发表于 2018-1-4 13:54:58
本帖最后由 kennygau 于 2018-1-4 14:47 编辑
只能說我個人挺滿意的。我不會形容,聽的器材也不夠多,大致上和之前的RAG比較,整體聲音都有增進(個人感覺),而且是HD800或是GS2000E都是如此。似乎他的一項功能 "M-LoVo" 能有效改進它的控制力,這個功能是由moon高階二聲道前級下放來的
4 stages of our M-LoVo (MOON Low Voltage) DC regulation circuit; a highly sophisticated circuit that is virtually free of noise, yielding an exceptionally fast, precise, and stable DC voltage. This circuit, found in the Evolution series 810LP Phono Preamplifier and 740P Preamplifier, results in a power supply with a virtually unmeasureable noise floor