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本帖最后由 for-dreams 于 2019-5-3 23:37 编辑
为 susvara 找一台还算可以的放相当吃力,查阅搬运了一些资料,国内的用户大概尝试过 欧博LXE,EC Studio 等,主要还是胆机为主,石机里 Formula S 据说也可以。在 head-fi 上搬运了许久,看到也有用湖人最新的 niimbus 来搭配的,摘了一二个不同帖子的原文如下:
I'm getting very good results with a DAVE/Niimbus/Susvara combination. It's very engaging and fine balance of liquidity, impact, bass quantity and quality, sweet non-fatiguing highs, and excellent detail and image placement. Textures are nice and plump. but it mainly shines with difficult loads - Susvara, Abyss, HE6, and even the less difficult to drive LCD-4. Despite its prowess, I still end up preferring the Niimbus with everything but the Abyss. The Susvara in particular has more cleanly rendered transients and superior low-level detail when driven by the German amp.
如果只看字面意思还相当不错,考虑到对胆机一堆管子实在无爱,如果这个石机在动态、层次、声场和细节都不差,只是和高端胆机比输在风格韵味上的话,是完全可以接受的。这里想请教一下试听过 niimbus 的玩家聊聊实际听感。谢谢!
在搜索 head-fi 时又发现一个巨物,masskobo 406,售价约 1.4W 美金。官网配图就搭配了 susvara。