
楼主 |
发表于 2011-5-17 03:31:46
回复 57# 的帖子
At school now, can't type in Chinese -.-
At least my cdp is not up to the level of a electro-headphone (not sure about the spelling)... besides, my impression of 007+727 is quite bad, timp strike sounds like hiting a hard-paper-box, violin sounds over-polished, even plastic like. I can't imagine this can smash hd800 system even with assist from better cdp or pre-amp.
I doubt rudi's sound,really. rudi has some taste, but bad at force and resolution. In my opinion, rpx100 offers nothing over phonitor (the bad feature of phonitor is that it sounds awful when playing old recordings). 010b is not bad, but still has nothing really worth talking about. Though it has some good properties when balanced, it offers low quality (with kind of good atmosphere, I admit) sound for huge/complex structures. While I am a mahler fan, this is not tolerable.
what do you think about gs-x? |