阳光枫林 发表于 2017-7-24 09:04:24


szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 10:02:58


headfan 发表于 2017-7-24 15:43:49


小白 发表于 2017-7-24 19:32:57

坚决不入黑社会 坚决不玩古董灯泡。Over。

szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 19:43:13

小白 发表于 2017-7-24 19:32
坚决不入黑社会 坚决不玩古董灯泡。Over。


bruceshen 发表于 2017-7-24 20:41:30

szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 19:43



defleppard 发表于 2017-7-24 21:06:10


mackiel 发表于 2017-7-24 21:44:43

小白 发表于 2017-7-20 21:56
我对弄各种昂贵管子没兴趣。纪念版的ATM300原配的是日本Takatsuki 300B特别配对,应该已经是当今很好的30 ...




mackiel 发表于 2017-7-24 21:47:59

dekiller 发表于 2017-7-24 04:00





bruceshen 发表于 2017-7-24 21:51:45

szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 19:43


Phase 发表于 2017-7-24 22:03:19

本帖最后由 Phase 于 2017-7-24 22:05 编辑

3A一直都是单端三极管可推的牌子啊,不知道airtight搭配起来到底怎么样,转Salvatore的名单:S.E.T. FRIENDLY SPEAKERS LIST

Until I find a list which is more definitive, and objective, here are some speakers that I, and mainly Readers, have found to work very well with low-powered Single Ended Triode (SET) amplifiers;

AcuHorn rosso superiore175

Affirm (formerly Maxxhorn) Lumination & Immersion

Apogee Acoustics Definitive Ribbon Speaker (very expensive)

Aspara Acoustics HL1 Horn Speaker

Audio Note ANE SEC Signature

Avantgarde Duo and Trio (All Versions)

BD-Design Oris and Orphean Models

Bottlehead Straight 8s (Discontinued)

Brentworth Sound Lab

Cain & Cain BEN ES (and other models)

Cardersound Madison (Single-Drive Back Loaded Horns)

Coincident (Total) Victory II & Pure Reference Extreme (and most of their other models)

Decware (Various Models)

(DIY Hi-Fi Supply) Crescendo Ribbon Horn Speaker System

Fab Audio Model 1 (Toronto, Canada)

FAL Supreme-C90 EXW or EXII

Goodmans of England 5 or 612s

Hawthorne Solo and Duet

Horn Shoppe (Two Models)

Horning Hybrids (Various models)

Hoyt-Bedford Speakers

Klipschorn and La Scala (All Versions)

Living Voice OBX-R2 (UK)

Musical Affairs Grand Crescendo

Omega Speaker Systems

Pi Speakers (Various Models)

ProAc Response Two*

Prometheus II

Reference 3A MM de Capo i

RL Acoustique Lamhorn 1.8 (Montreal, Canada)

Sonist Concerto 2

Sunlight Engineering 308

Supravox Open Baffle

Teresonic (Various Models)

Tonian Acoustics (Various Models)

Vaughn Zinfandel

WLM (Various Models)

Zingali Horns

Zu Defintion

*Recommended by a reader and Gordon Rankin (Wavelength Audio), a veteran expert SET designer, despite its 86 db sensitivity.

I would appreciate finding out about any other models, that readers have actually heard for themselves, to add to this list. This list is not a temporary project. It will be kept here indefinitely. Further, don't expect to see the speaker models posted here a day or so after your e-mail is sent to me. Please remember that I'm usually behind in ALL my correspondence, including even the brief and helpful information letters.

Finally, I will keep my own "SET friendly list" because at least one list should have no commercial foundation, temptations or considerations**.

Important- I would like to know if any of the above models can be bi-amped. This is critical, because I am convinced, based on decades of experience, that speakers with the capability of being bi-amped have far superior potential, assuming everything else is equal.

**For example, another website placed the Merlin speakers on their list, which, despite all their enviable qualities, will still not work well with low-powered SET amplifiers. I know, because I tried them. The sensitivity was just too low. Merlin, themselves, has used the excellent CAT amplifiers, which are pentode based and push-pull, at their audio show demonstrations. I would trust Merlin to know how to optimize their own speaker designs.

LIVING VOICE OBX-R2- A reader sent me a letter with some observations on this component. I felt they should be shared. There's some small editing;

"...I have been told by the manufacturer that the OBX-R2 really needs more than 20 watts for anything but a smallish room. They are rather efficient, however one of the strengths of the speakers is that they are very dynamic (which makes sense as Living Voice started out making large horn speakers). If they don't have enough power, you loss some of that. I own a pair and really love them; I am moving into a small apartment and will get my 15 watt Cary 2A3 out of storage and give it a try."

Personal Notes- I'm not familiar with this speaker. If this reader is correct, the Living Voice requires, in most circumstances, more power than the finest SET amps can deliver. What a shame. Worse, it also means that many audiophiles may be overly optimistic when claiming various speakers are SET friendly.

Some More SET-Friendly Speakers
A veteran reader has recently sent me his suggestions for some new SET-Friendly speakers. Here's the part of his letter concerning this subject, with some minor editing and my bold:

"These three SET-friendly speakers have embraced (the open baffle) concept:

- Bastanis (especially the Mandala): http://bastanis.com/speakers.html
Interesting here is that the designer, on more expensive versions of the Mandala system, has a dipole woofer (separate SS woofer amps) and a 2nd rear-facing tweeter, so that all drivers are in effect dipoles. 100 db/w/m , 16 ohm, very SET friendly

- Tetra Speakers (of Ottawa) Tetra 606: http://tetraspeakers.com/high_end_speakers_pages/606.aspx
This one has a tweeter which seems to be a natural dipole. 92 db/w/m, 8 ohm. (I arbitrarily use low-90's db/w/m as SET-friendly)

As well, the Nola Viper speaker (http://www.nolaspeakers.com/) and the Linkwitz Orion (http://www.linkwitzlab.com/index.html) take this general approach. The Nola speaker claims it needs a minimum of 10W amp, so it may also be almost SET friendly.

Here are some additional speakers for your SET-friendly list beyond the Bastanis, Tetra, and Nola mentioned above:

Voxative is a rich man's Lowther, using a professional piano firm for cabinet finishes. Interesting is their new Wallhorn speaker using their AC-X field coil single full range driver. This is a flat'ish cabinet that has dual horns to each side of the driver and are downward firing. 100 db/w/m, 16 ohm.

Ocellia speakers are a fascinating implementation of the French firm PHY's SET friendly drivers (97 db/w/m, 16 Ohm - http://www.phy-hp.com/English/Products/Products.html) made for open baffles. Ocellia make its cabinets non-rigid, like a string instrument body, with substantial 'ports', so it seems to me to be sort of semi-open baffle. Both 6moons and Harvey "Gizmo" Rosenberg are/were big fans of Ocellia. I think the principal behind Ocellia is now Quebec based http://www.atelier-audio.com/accueil.html Again, I think these are of the if-you-have-to-ask-the-price-you-can't-afford-them category of speakers." (12/10)

szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 22:04:25

等着兄弟的CH到位:) 过一阵有空来再听听,MSL白金签名煲开了声音不一样。我拿一个录音的cd,sacd和LP版本对着,咱们一起听听看。

Phase 发表于 2017-7-24 22:04:52


bruceshen 发表于 2017-7-24 22:06:20

szhao133 发表于 2017-7-24 22:04
等着兄弟的CH到位 过一阵有空来再听听,MSL白金签名煲开了声音不一样。我拿一个录音的cd,sacd和LP版本对 ...

wwwping2011 发表于 2017-7-25 03:16:40

小白 发表于 2017-7-23 23:16
夏天听300B胆机,整个房间的温度都感觉上去了几度!但是那音色真的极毒,非常通透而保持厚润的声音,嘹亮而 ...

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查看完整版本: 摒不牢要上AirTight 300B——31楼拆箱
