本帖最后由 waversa 于 2020-9-18 00:16 编辑
Everything is designed and manufactured in-house:
Product Design, Hardware Design, Mechanical Drawing, Software Design, 3D Modeling and even including Remote Update Service.
WAP(Waversa Audio Processor) Information Protocol
Waversa Systems developed high-end audio processing technology for estimate original analog signal from digitized audio samples. Higher grade WAP processing level provide well made analog system sound with Red Book input audio standard.
WNDR(Waversa Network Direct Render) Audio Protocol Automatically discover and connect Waversa devices each other in the network and transmit and receive audio with low latency. Lower latency characteristics of WNDR achieve low noisy environment for audio streamming.
Linux System Customization Waversa Systems provide Linux customization for optimal high-end audio environment.
Custom USB 2.0 Audio Function Stack Implement ultra low power USB 2.0 Audio stack to achieve low noise effect to high-end audio system which support unlimited sample rate. Audio stream transmitted to audio processor/DAC without software intervention with ultra low power consumtion and guarentee high-speed async streamming.
Pure SPDIF Information Protocol
Implement custom ultra low jitter SPDIF receiver/transmitter IP suitable for high-end audio system. Generate perfectly synchronized SPDIF signal with main audio reference clocks.
Analog Compensation Biquad IIR filter IP Implement custom high reolution 32bit Biquad IIR filter for digitally compensate non-linearity of analog amplifier.
Multi-band Energy Transfer IP Transfer Multi-band Energy separately to output IV stage using multiple DA convertors. Extreme sound stage balance achieved by this unique technology.
Smart Battery Management Architecture
Smart Battery management for audio interface to prevent noise influences. WSmartHub, WCORE, WROUTER was built mainly based on the "Smart Battery Management Architecure".