发表于 2013-4-19 00:42:53
ABYSS老板把耳机拿到WOO AUDIO 的展房, 就在WOO AUDIO 的耳放上和STAX 009 做了对比。 结论是: STAX 009 播放钢琴一类的作品,
声音全部是错的。 这个他们几个老板都是一致认同的, ABYSS 上去, 声音准确无比。 而且他们也请很多资深专家做了对比, 都承认了这一个结果。 美国人做的东西是参考级别的, STAX做的是染色动听级别的。 这个真是仁者见仁智者见智。 至于通透与否,鲜活与否,还是看搭配的。
Good to hear.
Of course that is his opinion. IMO he should buy a better camera, then learn how to use it-.
I listened to the Stax 007 and 009 in the Woo Audio room, and we took our headphones up there to let Jack hear what we are doing and we could hear his amps. The WA5 sounds nice, very clear. It needs to be used in balanced configuration though the 4 pin XLR connector to have more power, but either way a good amplifier for Abyss.
As for the Stax in his room, I listened to the 009's and 007's on the same set-up. The pair of 009's he had there could not do piano, harmonics were all wrong. I will need to listen to piano on more 009's to see if this is a common problem, but in this room this range of music sounded bad compared to the lower cost 007's.
We will have lots of these types of comments until we are accepted in the headphone community as real, so no worries.
Thanks Wang… Joe |