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本帖最后由 liubaba123 于 2015-8-1 19:08 编辑
最近得到一块小玩意,名叫BYBEE(怎么读音这么诡异,亲爱的,婴儿 ),使用下来感觉不错,上官网查了下,可用于器材、咸菜的上或者下。原理官网解释了,我是不懂技术的,简而言之就是跟电有关的板子
What is it? Jack Bybee, a Quantum physicist, has created a new and simple to use device that when placed under/over components, speaker wire, interconnects and power cords it purifies the electron flow, thereby reducing noise and hash to dramatically improve performance. Additionally, the unit effects surrounding air molecules to allow the sound to travel less impeded, resulting in a larger, more dynamic sound stage. The Bybee-Signal Enhancer is a compact (4 X 6 X 1/4 Inch) cast acrylic panel, with a felt-covered bottom. The active elements are specially engineered crystals suspended in epoxy to ensure long life and freedom from damage. The Signal Enhancer is completely passive, requiring no battery or other power source. The crystals in the Signal Enhancer absorb energy from the signal-carrying wire or component, and align the electrons flowing through the wire or component to enhance the purity and energy of the video or audio signal. The Signal Enhancer works even with heavily shielded audio cables designed to withstand RFI/EMF noise from the electrical grid. How to use it?The Signal Enhancer is typically placed under/over any kind of signal-carrying wire(s), and/or components. One Signal Enhancer may be used with multiple signal-carrying wires; there is no need to have a Signal Enhancer on each wire. The effects of the Signal Enhancer are accumulative, so multiple units will continue to improve room performance. When multiple units are used, placement of the extra units directly on a signal carrying cord/wire and/or component is not necessary to activate the units.
系统介绍:pc-鸟-lyra2-naim supernait2-贵族d28(白金7usb,古河信号线,卡打死金参考电源线,caj电源线,大米电源线,分析家crystal solo oval8分音版喇叭线 电脑,解码插在ar2p上)