楼主 |
发表于 2018-12-24 15:49:33
*I don't really care for the SimAudio 430HA ($4,300 with built-in DAC module). In fact I once completed a lengthy and detailed review as to what I found lacking, only to have it rejected by my then-editor (not Tyll) as being too negative. I made numerous changes to soften the blow but apparently it still wasn't enough, so the review was canned (you can read the edited/nicer version here). My entire point was that the optional DAC sounded (surprisingly) great, the preamp functionality was awesome, but the headphone amp itself fell short. I stand by that assessment to this day, despite the disagreement of several friends.
看了下横向对Niimbus耳放的帖子里面有关430HA的评价,感觉更不敢盲狙430了,作者总结的是slow and dull sounding,这个人的听感和论坛看到的完全不一样啊。如果430HA的“不冲、厚润”是建立在牺牲动态和速度的情况下。。。。。emmm,我也没听过430HA,还是不多BB了,以后实际听过了再评论吧 |