小白版主请进:INT 204 在win8 64 下面如何安装驱动?
本帖最后由 白马纵横 于 2016-7-5 08:30 编辑试了禁用签名认证,点击Weiss USB driver 1.56a文件夹里的setup.exe, 还是没有办法安装,提示不支持当前操作系统。。。
win8 64位 专业版
不知道附件能否看见 :):) :hug::hug: 看来要悲剧地重装系统? 神仙睡着了 发表于 2016-7-4 21:19
捂脸 白马总还是老实的重装系统吧 :):) :Q:Q :o 204和hydra都n年没更新驱动?
难道204不能用于win8? 显然不是啊,官网有说明,驱动文件包也写了,你肯定没看:
Installing the driver on Windows 8 or 8.1
To be able to install the version 1.56 driver on Windows 8 or 8.1 one has to disable the windows driver signing check. This can be done via a special windows booting option as follows:
1) If logged in as a user, log out. The log in screen appears. In the lower right corner the power on/off icon appears. Click on that icon, hold the Shift key and click on the "restart" selection.
2) Now a blue screen with some options appears, select trouble shooting at the bottom then select advanced options (or maybe extended options) at the bottom. Then select startup settings in the lower right then select restart. another screen appears which allows to select restart options. Press key 7 to select option 7) which deactivates the driver signature checking.
3) Now the windows starts again as usual, only that you can now install the USB driver w/o error message.
Proceed according to the instructions on top of this page.
所谓关闭驱动签名能装,weiss没有为驱动去做微软认证。 用的驱动是产品包装里附带的光盘吗? 我没有204,所以不清楚光盘如何。但官网是这个版本。
看到了牛逼界面;P 小白 发表于 2016-7-5 17:13