卡卡DD 发表于 2007-7-30 09:51:39

要是找个好点的工作 1个月扣掉税,拿2000左右的也是不难的
要是国内的工资也这样,而不是1天干12+小时 才800块RBM

musictigerhan 发表于 2007-7-30 09:59:04

原帖由 小白 于 2007-7-30 09:46 发表

我们正在谈另一家欧美耳放的代理引进. 它很可能是比SOLO更"完美"的一个产品. 不过价格翻番了都不止. 等样机到了,我们再搞聚会!

又有好东西... 盼望...

zke 发表于 2007-7-30 09:59:29

原帖由 小白 于 2007-7-30 09:50 发表
看了楼上的观点,我蛮想做一件事: 借一台,或者借不到,我买一台小不点2号,下次聚会时拿出来给耳机俱乐部的耳烧们品评一下. 看看到底是否需要数据,才能证明一台耳放的素质高下,是否劣化音质. 大家看呢?


:lol :lol

小白 发表于 2007-7-30 10:00:58

原帖由 zke 于 2007-7-30 09:59 发表



:lol :lol

不是和任何机器比,就是单独听. 会考虑到价位.

zke 发表于 2007-7-30 10:04:28

原帖由 小白 于 2007-7-30 10:00 发表

不是和任何机器比,就是单独听. 会考虑到价位.




:lol :lol

[ 本帖最后由 zke 于 2007-7-30 10:07 编辑 ]

zke 发表于 2007-7-30 10:10:01


zke 发表于 2007-7-30 10:12:14


ykpcy 发表于 2007-7-30 10:31:02

nadesicozhao 发表于 2007-7-30 10:31:44

结果让我大失所望,隔壁某些神人强力推荐的东西就这素质?和solo比差距明显,耳机适应面也很窄,送给我也不要的:Q :Q

rockage 发表于 2007-7-30 11:33:29



Little Dot LD2 Review
翻译: nick_zong

Here is the capsule review upfront so there is no need to search for the conclusion nor wade through my bloviating:

本篇评测比较简短, 没有长篇大论, 所以各位不必急于看结论.

Treble 4.5 of 5 stars
Shimmering cymbals with very musical decay

高频: 4.5分(总分5分)
高音算是清脆, 虽然总体偏暗但音乐感好

Midrange 4 of 5
Lush and life like, but lacking the last bit of detail of the very best tube amps

中频: 4分(总分5分)
量感足且真实, 但与其它高端耳放相比则细节稍逊一筹

Bass 4 of 5
Full with great impact. Not as tightly detailed and lacking the pitch and speed of the best.

低频: 4分(总分5分)
低音量足. 同样与高端耳放比在控制力, 细节,速度,定位方面稍逊

Imaging 4 of 5
Great soundstage but does not have the pinpoint precision of the best solid state designs

音场: 4分(总分5分)
音场宽阔, 但缺少高档晶体管耳放的精确定位

Dynamic range 4.5 of 5
A strength of this design. If you are used to similarly priced opamp units in this price range you will be pleasantly surprised by the improvement.

动态: 4.5分(总分5分)
这是此机的强项. 在习惯了同价位机器的同价位运放出来声音后, 小不点II在动态上的提升会带给你惊喜


I am not a newbie and have waited to write this review to be sure of my thoughts and avoid the over excitement and self-congratulations associated with a new purchase decision.

首先我不是新人, 并且为了不让自己受到新购入器材的兴奋所影响, 我特意等上一段时间来细细品味小不点II的声音再提笔成文.

I have been frustrated with headphone and headphone amplifiers since my initial infatuation with Stax SRX and SRD-7 in 1977. I have had many satisfying speakers (Dahlquist DQ-10 to my current JM Labs Cobalt 820) and amps (Ampzilla to the current Cayin TA-30/Prima Luna tube amp), but never had headphones sound close to live music.

我曾在1977年疯狂迷恋Stax静电套装(SRX耳机+SRD-7耳放), 此后对其他接触到的耳机和耳放只有失望. 我有不少满意的音箱(从Dahlguist DQ-10到现用的JM Labs Cobalt 820)和功放(从Ampzilla到现用的Cayin TA-30/ Prima Luna胆机), 但却从没拥有过声音接近现场的耳机.

Recently I have found renewed interest in the Senn 580 and 650 when used with proper amplification. I went through a series of opamp based amps including several CMOY’s, Pimeta, PPA, and M3, of which the M3 was the best with the best bass. The Senn 650’s scaled well and sounded better with each improvement in amplification, which speaks very highly of the Senn’s resolving power.

最近对于配备合适耳放下的森海580和650很感兴趣. 我听了一系列的运放式耳放,包括CMOY, Pimeta, PPA和M3, 其中M3最佳因为低音最好. 森海650整体平衡, 并且声音随耳放的升级而提升. 这也很好说明了650的解析力很强.

An opinion often repeated with the Senn’s is that they are dark with somewhat loose bass. To offset this, many choose a solid state amp such as the Gilmore Lite, which is fast, changes the darkness of the Senn’s to light and grips the bass with nice control. I found the Gilmore (with the Elpac) clean sounding but lacking full bass and dynamic range.

提到森海很多人就说低音肥大. 为了弥补这点很多人会选择晶体管耳放,如Gilmore Lite, 取此机的速度快来改变偏暗的低音, 削弱量感同时提供良好的控制力. 我认为Gilmore(用Elpac管)声音清晰但低音不够丰满且动态范围略窄.



I believe the latest generation of Chinese tube amps offers unsurpassed quality and performance at a bargain price. It is hard for anyone to compete with 35 cent an hour labor. As one example I look to my own speaker amp, the Cayin TA-30 which is very similar to the Prima Luna 2. Superb build quality and workmanship, point to point wiring, and sound that exceeds expectations at its price point. I got mine for $500 and found it compared to tube integrated amps around $2500. I would compare the Little Dot 2 to other tube headphone amps in the $300-$400 range in sound (but not build) quality.

我认为中国生产的最新一代的胆耳放具有不可超越的品质表现且价格低廉. 毕竟35美分/小时的劳动力成本太有竞争力了. 拿我的功放Cayin TA-30(与Prima Luna 2)举个例子. 做工精良, 点对点接线, 声音好过同价位机器. 我是500美元买入的, 但我认为声音值2500美元的合并式胆机. 我认为小不点II在声音达到了300-400美元的商品机水平(不比做工).

I have no problem at all with the fit, finish and parts quality of the LD2 regardless of price, and I am particular about my audio gear. When I opened it up I found the board to be of good sturdy quality as were the tube sockets. Some inexpensive tube amps (Bada and others) don’t even have sockets and actually solder the tubes presumably to save money (Gasp! It makes you wonder what other expenses were cut). The unit has an IEC adapter to allow for power cord upgrades, and a good quality power switch. The volume pot used was not an Alps Blue level of quality, but it did not have the cheap feel of other inexpensive units. The caps and components used are of medium quality, not too low, but no audiophile name brands. If you are looking for Solen, WIMA or Black Gates look elsewhere.

即使不考虑其低价我认为小不点II的做工和用料也完全过关.(我对听音设备是很挑剔的). 打开小不点II可以看到内壳及胆管插座都很结实. 有些低价胆机(Bada等)甚至没有胆管插座直接把管焊上去(天那! 让你担心还有其他什么地方省了钱.) 机内安有标准变压器, 可以升级电源线, 电源开关质量也不错. 音量控制钮虽然不是ALPS蓝色等级水准, 但看起来完全没有其它低价机器那样劣质的感觉. 机盖和其它组件品质属于中等水平, 不是大路货也没用名牌. 在这你是找不到Solen, WIMA和Black Gates这些品牌的.

The case is sturdy and made of metal. Perhaps there would be less ringing with a Bakelite or composite plastic case but the unit gets hot, and is not vented, so this is not an option. There are nice heavy-duty cardas style (not Cardas brand) RCA connectors on the rear. I think proper termination is critical for connecting the reproduction chain and this is a high point of the parts used for the LD2. They could have cut costs here.

金属机壳很是结实. 用酚醛塑料或复合塑料做外壳的话可能振铃效应要小, 但此机发热量奇大所以只能用金属外壳. 机后用的是与Cardas生产接头风格类似的RCA接头, 用料很不错. 个人认为输出端口部分是音响系统的关键. 这一点小不点II做得很好, 没有为了省钱而在这偷工减料.


The design of the LD 2 calls for two separate drive tubes and two power tubes. Other (high-end) tube headphone amps have two driver tubes but a common power tube for both left and right stereo output. I suffered with crosstalk problems for years with even the very expensive Revox A700 reel to reel tape recorder and would prefer to minimize any crosstalk concerns with a separate tube for each channel as with the LD2.

小不点II设计成左右声道各有一个控制管一个功率管输出. 这样一来就没有串音的烦恼了. 我个人为串音长久困扰, 包括我那台昂贵的Revox A700 卷带式磁带录音机. 因此小不点II的左右声道用独立管推动的方式正合我意.

One updated note regarding the relatively inexpensive tubes on the LD2. I have not found the 4P1S power tubes at any of the usual tube websites such as BOIAUDIOWORKS. The Little Dot distributor, David Pang, informs me that the Russian 4N1N are direct replacements for the 4P1S, although I have not tried this yet. Little Dot has upgraded the driver tubes from the 1B2 on older versions to the less microphonic 1K2. A direct replacement for the 1K2 is the 1T4. The good news is that you can order the OEM tubes from the Little Dot resellers for the comparatively bargain price total of $15 for all 4 tubes, so you may want to get a spare set when you order your amp.

此处是更新内容: 关于相对廉价的小不点II所用真空管.
在BOIAUDIOWORKS等大型真空管网站上我没发现有4P1S功率管. 小不点II的生产者David Yang杨师傅告诉我将用俄罗斯管4N1N代替现在的4P1S. 我还没试过这样换. 现在的小不点把控制管由1B2升级到功率更小的1K2管, 这个管可以直接换成1T4. 购买小不点的时候可以同时买进一套备用管, 4个管(代工生产的)只要15美元.


Audiophiles have known the synergy of tube preamps and high current solid state amps since the Absolute Sound touted the virtues of the tube Audio Research SP3a and Ampzilla in 1975. I like the advantage of tubes in the critical midrange and soundstage department, but with the grip and control of solid state in the bass. But even compared to the Feel HP100A 6922 tube hybrid amp, the Little Dot 2 performs quite well. The Little Dot 2 synergizes well with the Senn’s to present an open soundstage. I have heard the designer of the LD 2 likes Sennheisers. It is the lack of soundstage that has led me to dismiss countless headphone/amp combinations over the years. When compared to speakers, headphone sound simply did not come close to the image presented by stereo speakers. Tubes seem to have a distinct advantage over opamps in this difficult area. Many argue that this is a euphoric coloration that adds an element of distortion. This may be true, but the result with tubes sounds more like live music to me.

自从1975年The Absolute Sound杂志大力推崇Audio Research的胆机SP3a和Ampzilla以来, 音响爱好者都明白胆机前级+大电流晶体管后级的组合能出好声. 对这样的组合我喜欢胆机在中频和音场方面的优势, 再加上晶体管功放对低频的收紧及控制. 而小不点II的表现即使同Feel HP100A比较也可以称得上很好. 小不点II把森海推出了宽阔的音场. 我听说杨师傅本人就喜欢森海的耳机. 这么多年来正是不宽阔的音场让我不想玩耳机耳放的. 耳机的声音就是没有箱子那种画面感. 胆机似乎在这方面比石机优势明显. 很多人认为这是一种让声音好听的音染. 这种观点可能正确, 但我认为胆机的声音是更接近现场的.

With the new generation of Chinese tube headphone amps, I can now experiment with different amps such as the Ming Da 66 without breaking the bank. The Feel HP100A reminds me of the Stereophile recommended Melos SHA headphone amp which also uses the 6922 tubes although I do not have both on hand to compare.

有小不点II这个新一代的中国生产的胆机在手, 我可以实施我的换管试验(比如Ming Da 66)了, 并且不会破产. Feel HP100A提醒了我Stereophile杂志曾推荐过Melos SHA耳放, 它所用的正是6922管. 不过我手上没有,对比不了.

I find myself largely in compliance with pjr300’s detailed review:

我很是同意pjr300’s 对小不点的详细评测.


The Little Dot 2 sounds a bit more coherent across the frequency spectrum than the hybrid 6922 tube/mosfet amp. Treble is tilted up a bit which adds “light” to the Senns. The decay on cymbals is typical tube, which allows for proper sheen. If you are used to hearing truncated solid state note decay on cymbals on other treble sounds you will be surprised at all the analog sounding detail in your digital recordings through tubes. Midrange is lush and tube smooth (without losing too much detail) and has a wide soundstage. That soundstage is not as pinpoint as the opamp, solid state and mosfet amps but it is so open and musical it detracts very little from the listening experience. The bass is where the real surprise is: It is powerful and full unlike many of the opamp based headphone amps. The bass does not have the detail and pitch definition of other solid state amps, but it is close. The LD2 also has good bass impact and slam lacking on many opamp based amplifiers.

比起用6922管的胆石混合耳放来小不点II声音全频段更顺滑. 高频段的一丝提升让森海听起来更”轻盈”. 乐器钹的声音有胆机典型的修饰, 偏暗却更显得光辉四射. 如果习惯了石机那截去一段高频后的钹和其他乐器的声音之后再听小不点II, 你会惊讶于胆机将电子录音播出来的模拟味. 中频量感充足并具有胆机的顺滑(且不损失太多细节), 音场宽阔, 但定位不如运算放大器,固态放大器和半导体晶体管放大器, 这些放大器音场十分宽阔, 音乐感强, 增加了听音的愉悦感受. 小不点II最让人惊讶的是低音: 强劲有力, 与运算式耳放大不同, 很接近固态晶体管耳放的细节和解析. 小不点II低音氛围好, 这点优于运算放大器.

A negative of the LD2 is that it sounds congested during complex music passages when the amp is strained. I believe this may be, at least partly, due to a less than robust power supply. In my experience, there is no substitute for a big, beefy filtered power supply. This is one of the most expensive parts of an amplifier and you usually have to pay to have this done right. The WooAudio3 is better built and uses the good sounding and easy to find 6922 tubes. Little Dot has an upgraded LD3 plus with an isolated power supply with better parts, which I believe is the designer, Mr. Yang’s attempt to address this issue.

小不点II的劣势在于声音在播放大场面音乐时显得声音拥挤. 我认为这是(至少是部分原因)电源供力不足所致. 我的经验是, 耳放上大功率的优质电源是必备的. 这是耳放最费钱的部分之一, 但这钱你必须得花. WooAudio3做工更好并使用了声音更好也好找的6922管. 小不点系列的升级版小不点III+配备了用料更好的独立电源供应, 我认为设计者杨师傅正是为了解决这个问题.

I have read comments about the (high) noise floor of the LD2.I find the unit to be quiet compared with other tube amps with hardly a trace of hum with the Senn 650.You may need to take some care to keep the LD2 away from other power supplies or from stacking for the best performance depending on the shielding you have,or don’t have,on your other equipment.You can also purchase relatively (compared to 5-10 years ago) inexpensive power filters from companies like Monster that may help lower the noise.Despite the low cost tubes used,with the exception of microphonics (which can be ameliorated with tube dampers and isolation feet) I found very few typical tube artifacts with the LD2.

有人评论说小不点II底噪大,而我实际用森海650听不到一丝本底噪音.与其它胆机比较小不点II是十分”安静”的.你需要让小不点II远离其它电源干扰,不要和其他设备堆放在一起.你可以购买现价相对便宜的电源滤波器(比起5-10年前来说)如Monster怪兽公司生产的, 来进一步降低本底噪音.小不点所用的胆管虽然成本低并有麦克风效应(这点可以用胆管断音装置来改善),其他方面还算好.



My experience with the Little Dot representative,David Pang who sells on Ebay,was very positive.I have found not only a language barrier dealing with many other Chinese vendors,but cultural barriers as well.The combination has resulted in what translates into the appearance of cryptic and/or rude emails.This can make pre and post sales support unsettling to audiophiles if you are used to good customer service from superb companies such as Ultimate Ears (who have migrated from a pro audio customer base).Post sales service and support can be non-existent (i.e.you bought it,you own the problem and with no US service centers).David responded almost instantly to emails in detail and with precise technical information.After the sale he responded to a shipment problem and corrected it right away.He has been very helpful for after sale support as well.The Little Dot arrived to my door in great shape with custom foam packing 4 days after my order from China with tracking.

我与小不点的Ebay销售代表的购机经历十分愉快. 很多中国商人给我感觉不仅有语言障碍,同样有文化障碍. 这两方面障碍导致了难以看懂和用语欠文明的邮件的出现.对于习惯了顶级公司(如Ultimate Ears,现已拥有一批忠实专业用户)良好客户服务的音响爱好者来说,这无疑会导致售前售后十分混乱. 有时根本没有售后服务(比如说你花钱买的东西出问题了,但美国没有售后服务中心). 而David不是这样, 他立即回复我的咨询邮件, 并为我详细解释技术问题. 在付款后出现的速递问题他也是立即解决. 在售后服务方面他对我的帮助也很大. 最终带泡沫保护包装的小不点在我下单的四天后平安到达我手中.

The new version of the Little Dot 2 is version 4.Although they have not updated the model designation,this shows an ongoing attempt by a small manufacturer to improve a good simple design after the early cap improvements.If you have the unit with the 1K2 tubes you have the latest revision as of the day of this review.The newer revision can also be determined by finding a labeled jumper on the circuit board that allows you to use either the 1B2 or newer 1K2 tube.

最新的小不点II是第四代的. 虽然我没有拿到最新版, 但是这表明小不点作为一个小规模制造商对畅销产品所做的改进努力. 如果你买到的是1K2胆管版的小不点, 那你买到的是和我写这篇评测一样的版本. 新版小不点II在电路板上有一条带标记的跨接线, 是用来支持换1B2或1K2管的.



From another LD2 owner and headfi member who has owned a PPX and WooAudio3.I asked him to comment regarding the bass difference between these three tube amps:

Head-Fi上有另外一位拥有PPX和WooAudio3的小不点用家. 我向他咨询过这三台胆机低音上的不同

Wow! That's quite a nice,in depth review.I'd say you're pretty spot on with what you said.A couple of things that could be better:
Tube sockets seem low-moderate in quality
Potentiometer could use a step up
Knob is cheap in feel and materials
Paint on transformer box flakes easily

Wow! 你写的评测很有深度. 我得说你说话很到点子上. 我看小不点有以下方面需要改进:


Everything else,like the board quality and materials inside seem to be of decent quality.


Perhaps the maker has changed the formula since he built mine.The LDII I got was one of the first ones built,back before there was much of an interest from overseas buyers.The sound is definitely one of the warmest amps I've heard.I listen with HD650s and other various portable headphones before I go to sleep,like porta pros.I have heard the LDII has been voiced for Sennheisers.I'm surprised the new LDII has more upfront treble,it might be worth picking up a second one just to hear the differences.

可能我买了之后小不点改变了工艺. 我手上这台小不点是首批海外购机时生产的. 声音是我所听到耳放中最温暖的. 我用的是森海650, 睡前则听其他各种随身听耳机如高斯PP. 听说小不点II是为森海而调音的. 得知小不点II在高频上段有提升我很是惊讶, 为了听听这点不同再买一台小不点我都认为值得.

Bass on all the amps is decent,nothing as good as solid state,but decent.If I had to assign a number I guess this would be about right:

所有耳放上的低音都很好,虽然没固态放大器那么好,但算得上是好了. 如果要我排个名我会这样排:

tweaked Woo3-7   调过音的Woo3-7
PPX3 6SN7-6   PPX3 6SN7-6
LDII-5       小不点II第5代

End of other headfi member comments


My response:


I agree that the volume pot could benefit from an improvement.The knob is not the best but it is metal and has grooves for improved grip.If you get one of the metallic paints you will improve your chances against flaking.

我同意音量调节方面需要改进. 金属做的音量调节旋钮质量不算最好不过有凹槽增加摩擦力. 如果买到金属涂料的那脱漆问题也可以解决.

The original LD2 has been replaced and updated (4 revisions to date) and the sound has changed.I did not find my unit tended to be warm.

小不点II经过不断升级已经到第四代了, 声音也有很大变化. 我手上这台的声音不能说温暖.



As of 6/16/06 the new Little Dot 2 is being sold for $95 plus shipping on Ebay.The price of this amplifier is less than the price of replacement tubes for some other headphone amps resulting in the decision to try one being a no-brainer.Despite the low price,I consider the LD2 to have an audiophile level of sound in a modern headphone amp.The (low) price and (high) performance of the LD2 must be a nightmare for other headphone amp manufacturers in the $200-$300 range.The Millet hybrid has been around for some time as another low priced tube amp.But it is not a pure tube amp and costs around $250.The Xiang Sheng 708B sells for around $190.It has slightly better build quality and perhaps a bit better power supply.The 708B has some positive comments and I have one that I would like to review.I find it great fun to get 80-90% of the performance of high-end headphone amps for around one-third of the price with the LD2.If someone can tell me of a better deal for any home headphone amplifier I would like to hear about it.

2006年6月16日小不点II在Ebay上售价是95美元包邮. 这样的价格甚至低于一些其它耳放的备用管价格, 没有经济头脑的人才会去买那些耳放. 尽管价格低廉, 小不点II声音却达到了现有高品质耳放的水平. 对其它200-300美元价位的耳放制造商来说低价好声的小不点II必然是个恶梦. 另外一款低价胆机Millet也上市一段时间了, 但这款机器不是纯胆机并且卖250美元. XiangSheng708B售价是190美元, 做工稍好, 电源部分可能也更优. 708B得到了不少好评. 我有一台, 并且也准备写篇评测. 而我非常高兴我的小不点II用1/3的价格就达到了80-90%的High-End级别的声音. 当然要是有人有更超值的家用耳放推荐我也乐于知道.

zke 发表于 2007-7-30 11:35:23

原帖由 nadesicozhao 于 2007-7-30 10:31 发表
结果让我大失所望,隔壁某些神人强力推荐的东西就这素质?和solo比差距明显,耳机适应面也很窄,送给我也不要的:Q :Q
这位版大有些极端了...;P ;P

小白 发表于 2007-7-30 11:42:09

每个人都有发表自己对某一产品看法的权力. 老外这篇详细的评论,是他的看法. 认为小不点声音不好的,也是一个看法. 有观点的碰撞,才有真理. 前提是论坛允许观点的碰撞.


zke 发表于 2007-7-30 11:50:08

原帖由 小白 于 2007-7-30 11:42 发表



不要讲就不讲了嘛...;P ;P

zke 发表于 2007-7-30 11:59:04

原帖由 ykpcy 于 2007-7-30 10:31 发表

没有现场比试过,我不敢发表这样的言论,想当初,它也是我选择的对象之一,但是试过几个耳机搭配以后非常的失望,声音混浊,有很明显的中频隆起,曾经去过一家小不点的代理商处,老板跟我比较熟,我想试听小不 ...

讲话还是温和点好哈...:lol :lol

ykpcy 发表于 2007-7-30 12:03:46

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