ruabrandao 发表于 2012-8-21 22:43:56

原帖由 ypwangwei 于 2012-8-21 20:25 发表


除了那貝, 另外兩個都有了

ypwangwei 发表于 2012-8-21 22:48:46

回复 16# 的帖子

哈哈,您还有巴克 呢:lol

708300 发表于 2012-8-21 22:55:42

Laurence Levine says:
I got the Dante, but found it uneven. Some of the transfers were slightly off. Because I don't mind surface noise, I purchased the Pearl set. I find the transfers to be the best I've heard on CD, in other words acceptable. Though they were taken from 78s, I found the sound to be only as good as the Seraphim LP transfer, which I have strong memories of. I have heard that the best transfer was the first boxed set appearance of the sonatas on RCA Victor. I have not heard that set.

I have the 5LP RCA Victor set of the concertos. The sound quality is superior to all other appearances I've heard, either on CD (even Pearl) or LP. I wish someone would transfer all of the Beethoven Society recordings in the best quality sound. I do not mind surface noice.
这个老外说DANTE转录的效果不平均,有些不太好,他推荐RCA Victor头版LP.

That being established (or not, as it were), the question comes up as to which transfer of these performances. The first answer can easily be had: NOT the EMI transfers. They are probably the worst(except for some excerpts on a Philips collection of these pieces) I have heard. Neither really clean nor realistic, they will offend most anyone.

If you can't stand surface noise, hiss, hickups and speckle you will be best off with the DANTE transfers. Very little noise but also rather thin... some will argue that the life has been sucked out of them. But on the surface (literally), they are the least offensive.

If you rather have general hiss, noise and whatnot... but can't stand a 'veil' over the playing and want to hear the fullest piano sound (apart from that white noise)... i.e. if you want your brain to filter it out rather than have it be done for you by a computer (which usually means quicker listening-fatigue), you might want to go for PEARL's "natural" transfers.

If you don't want either extreme, go for the well and fairly balanced NAXOS recordings which M.Obert-Thorn put together very well. Best of both worlds - perhaps... but probably still too much noise for the noise-sensitive and maybe not enough realism for those who want to hear as much as they can, even if that means hearing it through the densest, spottiest fire of cracks and plucks and hisses.

ruabrandao 发表于 2012-8-21 22:57:57

原帖由 ypwangwei 于 2012-8-21 22:48 发表
哈哈,您还有巴克 呢:lol


巴克出了 :victory:

708300 发表于 2012-8-21 23:12:07

我原来把EMI巴伦那套环保和ART NOVA的波尔那套环保都留着呢,偶尔听一下,也觉得不错,直到家里CD太多放不下,送给刚听古典的大侠了。

ypwangwei 发表于 2012-8-21 23:28:20

回复 19# 的帖子

Gulda 快出吧。我有过的也出了。象机器弹的,飞快,干净,没感情。

708300 发表于 2012-8-21 23:33:20


ypwangwei 发表于 2012-8-21 23:33:42

回复 18# 的帖子

Pearl 应该不错,不过都是绝版单片,收起来太麻烦了 .... ;P

708300 发表于 2012-8-21 23:43:11

回复 23# 的帖子


ypwangwei 发表于 2012-8-21 23:46:36

回复 24# 的帖子

Dante 的水准是业内皆知的。底噪没有了,即使损失些厚重感,也只是相对而已,我个人觉得整体是非常值得的。:D

jacob1990 发表于 2012-8-21 23:54:57

Pearl 版的淘宝上有额 现在卖的是新版的么?看见个VOL 3160多

ramos 发表于 2012-8-21 23:56:36


708300 发表于 2012-8-21 23:57:07

回复 25# 的帖子


ypwangwei 发表于 2012-8-21 23:59:21

回复 28# 的帖子


708300 发表于 2012-8-21 23:59:21

回复 26# 的帖子

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