1-13 11:33:42

本帖最后由 asakiota 于 2017-1-13 11:35 编辑

WM1Z以及Walkman全系列在headfi相比国内没有那么被看不起 哈哈
Rob Watts要哭晕在厕所

发烧的血液 发表于 2017-1-13 11:37:52

asakiota 发表于 2017-1-13 11:33
WM1Z以及Walkman全系列在headfi相比国内没有那么被看不起 哈哈
之前在讨论串还有人为了换WM1A而卖掉Hugo的 ...

czy6412 发表于 2017-1-13 12:50:41


tom133 发表于 2017-1-13 12:53:20


wbjia 发表于 2017-1-13 13:12:01


wbjia 发表于 2017-1-13 13:27:05


baibo8855 发表于 2017-1-13 14:24:49

小白 发表于 2017-1-13 11:16

试听过金砖+Z1R的组合。。。觉得挺温暖的 哈哈 可能我错把封闭耳机的低音当成温暖了吧。。

x-w 发表于 2017-1-13 14:46:27

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