mifeng 发表于 2011-12-3 16:42:26


wujiapeng 发表于 2011-12-3 19:05:24

LCD最好用的是用胆机。特别像181这样的更不适合。平衡181是玩 好 800和T1最廉价的选择。

mifeng 发表于 2011-12-3 22:39:48


smilence 发表于 2011-12-3 22:41:57


苏苏 发表于 2011-12-3 23:18:50

:lol 想听耶

bydrizzen 发表于 2011-12-4 00:42:05

原帖由 mifeng 于 2011-12-3 22:39 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif这么厚声了,还用胆机?:L 蛋鸡跟厚声有必然联系么?架构啊变压器啊管子啊才是决定性的

wl336 发表于 2011-12-4 00:57:45

嘛。。。因为lcd3要电流嘛。。。所以这种靠op+buff “糊弄”的是不行的:loveliness:

bydrizzen 发表于 2011-12-4 01:36:05

原帖由 wl336 于 2011-12-4 00:57 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif嘛。。。因为lcd3要电流嘛。。。所以这种靠op+buff “糊弄”的是不行的:loveliness:


mifeng 发表于 2011-12-4 08:07:34

原帖由 bydrizzen 于 2011-12-4 00:42 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif



mifeng 发表于 2011-12-4 08:08:42

原帖由 wl336 于 2011-12-4 00:57 发表 http://bbs.headphoneclub.com/images/common/back.gif
嘛。。。因为lcd3要电流嘛。。。所以这种靠op+buff “糊弄”的是不行的:loveliness:


除了liquid fire一类没有其他选择?

wl336 发表于 2011-12-4 08:59:50

回复 190# 的帖子



江苏狗狗 发表于 2011-12-4 09:02:48

smilence 发表于 2011-12-4 12:05:53


Fried's Response:

I know about the issues that some people (namely XXXXXXX) have against "cheep" op-amps. In my opinion (and I posted it somewhere here on head-fi) there are several good reasons to go for dedicated or specialized op-amps when the topology of the circuit is demanding it.

Also (my opinion) there are only a few reasons to go for discrete op-amps as these are build with the same
circuitry that can be found in the integrated ones. But they will have temperature and/or aging problems in the long run.

All the op-amps we are using are situated in sockets so they may easily be rolled if someone is expecting advantages.
Nobody did until now !! Or he didn't posted it.

Unfortunately most "sophisticated" op-amps ask for a minimum of gain to run stable and without hazardous oscillation.
Most of the op-amps in our circuitry are designed for impedance matching. Some even perform reciprocal gain e.g. when Pre-Gain is set to -4 dB this means a voltage loss of -12 dB (a fourth) over the complete amp. This can't be done with most "sophisticated" op-amps !

Our overall gain in our amps is very low to achieve a black background which is often very positively noticed by our customers. It is much harder to design an amp with low gain compared to one with high gain. Because the lower the gain the more the chance for oscillation and vice versa. And I don't know if you will find any other amp with reciprocal gain in the market.

smilence 发表于 2011-12-4 12:07:40

这是一家同时经销Burson HA160和Violectric V181的代理的个人意见,认为burson是吹出来的东西(虽然这个似乎本坛都已经公认了)

I've also been researching researching the Violectric v181 vs Burson HA-160 and so I emailed Robert of "http://aphroditecu29.com/" since I saw that he sells both these models. This is the reply I got:


The Violectric V181 and V200 are far superior amplifiers. I personally prefer the V200. It performs as good or better than units costing 3 times it's asking price. The best amp at any price=) Yes, the V181 sounds excellent in balanced mode, but when listening SE it only has half the specs or power. Because you are then only using 2 of the 4 amplifiers. Unless you are really dedicated to terminating your entire headphone collection to 4 pin xlrs, the V200 is the way to go.

The Burson is highly overrated. Where the V200 easily outperforms it's asking price, I don't feel the Burson lives up to it's asking price. The reason why there are so many positive reviews, is because one of the dealers in the USA was offering a $30 discount on the amp if the customer wrote a review of the amp. So needles to say, most of what you read about it is unreliable. I do realize that on paper the Burson looks really good, but in reality it doesn't sound very good.

myzcj 发表于 2011-12-6 20:45:58

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查看完整版本: 新店新试听(三):德国Violectric V181耳机放大器
