恰空zzz 发表于 2016-4-1 22:38:39


tomking319 发表于 2016-4-1 22:46:39


yamuling 发表于 2016-4-1 23:45:34

tomking319 发表于 2016-4-1 22:46


amex 发表于 2016-4-2 10:38:30

bthans 发表于 2016-4-1 14:31
支持楼主尝鲜,支持楼主分享^_^ 发烧友不发烧还能叫发烧友吗~支持折腾,这才有乐趣~

虽然DAVE没听过,不 ...

yamuling 发表于 2016-4-2 11:20:06

本帖最后由 yamuling 于 2016-4-2 11:24 编辑


yamuling 发表于 2016-4-2 11:28:01

tomking319 发表于 2016-4-1 22:46


小白 发表于 2016-4-2 11:28:17

amex 发表于 2016-4-2 10:38


royal 发表于 2016-4-2 13:11:00

小白 发表于 2016-4-2 11:54


Zickson 发表于 2016-4-6 02:22:54

shandra 发表于 2016-3-31 07:10


Astralark 发表于 2016-6-27 11:02:20

点评了这帖子一圈,怎么就不说 Pavane ?以为看 Pavane 又看了这帖子一遍,当是看 Dave 时候也看了一遍,发现之前看的全忘了

vaizardarmy 发表于 2016-6-27 13:08:56

Pavane我有 在我系统里我只能说有3万的水平 声底是暖暖的 个人评价比较收敛 对线很敏感 对电脑和操作系统也很敏感 现在试过的最好听的是linux 失真低 细节足 我的标准是接近黑胶 折腾的有限 我也没听过更贵价的机器 朋友全当参考吧

vaizardarmy 发表于 2016-6-27 13:15:07

补一个 我有的另外一台解码器食symphony io 曾经有过Lyra pwd, 蹭听过ygg, 参考symphony,pavane声底更暖更厚, symphony声音很现代, pavane想对模拟, 分量感重, 细节无疑是更多的, 我喜欢他的乐感, 但是动态向对symphony小,symphony的动态我比喻为凌厉的山峰和峡谷,pavane的我比喻为大海的海浪咆哮.

Astralark 发表于 2016-6-27 14:52:37

vaizardarmy 发表于 2016-6-27 13:15
补一个 我有的另外一台解码器食symphony io 曾经有过Lyra pwd, 蹭听过ygg, 参考symphony,pavane声底更暖更 ...

正好刚看了 Headfi 评论,Pavane 比 Ygg 好是完全肯定的,无论是乐感还是基础素质的提升

Astralark 发表于 2016-6-27 14:53:56

vaizardarmy 发表于 2016-6-27 13:15
补一个 我有的另外一台解码器食symphony io 曾经有过Lyra pwd, 蹭听过ygg, 参考symphony,pavane声底更暖更 ...

Headfi 用户 Ross :

As alluded to above, I have just come back from the hi fi store with a Metrum Pavane. I went to listen to the Yggdrasil and the Pavane, and also took my Hegel HD25 as a reference.

I was expecting the differences to be subtle, the Yggdrasil to be better than the Hegel, and the Pavane to be marginally better than the Yggdrasil. With that expectation, I fully expected to come home with the Yggdrasil. As it turned out, the differences were substantial, and the Pavane was clearly better than either. However, the Hegel was also clearly better than the Yggdrasil. That is, unless you like a screechingly bright, bleached and hyper-detailed sound.

I listened on a familiar system at the hi fi store: all dacs playing from the optical output of an Astell & Kern player (their Auralic Aries was not working properly) into an Auralic Taurus, and then HD800S headphones. As I happen to own a pair of HD800s and an Auralic Taurus, I felt right at home.

First, a few words about the Hegel HD25. This has received some stellar reviews, but generally flies under the radar. It does not have the profile of something like the Chord Hugo or the Yggdrasil. Possibly because it is a plain looking unit, with no fancy FGPA or R2R technology. Just an off-the-rack AKM dac chip, well implemented output stage and well-designed power supply. But it should be better known, because it is outstanding. In the last couple of years I have owned the Chord Hugo, Meitner MA1, Chord QBD76HD, Auralic Vega, Bel Canto DAC 3.5 and a number of others. I prefer the Hegel HD25 to all of these DACs, many of them much more expensive. The other DACs may have been more detailed (in some cases), had blacker backgrounds, or been better in some specific "hi fi" criteria. But the Hegel just gets out of the way and plays music in a very self-effacing way. It is colourful, dynamic and rich sounding, with excellent levels of details. But it does not sound dry, bright, etched, lacking dynamics or have any of the other faults which ultimately led me to sell the other dacs. It just does everything right, and nothing wrong.

The Yggdrasil has of course received fantastic reviews. From the couple of hours I spent listening to a well run-in demo unit today, the reviews are not (IMO) justified. It was certainly very detailed. But it sounded bright, tonally bleached, with voices in particular sounding recessed. It lacked musical engagement. I did not enjoy listening to it.

By contrast, the Metrum Pavane was darker sounding, a shade or two warmer than neutral. But it has rich tonal colours, deep bass, and all the detail without sounding etched or analytical. The thing I find most impressive is the richness and naturalness of the music. Voices and instruments have real presence, notes are full bodied, with density and texture. It may be the most natural sounding DAC I have heard.

And the Hegel HD25? It comes surprisingly close. It was clearly better than the Yggdrasil, to my ears. It sounded richer and more colourful, with as much detail, but was also more engaging. But even the HD25 lacked that last bit of tonal depth and fullness of sound that the Pavane has. These differences are not subtle at all. To my ears, the Pavane was substantially better than the Yggdrasil, and enough of an improvement on the HD25 that I felt compelled to take out my wallet and bring it home.

Astralark 发表于 2016-6-27 14:54:45

本帖最后由 Astralark 于 2016-6-27 15:34 编辑

比较有意思的这个 Hegel 黑狗是什么鬼,比 Chord Hugo, Meitner MA1, Chord QBD76HD, Auralic Vega, Bel Canto DAC 3.5 等都好 / 更有意思的是,有人选了 Master 7 比 Hex, 结果一堆人说换得好,因吹丝挺
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查看完整版本: 该如何选择?DAVE,C1 OR PAVANE
