小白 发表于 2016-3-13 21:35:00

分享:Graham Slee 先生关于电容的一些阐述


I will hazard a guess that I have done more research on capacitor sound than most other manufacturers. I learned quite a lot some years ago from Walt Jung’s articles. I don’t want to say too much or I will be giving away trade secrets, but the specification of the general purpose electrolytic capacitors we use today is quite incredible. There are two makes: Forever, and another which are sold under the Farnell Multicomp brand. Their performance is very close to that of good polypropylene capacitors. 这里说的是他发现有两种工业级电解电容的表现非常好,接近优质PP电容的表现。一种是Forever,另外一种以Farnell Multicomp的牌子销售。老头自吹他在电容方面所做的研究超过大多数其他音响厂家。他也从著名的音响专家Walt Jung的文章里学到了很多。

However, no electrolytic capacitor works well in audio unless it has a bias voltage. This is because electrolytic capacitors have semiconductor properties and all semiconductors require a voltage of the right polarity. 在音响器材里,电解电容要表现好,必须有一个偏压。这是因为电解电容具有半导体的特性,所有的半导体都需要一个极性正确的电压。

Modern designers only know how to work with dual rail power supplies, so their signal coupling levels are always zero-volt. And so when they use electrolytic capacitors on signal coupling they get distorted sound. There are a lot of modern designers, and they use electrolytic capacitors as an excuse – they put the blame on electrolytic capacitors, and so the listener has become very sensitive to capacitor selection and their public perception. 多数当代的设计师只会搞双轨电源,所以他们的信号耦合电平一直是零伏特。当他们使用电解电容来做信号耦合,声音会失真。很多现在的设计师把电解电容作为一种借口,他们怪罪于电解电容,所以很多发烧友也对电解电容的选择非常敏感。

However, when properly biased, electrolytic capacitors work without distortion. You may recall Naim Audio? All their circuits were coupled using electrolytic capacitors because they were the “old school” single rail designs (although I never thought it a good idea that they used tantalum).然而只要给予正确的偏压,电解电容就会不失真地工作。英国Naim一直在使用电解电容做耦合,因为其线路设计都是老式的单轨供电。不过老头觉得Naim喜欢用钽电解电容不是个好主意。

A lot of designers used audio capacitors as a “crutch”. They made up for the flaws in a design. I too became dependent on audio capacitors, but things changed around 2004/2005 when I received news of European RoHS legislation (came into force 2006). This effectively prevented me using the Elna ROD audio capacitors. 欧盟2006年开始强制实施的RoHS标准禁止了一些包含有害物质成分的电容的使用,包括Elna电容。

Between 2004 and 2006 I tried numerous audio capacitors resulting in me using the Panasonic (Technics) audio grade some of your customers are aware of. 04-06年间老头所做的研究结果是开始使用松下电容(音频级)。

Since then however, I turned my attentions toward what causes electrolytics to behave as they do, and it is quite simple: electrolytic capacitors don’t “like” high frequency noise. The audio grades have more “strength” at high frequencies (better high frequency ripple), but this can be short lived. The Panasonic were found to live longest. 从那以后,老头把注意力转移到研究这个电容问题的实质——答案很简单:电解电容不喜欢高频噪声。音频级的电容具有更强的高频特性,但这种特性可能寿命很短。松下电容是相对寿命最长的。

There are so many possibilities for high frequency noise in a circuit, and many designs “encourage” such noises by operating near instability – especially hi-fi designs. Over the past 10 years I have concentrated instead on reducing high frequency noise in our products – and this is something which is also required under EMC legislation. 线路里存在高频噪声有很多可能性,许多hi-fi设计本身“鼓励”了高频噪声,因为其运行状态接近于不稳定。在过去的十年里Graham Slee一直致力于降低产品中的高频噪声。

Often, when opening up one of our products, circuit modifications will be seen. I suppose we need to update our printed circuit artwork. But these are part of the work of improving the high frequencies. There are also audiophile components (such as “flavour of the month” op-amps) which cause high frequency noise – we don’t use those either. 老头一直在改进耳放的线路,其中一部分工作就是改进高频特性。还有一些常被用来调味的运放会造成高频噪声,因此老头不用它们。

With these high frequency problems ironed out, the audio grade capacitors were found to be lacking a further sense of realism to the music. With the help of the writings of Walt Jung I was able to see the qualities that were needed, and to shorten this already long story, it resulted in the use of particular brands of general purpose electrolytic capacitors which you see inside our products today.在通过合理的电路设计解决了高频噪声问题后,就无需再使用“音频级”电容,因为这些电容的声音听上去并不太真实。因此最后老头使用了特定牌号的通用型电解电容,也就是目前耳放里的Forever电容。

总而言之就是老头说目前使用的Forever电容不是什么“音频级”电解电容,但是表现最令人满意。这里提到的Forever及Farnnell Multicomp电容,不知有没有熟悉的。

greg1973 发表于 2016-3-13 21:38:08


Apollo_Zhang 发表于 2016-3-13 21:47:35


清风music 发表于 2016-3-13 22:23:09

solo 钻石超线性用来听hifimanhe560如何,现在还有没有改版

Zjokers 发表于 2016-3-13 22:29:52

greg1973 发表于 2016-3-13 21:38

省地儿 我猜的~~   钽电容好像是不错

月光边境 发表于 2016-3-14 09:46:36


长者 发表于 2016-3-14 10:04:41



全世界只有日本化工一家做的最好,其他品牌都不行,ELNA的内阻甚至比不少国货还差。要提高这个值怎么办?:loveliness: 卖音响的还能有节操?:loveliness:


这还不算,功率也能虚报,不是100瓦功耗写成1000瓦,那是日本牌子干的白痴事。:L 要学音某真和N某D哦,100瓦功率写成80瓦,用户永远不会用在过载状况下,音质真好。:victory:


amex 发表于 2016-3-14 10:14:59

长者 发表于 2016-3-14 10:04

电容如何影响音质? ...


长者 发表于 2016-3-14 10:20:51

amex 发表于 2016-3-14 10:14


战列舰 发表于 2016-3-14 10:46:41


小白 发表于 2016-3-14 13:46:52

本帖最后由 小白 于 2016-3-14 13:49 编辑


长者 发表于 2016-3-14 15:46:44

小白 发表于 2016-3-14 13:46
Audionet功放现在也是国产电容了(据徕卡的说法)。又有什么关系呢?声音照样好。有些人纠结于这些东西,而 ...


bobovli007 发表于 2016-3-14 16:07:56

本帖最后由 bobovli007 于 2016-3-14 16:14 编辑

长者 发表于 2016-3-14 10:04

电容如何影响音质? ...


bobovli007 发表于 2016-3-14 16:11:59

小白 发表于 2016-3-14 13:46
Audionet功放现在也是国产电容了(据徕卡的说法)。又有什么关系呢?声音照样好。有些人纠结于这些东西,而 ...


bobovli007 发表于 2016-3-14 16:18:20

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