发表于 2009-11-2 17:34:35
比较一下STEREOPHILE在2009年4月同样在音源部分中的A级,不是A+级的榜单对Marantz SA8001:$900的评价:The two-channel-only SA8001 use a 24-bit/192kHz upsampling design based on a Cirrus Logic 4397 chip, and played SACD, CD, CD-R, and CD-RW without a hiccup. "It's a solid, unpretentious, reliable player that does what it's supposed to do at a reasonable cost," praised Jim Austin. While the SA8001's CD playback was "about as good as 'Red Book' gets," SACD performance was marked by a lovely, naturalness, and ease." The other JA, too, was impressed: "It may be affordably priced, but the Marantz SA8001''s meaured performance is beyond reproadch." (Vol.30 No.10 WWW)
榜单前言中对A、B、C、D、K分级的标准中对A+和A级的描述:With Super Audio CD, 24/96 DAD, and DVD-A Audio now available, we have created a new Class, A+, for the best performance in those digital categories. Class A now represents the best that can be obtained from the conventional 16/44.1 CD medium.
感觉应该针对不同的片源(软体),对应不同的级别,来参考这份榜单。 |