发表于 2019-8-13 13:16:12
本帖最后由 xy1689 于 2019-8-13 13:17 编辑
xy1689 发表于 2019-8-13 13:03
288w @8欧,一直到两欧是翻倍的,到一欧可能就1200w了
The Devialet Expert 220 Pro amplifier
has complex output protection circuits
that pull power down after around
0.5 seconds. Within that time, tested
with 0.2 sec sine wave bursts, power
measured 144 Watts (34V) into 8 Ohms
and 290 Watts into 4 Ohms. Driven
continuously the figure fell to 72/144
Watts, due to protection, and the case
became hot. Into 6 Ohms, burst power
is 190 Watts, slightly below the 220W
figure quoted but not a consequential