yukihasi 发表于 2016-4-21 03:58:47

Aqua 新解码旗舰 La Formula 情报

本帖最后由 yukihasi 于 2016-4-21 04:00 编辑


最近在论坛逐渐获得关注的意大利Aqua(Acoustic Quality) 家的新旗舰解码 La Formula 在这月初首次亮相。

官网目前给出的信息非常少,从一些商家的主页可以得知这个新解码的定价是$13800美金,并称其为世界上第一台“光学解码器”,和前旗舰La Scala MK2不同的是,La Formula并没有使用现成的1704芯片也没有使用电子管,而是使用了FPGA和自己设计的R2R阵列,具体技术细节请参照原文。

"Galvanic and magnetic isolation are implemented between the FPGA and the four branches of the R2R ladder converter. This not only creates complete isolation of all digital circuitry including the clock from the analogue section for a pure clean ground plane. It also plays a vital role in the differential management of the R2R ladders, achieving perfect symmetry between the counter-phase halves. The result is high tonal contrast and naturalness not heard from digital machines. The Formula DAC uses no digital filter or any other compensation, relying instead on maniacal attention to each sub circuit. The analog and digital power supplies are executed purely discrete and with BJT, Mosfet, Jfet and ultra-fast diodes. Passive parts were selected not just for sonics but top quality, longevity and reliability. Except for six extreme-quality electrolytics, all other caps are Tantalum, solid-polymer OS-CON or double-metalized MJP. The signal path itself is direct-coupled and free of all capacitors. The dual output stages—one single-ended, one transformer-coupled balanced—use discrete BJT and JFet with metal-film resistors. All parts are characterized by very low RF noise..."

Unlike the former range topper LaScala MkII, the Formula doesn't use tubes, reiterating how Cristian Anelli isn't married to one given tech but uses what works best for a given application. The breakdown of this formula was beginning to look really interesting. Or as Cristian put it, "over our prototype R2R network without galvanic isolation, the 'optologic circuit' improved its performance. This became a one-step solution with dual benefits: perfect symmetry for the balanced R2R network; and a true analog ground."



在接口方面La Formula提供了6路不同的数字输入,可以用前面板上的开关来切换。


AES/EBU x 1,BNC x 1,RCA x 1,可选模块输入x 1((AT&T ST fibre, I2S, AES/EBU, coax or BNC),USB x 1,AQlink/I2S x 1。
值得一提的是,Aqua的新旗舰仍然没有受dsd的大流影响,依旧只支持pcm解码,规格最高支持到24bit 384kHz。


La Formula 在上周的北美音展亮相。


“这次展会有几个房间都很吸引我,其中有一个全意大利组合的房间,Angstrom EL34 功放驱动Diesis Audio Aura喇叭,讯源是Aqua Hifi的La Diva + La Formula。出来的声音非常优美和自然,很棒。乐器的像真度和存在感很好,大概是我最喜欢的一个房间,血肉感充实,栩栩如生。”

恰空zzz 发表于 2016-4-21 04:35:48


恰空zzz 发表于 2016-4-21 04:38:19


yukihasi 发表于 2016-4-21 05:32:02

其实现在看起来还是有点不明白…La Diva有时钟输出口…但是他家的解码都没有时钟输入…!
AQlink i2s支持最高24 384规格……但是用这个接口的la diva源只能输出cd规格……这简直太谜了…完全不知道什么情况…

非常の萌魂 发表于 2016-4-21 06:49:02



AnalogDevices 发表于 2016-4-21 07:06:31

AnalogDevices 发表于 2016-4-21 07:27:20

Zjokers 发表于 2016-4-22 12:30:34

关注一下 俩小牛很漂亮

cikezj 发表于 2016-4-22 12:47:28


Evangelion 发表于 2016-4-22 12:56:30


至于解码支不支持DSD,规格都已经支持PCM 24/384了,又有FPGA,其实DOP应该没啥障碍了,不知道厂家怎么想的

yamuling 发表于 2016-4-22 12:57:49


lkpkp 发表于 2016-4-22 13:00:51

本帖最后由 lkpkp 于 2016-4-22 14:38 编辑

转自MY-HIEND 小叶介绍:“Formula内部线路都是aqua自行开发,包括DAC解码都为自己设计,採用resistor ladder方式,每声道使用两组电阻线路,非常发烧,数位讯号进入resistor ladder后,再经过FPGA的处理。为了隔离数位与类比的交互干扰,FGPA产生的讯号使用了optocoupler(光藕合器)隔离。当然,Formula也没有升频(non oversampling, NOS),aqua相信原汁原味,追求最佳化、忠于原始讯号的数位转类比才是好声音!Formula各个线路板都能独立升级,未来如果有更好的技术出现,随时可以轻鬆升级,其电源採用两个C-Core的变压器,数位类比独立供电。”

mc鲁迅 发表于 2016-4-22 14:17:46

lkpkp 发表于 2016-4-22 13:00
“Formula内部线路都是aqua自行开发,包括DAC解码都为自己设计,採用resistor ladder方式,每声道使用 ...

数位讯号进入resistor ladder后,再经过FPGA的处理。
应该先fpga然后光电耦合 然后ladder

doma 发表于 2016-4-22 16:07:55


Apollo_Zhang 发表于 2016-4-23 02:09:44

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