iverson 发表于 2014-11-9 18:55:59

吃螃蟹,新入落地箱Q牌CONCEPT 40和谷津B90

感谢白版亲自送货到家 ,安装调试,感谢感谢!! 今天正好也把我的喜糖给了白版。


蛋才是生命 发表于 2014-11-9 19:56:48


小白 发表于 2014-11-9 20:06:29

本帖最后由 小白 于 2014-11-9 20:14 编辑

读读What HiFi?的评价,基本说得不错。最后杂志把Concept 40和一万元级别的B&W 683 S2对比,说各有千秋(Concept 40频段衔接更好,声音一致性更好,B&W织体感更强),这是个很高评价了。

As expected, these towers build on the technology used in the smaller Concept 20s.

The highlight is an unusual sandwich-cabinet construction that gives these speakers what is in effect a box-within-a-box structure.

The idea is that any vibration in the internal box doesn’t radiate to the outside world to distort the sound produced by the drive units.

It’s done with two thin layers of MDF separated by a material called Gelcore. The Gelcore layer turns any movement (vibrations) in the inner cabinet into heat, leading to an unusually quiet cabinet.

This layered construction is used on all the panels apart from the front and rear, which use more conventionally thick MDF panels.

For the front, there’s a large aluminium plate that not only makes the front of the speaker look elegant but helps with rigidity and damping too. The cabinet is internally braced for increased stiffness as well.

The 40s’ drive units are similar to those in the smaller model. The soft-dome tweeter is identical, while the twin mid/bass drivers – the Concept 40 is a two-way design – have been reworked to deliver the performance a speaker of this size and price deserves.

It’s impressive. These 97cm-tall floorstanders have quality from their deep-gloss finish – there are black and white options– to the elegantly machined aluminium faceplate.Positioning is straightforward – give them a bit of space to breathe with just a touch of angle towards the listening position to focus the stereo image.Take a little time to optimise things and these floorstanders deliver a nicely layered soundstage with a pleasing degree of precision.The Concept 40s aren’t fussy about partnering equipment. As long as the rest of the system is suitably talented all will be fine. We’d avoid anything that sounds too laid-back or relaxed though – the overall presentation may lack a bit of excitement in this case.

Sound qualityOnce up and running, the Concept 40s stick with the family sound.Tonally, that means a smooth and refined presentation that trades outright excitement for ease of listening.When it comes to energy, the Tannoy Revolution DC6T SEs offer more excitement and greater precision, but the Concept 40s rarey seem lacking.They could be accused of being a little polite, but it would be a mistake to assume they're too laid back. It’s the kind of presentation we could listen to for hours on end. There’s enough dynamic punch to keep us entertained. There’s a pleasing degree of agility here, plus the kind of low-end punch that will have your neighbours banging on the walls if you push it.Listen to Nick Cave’s Babe, I’m On Fire and its unbounded energy is communicated superbly.Detail is good – helped by that well behaved cabinet – and there’s consistency to the way these speakers deliver all parts of the frequency spectrum.Switch to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and the Qs take it in their stride. There’s plenty of scale and authority. Orchestral crescendos are delivered with enthusiasm, and there’s attack when required.

VerdictThe B&W 683 S2s offer a greater sense of texture, but the Concept 40s offer greater integration between the frequencies, and greater overall consistency of sound.Once again, Q Acoustics has delivered the goods.

dinupeng 发表于 2014-11-9 20:45:13


ex-cbh 发表于 2014-11-9 20:47:10


iverson 发表于 2014-11-9 20:52:37


iverson 发表于 2014-11-9 21:41:22


iverson 发表于 2014-11-10 09:18:41

本帖最后由 iverson 于 2014-11-10 09:32 编辑

同样价格再高几千的,可以买到国产惠普维真五号超值版,做工和单元更好,但是说起音乐整体性 全频的连贯性而言,我还是选择Q牌吧。


加加木 发表于 2014-11-10 11:16:53


dinupeng 发表于 2014-11-10 12:38:58

iverson 发表于 2014-11-10 09:18 static/image/common/back.gif
说句实话,当初定下买这款箱子是盲目和又有信心的。说盲目是因为国内都没人用,总代那里甚至都没有我老婆看 ...


iverson 发表于 2014-11-10 13:50:26

小白那里Q牌还有2010 2050卖,都在该价位不错。我想和2050对比说下:和小白交流过,

等几天 再详细说说,上点照片

一起乐乐听 发表于 2014-11-10 14:55:27


小白 发表于 2014-11-10 15:01:58


dinupeng 发表于 2014-11-10 15:40:39


旭日东升 发表于 2014-11-10 18:33:30

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