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同时也希望谷雨兄能够留下,有时候,如果我们能一直坚持到最后,常常会看到别人错过的风景.< >原文如下:
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Earth
Posts: 2128< > Sony MDR-CD1700 VS. Grado, AKG , & Sennheiser
How the hell did a simple 1st impressions review turn into this? Oh well, this will be more useful for people than a simple review when it's all said and done. < >Equipment list (check my profile for more details) : < >Source : My DVD player, hook up to a Art Dio, being used as a DAC sample rate 88.2kHz, I used the X-PSU as the power supply for the DAC. < >Cables : my MIT 330 CVT to connect my amp to my DAC and a Monster Digital Cable to connect my DAC to my DVD player. Sorry about the monster, but that's all I had I tried some normal cables, but that sound no better than the Monster, and they were just RCA IC, not digital. < >Amp : Grado RA-1 (I decided to use this instead of the X-cans since it is much more neutral) < >Headphones : Sony MDR-CD1700, Grado HP-2, Sennheiser HD600, AKG K501, Grado SR-60. < >CDs : Stereophile Test CD 1, Birgit Nilsson ?Sings Wagner : Opera Arias < >
I will ranked the headphones, from best to worst (relatively speaking, of course). I will add comments as to why they were ranked as such. < >Comfort level : <P>1. Sony MDR-CD1700
2. AKG K501
3. Sennheiser HD600
4. Grado HP-2
5. Grado SR-60 <P>The Sony's redefine the term comfy, they are super comfy! They felt like two fluffy pillows on your ears. The headphone headband gives you a very secure fit, they can get a bit warm, however. The AKG's come second, they feel loose and light and the cups cover your full ears. The pads are no where near as comfy as the Sonys, Sennheiser, or Grados (comfy) however. The Sennheiser HD600 come in 3rd, only because they have the vice grip of death, but they have the 2nd most comfy pads. The HP-2 have the Grado comfy pads with the hole cut in the middle. Since they are all metal they are a bit heavier than most headphones, but they still feel light, but not when compared to the rest of these cans. But, no death grip here, that's for sure. The comfy ear pads are more comfy than the AKGs or the Grado Bowl pads. The 60's are very light, but, they have the Bowl pads on, which while they sound better on these headphones than the comfy ones, they are not going to win this face off They are not as bad as some people would like you to belive, but next to the above pads, they just are not as comfy. <P>Ok, now for the sound!
I used track #1 on the Stereophile Test CD 1 to make sure that all headphones were at the same volume level (not on the amp, sound wise, of course) <P>I used tracks 20-31 to test the bass of the above headphones. I wanted to see at what point the bass began to be rolled off. <P>In order for this to make sense, keep in mind that :
Extreme bottom below 32 Hz
Low bass, bottom octave 20 to 40 Hz
Midbass 40 to 80 Hz
Upper bass 80 to 160 Hz <P>Tracks 20-31 go from 1kHz, 200Hz, 160Hz, 125Hz, 100Hz, 80Hz, 63Hz, 50Hz, 40Hz, 31.5Hz, 25Hz, and 20Hz, in that order. <P>Here are the points at which the bass began to become rolled off for each headphone, no rankings here, just not the numbers : <P>1. Sennheiser HD600 = 20Hz
2. Grado HP-2 = 25Hz
3. Sony MDR-CD1700 = 31.5Hz
4. AKG K501 = 31.5Hz
5. Grado SR-60 = 31.5Hz <P>Nothing much to add here. <P>Soundstage test part 1 and 2 <P>The CD I used here was , Birgit Nilsson ?Sings Wagner : Opera Arias Track #2 Senta's Ballad. <P>Soundstage width, they are ranked from widest to the narrowest : <P>1. AKG K501
2. Grado HP-2
3. Sony MDR-CD1700
4. Sennheiser HD600
5. Grado SR-60 <P>The AKG's have hands down the widest soundstage of these headphones, it wasn't even close. Grado HP-2 came in second, due to their more forward presentation, their soundstage seems smaller, it's still very wide, but next to the k501's, they fell short in this. Sony MDR-CD1700 had the 3rd widest soundstage, it shock me too, but it was wider than the 600's, but not as much as the HP-2's. Sennheiser HD600 came in 4th, the soundstage changes depending on the amp that you use, but that's what I heard with this one. Grado SR-60 came in last, not very wide at all, it can't hang with the other headphones when it comes to this. <P>Soundstage Depth, they are ranked from deepest to flattest. <P>1. Sennheiser HD600
2. Grado HP-2
3. Sony MDR-CD1700
4. AKG K501
5. Grado SR-60 <P>The Sennheiser HD600 soundstage may not be the widest, but it had the most depth. Grado HP-2 came in second, but it was close to the 600's. Sony MDR-CD1700 was 3rd, however it must be noted that the 600's and HP-2's were way ahead of the other headphones in this, so it wasn't a close 3rd. AKG K501 came in 4th, and only because they are more laid back than the SR-60's, which are the most forward headphones here. While the soundtage was by far the widest, it has almost no depth. This gave the AKG's the worst imaging, since everything appeared shallow and flat, hence the lifeless or dull label I gave them before. The SR-60 came in last only because they are so forward and everything sounds so close to you, but the imaging is better as there is more air around the instruments than the AKGs, just not spread out. But, the AKG's soundstage appears farer away from you, but once you get there, if like a painting, it's flat, it doesn't seem real. <P>Now I will rank the headphones for clarity, by that I mean how clear and clean the headphones sound. they are ranked from clearest to mud(relatively speaking, of course). <P>1. Grado HP-2
2. AKG K501
3. Sennheiser HD600
4. Grado SR-60
5. Sony MDR-CD1700 <P>The Grado HP-2's win this battle. They sound extremely clear, more so than the other headphones, but the AKG's came closest to matching them in this. The AKG K501 are extremely clear, but the HP-2 are just a tad more clean sounding than them. 3rd comes the Sennheiser HD600, the RA-1 lefts whatever veil they may have been reported having with tube amps. But, it must be said that the HP-2 and K501 were way ahead of the rest of the headphones here. Grado SR-60's have been reported to have a peak on there treble, well that help them come in 4th. The Sony MDR-CD1700 have a way too lush mid-range to be taken as clean sounding headphones, that lush mid-range and comfort level also just so happens to be their best points! But, that's not what I'm measuring here, so they come in last. <P>That brings to an end part one of this review. Next time, I will post how well these headphones handled different types of music. But, I'm too tired to do that now, I will rest and test them and report back, later today.<P>译文如下:<P>SONY CD1700 VS.Grado,Akg,&Sennheiser
器材如下:(欲知详情请查阅我的个人简 介)
音源:DVD播放器+Art Dio DAC (88.2Khz)
线材:怪兽数字信号线(Monster Digital Cable)用于连接DVD和DAC
MIT 330 CVT 用于连接DAC和功放
耳放:歌德RA-1(采用它是因为它比X-CAN 更为中性)
耳机:索尼 MDR-CD1700
歌德 HP-2
森海塞尔 HD600
爱科技 K501
歌德 SR-60
Brigit Nilsson所演绎的瓦格纳咏叹 调歌剧
我将对这些耳机进行排名,从好到差(当然,这是相对而言的)并对排名进行补充说明。<P> 配戴舒适性:
2.AKG K501
3.Sennheiser HD600
4.Grado HP-2
5.Grado SR-60<P> 索尼公司对耳机的舒适性进行了重新的设计,这使得这款耳机配戴起来非常舒适!感觉起来就像两个绒毛枕头搁在你的耳朵上,耳机的头带使这款耳机戴着十分牢靠,但这可能会让人戴着感觉有点热.爱科技耳机紧随其后,它配戴起来让人觉得十分轻松,耳罩包住了整个耳朵,然而耳垫在舒适性上却不能和索尼、森海塞尔以及歌德的相提并论。森的HD600位居第三,有这个结果仅仅因为这款耳机有些夹头,但它的耳垫舒适性位居第二。HP-2具有中间掏洞的那种耳罩,因为金属构造的原因使得这款耳机显得比其余耳机要重一些,但配戴起来依然很轻,当然和其余耳机比较起来就不怎么觉得了。它的耳垫的舒适度要比爱科技的以及歌德的圆形(碗形)耳垫好。SR-60很轻,它具有圆形耳垫,这样的耳垫搁在SR-60身上要比搁在其他很舒适耳机上听感要好,因此这使得SR-60不会逊色很多。至少它不像大家以为的那样差劲,由于这样的耳垫,它只显得不是很舒服而已。
我采用第 20-31个声轨来测试这些耳机的低音。我想得出这些耳机在什么频率点开始滚降,为了使得测试具有意义,请在头脑中保持这样的概念:
甚低频:20Hz以下 (译者注:原文为32Hz 概为笔误)
以下是每款耳机的低音滚降频率点,当然结果不分排名,仅仅是确切的数字。(译者注:原文为"just not the number,概多出一个not)
1.Sennheiser HD600=20Hz
2.Grado HP-2=25Hz
3.Sony MDR-CD1700=31.5Hz
4.AKG K501=31.5Hz
5.Grado SR-60=31.5Hz
对这一结果不做任何补充说明.<P> 声场测试部分1和2
这里我采用Brigi Nilsson 演绎咏叹调歌剧第二声轨:Senta民歌
声场宽度的排名,从宽到窄<P> 1.AKG K501
2.Grado HP-2
3.Sony MDR-CD1700
4.Sennheiser HD600
5.Grado SR-60<P> 爱科技的耳机摘取了这些耳机声场宽度排名的第一,在这一点上它甚至将其余耳机甩出一大截.歌德的HP-2位居第二,它的声场宽度相对窄一些,但声场基本能向前延展,它的声场还算是宽的,但和K501比起来,还是小了一些.我有些意外索尼的CD1700会有第三名的好成绩,它的声场宽度比HD600要好,但不如HP-2耳机.森的HD600位居第四,声场会随你所使用的耳放的不同而有所改变,但这是在我这台耳放上听得的结果.歌德的SR-60耳机在这一测试中成绩垫底,它根本谈不上有什么声场宽度,在这一点上它不是其余耳机的对手.<P> 声场深度测试,排名从深到浅<P> 1.Sennheiser HD600
2.Grado HP-2
3.Sony MDR-CD1700
4.AKG K501
5.Grado SR-60<P> 森的HD600可能不具有最宽的声场,却有着最深的声场.歌德的HP-2位居第二,但成绩和HD600很接近.索尼的MDR-CD1700得了第三,需要指出的是HD600以及HP-2在这一点上远远超出其余耳机,这不是一个在成绩上很接近的的第三名,爱科技得了第四,有这样的成绩只是因为它和SR-60比起来声场还算靠后,SR-60耳机的声场是所有耳机中最靠前的,爱科技耳机有着最宽的声场,但却几乎没有声场深度,SR-60成绩垫底因为它的声场太靠前了,
所有东西听起来是如此贴着耳朵,但声音的结像要比爱科技的耳机要好,因此听起来乐器周围多了一些空气感,只是没有展得开而已.爱科技的耳机声场听起来会让你觉得有些远,但是一旦你走到那儿,会觉得很平,会觉得并不真实,就像一幅油画一样.<P> 下面我对耳机的透明度做一排名,对于透明度这个词,我意指该耳机听起来有多清晰和干净,排名从清晰到混浊(当然,是相对而言的)<P> 1.Grado HP-2
2.AKG K501
3.Sennheiser HD600
4.Grado SR-60
5.Sony MDR-CD1700<P> 这一比较中歌德的HP-2获胜.它听起了非常清晰,比其它类型的耳机来要好很多.爱科技K501的成绩和它最为接近,它听起了同样十分清晰,但HP-2还是要胜出那么一丁点儿.HD600屈居第三的位置.RA-1耳放有着据说胆耳房所故有的特色这就是好像给声音蒙上了一层纱,但需要指出的是HP-2和K501要胜出其余耳机一大截.据说歌德的SR-60在高音部分有着一个频峰,这对它取得第四名的成绩有所帮助.索尼的MDR-CD1700在中音段的华丽使它不能归结为干净的听音耳机,然而这种华丽和配戴的舒适性恰好成为这款耳机卖点,但在这里不成为我衡量的因素,所以它落得了最后一名.
(译者注:这篇评论分为两段,后半段的翻译我会尽快奉上.不妥之处,望多指正)<P> |