23、irriver spinn 3星
The triumph of style over substance is a common phenomenon.(注重外表、忽视内涵,这是现在的通病。)
From slick politicians (those memorably described by Ben Elton as “suits full of EDITED all”) to architecturally stupendous footbridges that can't be walked across, form takes an increasingly important role compared to function.(无论狡猾的政治家,还是难以行走的巨大过街天桥,在他们身上,形式远比功能占据更重要的地位。)
It shouldn't really be any surprise that products as modern and covetable as MP3 players should fall foul of this dark inversion. The iRiver Spinn (with two ‘n's, to indicate how stylish it is) values its looks over its performance as much as any player we've seen.(所以一点也不奇怪,充满现代意识的狡猾的MP3制造商绝不会和这种风气的转变对着干的。爱河的眩晕晕(它用了两个晕变现自己有多潮),就是我们所见过的那些注重外表、忽视功能的众多播放器里的一员。)
But, despite the fact that the Spinn's screen is touch sensitive, iRiver has pointlessly gilded the lily with the ‘Analog Wheel' at the top of the player's right-hand edge.(事实上,尽管眩晕晕是一款触屏机,但爱河依然毫无意义地为它在机身右侧的顶部装饰了一个模拟滚轮。)
This is a twisty control stick that clicks through the Spinn's (clear, concise) menus and controls. Thus you find yourself holding a player with two control interfaces, neither of which can be easily operated by just one hand.(这是一个弯曲的控制杆,通过眩晕晕的菜单进行操控。这样一来你就会发现自己是通过两种控制界面操纵播放器,任何一个界面都不可能靠单手简便地进行操作。)
Spacious – yet plodding too(空间感不错,但节奏感差)
When it comes to its actual job – playing music – the Spinn is rather less full of itself.(现在该做正事了——播放音乐看看——才发现眩晕晕并没有看起来的那么好)
Santa Esmeralda's epic reworking of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood is short of excitement, its hectic dancefloor emphasis underplayed by the iRiver's rather matter-of-fact presentation.(播放XXX歌缺少令人兴奋的感觉,因为喧闹的舞池在爱河实事求是地、轻描淡写地描绘下,一点也不给力)
There's a degree of spaciousness that eludes a lot of its rivals, but uncertain timing and a ponderous, plodding bottom end scupper the Spinn's chances of inducing any meaningful toe-tapping.(相当不错的空间感让它甩开许多竞争对手,但模糊的节奏感,和沉重、缓慢的低频使得听歌的人没有机会跟随音乐轻快地着打拍子)
For once, this isn't a player that can have its ills rectified by a change of 'phones – the white numbers supplied by iRiver aren't as bad as many we've tested, and Palace Brothers' There Is No One What Will Take Care of You sounds only a little more vigorous through our favourite Klipsch earbuds. (这一次即便是用更换耳机的方法也不可能纠正这款播放器的缺陷——爱河原配的白耳塞并不像我们测试过的很多配机耳塞那么差,使用我们喜爱的杰士耳机播放XX歌,也仅比原配耳机多了一些些活力而已。)
120 is a lot to pay for a 4GB MP3 player these days, even one as self-consciously stylish as this; for our cash we'd accept a bit less flash if it meant a bit more of what counts – sound quality.(120英镑,仅买到一部4GB的MP3,这在现在实在有点过分了,即便这是一款的炫耀浮夸、十分风格化的播放器,但我们的钱包告诉我们,与其买一个炫耀的样子货,不如买一个音质好点的产品,毕竟音质才是我们最在意的。)
[ 本帖最后由 坏袋鼠 于 2012-6-6 18:09 编辑 ] |