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Sony MDR-CD1700 VS. Grado,AKG,&Sennheiser(二)译文奉献给大家,谢谢您一直的关注< >原文:< >Alright, here is Part two. < >CDs used :
Crumb ?Original Soundtrack, Jimi Hendrix ?The Ultimate Experience, My Dying Bride ?Like Gods of the Sun, < >Cradle of Filth ?From the Cradle to Enslave < >I decided to now test the headphones using 4 very different styles of guitar based music. There will be < >no rankings this time, instead I will discuss each headphone's strengths and weakness with each song. < >1st up is a song from the Crumb ?Original Soundtrack called Ragtime Nightingale, the last track on the < >CD, the guitar version. This song is very simple, one guy playing acoustic guitar, nothing too fast, < >just a great straight forward simple song. No vocals, just the guitar is used. < >This song sounded the best with the Grado HP-2, since the guitar sounded like a real guitar. The Grado <P>HP-2 provided the most realistic imaging all of the headphones on this track. The Sony MDR-CD1700 had <P>too much of a lush mid-range for this song, it made it sound almost like a bass guitar. Grado SR-60 were <P>detailed, but the guitar wasn't life-size like with the HP-2, not enough air and body to make it seem <P>realistic. The Sennheiser HD600 sounded good, but the HP-2 sounded so much cleaner and clearer that the <P>HD600 couldn't quite pull off the effect of hearing the real deal. The AKG K501 has a very clean sound, <P>the guitar sounded very nice, but it still seem to be missing something that kept it from sounding real, <P>like it did with the HP-2. That said, for this track, the AKG 501 was my second favorite headphone. <P>2nd up is a song from the CD Jimi Hendrix ?The Ultimate Experience called Little Wing. This is also a <P>great simple song, but unlike the above track, it's an electric guitar of course, and you have a full <P>band and vocals. Most of you know this song, I would think. It's my favorite thing that Hendrix ever <P>did. <P>This was a little different, since this song let the headphones show their strengths and weakness better <P>than the other track. The Sony MDR-CD1700 had the best vocals, they just sounded smooth and heavenly. <P>The Drums also were great on the Sony MDR-CD1700. The guitar wasn't quite right however. It was fun to <P>listen to what the Sony MDR-CD1700 did to the vocals, I never heard them that way, very nice. But, this <P>is Hendrix, so you want the guitar to be perfect and it was far from that on the 1700, I think it goes <P>back to the mid-range being too lush for it's own good, it almost sounds like there's tubes in the <P>headphones, or something. The Grado SR-60 didn't sound bad at all, but they were the 1st can that I used <P>for this song, sometimes people may not realize what they are missing or the weaknesses of their <P>headphones unless they sit down and really compare and contrast like I抦 doing here. While the Grado <P>SR-60 sounded good, you still were aware that you were listening to a CD on a pair of headphones. <P>Sennheiser HD600 made the bass and drums sound great, you could also tell where everyone were suppose to <P>be, but it just was too laid back and just not clear enough to make the illusion of sitting in the <P>studio listening to them play rather than listening to a CD. The Sennheiser HD600 doesn't seem to be at <P>home with more simple styles of music. Something very wrong happen when I tried this song with the AKG <P>K501, I remember someone posting that the AKG K501 made the soundstage appear at his feet. Well, I never <P>really heard that before with these headphones until I heard this song, the soundstage appeared to be <P>titled in a 90 degree angle. It was the weirdest thing I ever heard. This made the AKG K501 hands down <P>the worst headphones of the bunch for this track. I don't know how to explain why the AKG K501 did this <P>to the soundstage, but I have a feeling that whatever colorations AKG is using to make the soundstage <P>appear so wide is screwing with the imaging. Finally, the Grado HP-2. It should be noted that I didn't <P>listen to the headphones in this order as you can tell, so don't think that the HP-2 came after the AKG, <P>the Sony came after the AKG, just in case you wanted to know. The Grado HP-2 was hands down the best <P>headphone for this song as well. The guitar sounded so realistic that I also cried it was so beautiful. <P>I truly felt that I was sitting in, close your eyes, and you are there. It didn't sound like a <P>recording, it was amazing effect. <P>3rd up is a song from the CD My Dying Bride ?Like Gods of the Sun called For My Fallen Angel. This is <P>one of the saddest songs ever made in any style of music. Once again, it's a simple song : a violin, <P>keyboards, and spoken word is all that is with this song. The violin is real, but the keyboards are used <P>to simulate a full string assemble and choirs. The violin acts as the lead, the deep vocals are spoken <P>word. <P>The Sony MDR-CD1700 made the vocals and the choirs sound great, but the violin was is bit veiled as was <P>the strings in the background. However, the vocals have this haunting reverb thing happening which is <P>very subtle, if you don't know what to listen for, it was missing with the Sony MDR-CD1700 as it <P>appeared to be smoothed over. The AKG K501 made the main real violin sound fake and the imaging made it <P>seem like this massive over size violin, but it was flat, very odd. The husk of his voice was almost <P>strip away, not good. That said however, the keyboards sounded the best on the AKG K501 by far, why did <P>it do this part of the song so well, and yet screwed up the rest I have no idea, but that's the way it <P>was. The Sennheiser HD600 was the second best headphone with this song. The vocals were perfect, as it <P>got that reverb thing I mention before perfectly. Nothing sounded out of place, or wrong with the <P>Sennheiser HD600 on this track like it did with the AKG's. The Grado SR-60 did an ok job, but it was <P>missing many of the more subtle details of the track. The HP-2 made the violin sound like a real violin, <P>just very beautiful. It was cleaner to hear that the keyboards were just keyboards with the HP-2's than <P>the other cans. The vocal while great, was missing that extra something that the HD600 gave it, I think <P>this was because the HD600 go a little deeper in the bass than the HP-2. Everything sounds very clear, <P>and engaging. It managed to capture the emotion of losing the love of your life, the HD600 came close <P>but you still felt a little remove, not too much but enough that you didn't get the full emotionally <P>impact of the song like you did with the HP-2. <P>4th is a song from the CD Cradle of Filth ?From the Cradle to Enslave called Funeral in Carpathia (Be <P>quick or be Dead Version). This is my special headphone torture test song, just in time for Halloween. <P>This song will make most headphones quake in fear, since it's so extremely layered, complex and fast, <P>and slow. There are over 50 different elements happening at once and the song changes from a fast, to a <P>opera , to a smooth slow song, to a fast song again. Tons of nature sounds, effects and many different <P>vocals are used both male and female. Classical instruments, and of course your guitars, drums, <P>keyboards and the rest. I think it's a fitting way to end this review on this day, Halloween, full moon <P>and all. <P>The Sony MDR-CD1700 was having a rough time keeping up with the song, I wasn't liking how it was <P>handling things, that is until the female vocals kick in, wow. That's one thing the Sony MDR-CD1700 can <P>do extremely well, female vocals and well as male vocals. But, with female vocals it's magical, they <P>sound so lovely. Same thing happen with my Wagner opera CD that I used in the 1st part of this review. <P>The Grado SR-60 soundstage is just too small to contain so many things at once, I was having a hard time <P>telling things apart, but the metal guitars sounded good, the current Grado headphones sure could do <P>rock guitars really well, even at this entry level, but the song is so much more than just that, it just <P>couldn't keep up with the rest. The AKG K501 flatted everything out and spread everything from each <P>other, you wasn't missing any of the many elements, but none of them sounded very convincing, there just <P>wasn't any depth, but it did keep up with the song, however it sounded, well boring. AKG K501 just <P>wasn't very engaging at all, not very musical. Not that it sounded bad, it was just that it made you <P>feel indifferent to the music being played. The Sennheiser HD600 manage to handle all the elements being <P>thrown at it with ease. It had no problem keeping up. Everything was spread so that you could hear every <P>element without missing anything, and all of this and depth too. Sennheiser HD600 really do seem happier <P>with really complex music like this type of metal and classical than more simple styles. The Grado HP-2 <P>made all the elements seem very realistic, everything was clear, but due to the HP-2 being more forward <P>than the HD600's, it almost seem like too much of a good thing, and things got a little confusing with <P>the more complex parts of the song, while this never happen with the 600's. At the end I liked the <P>Sennheiser HD600 best for this type of music, but they just don't sound as clear as the HP-2 nor is <P>their imagining as great, but you are able to hear everything no matter how complex things get with ease <P>which let's you get into the music more, at least with the more complex styles. <P>At last, there you have it. It was a lot of work, but it was fun too .<P>
My Dying Bride的Like Gods of the Sun
Cradle of Filth的From the Cradle to Enslave<P> 现在我打算用四种风格迥异的吉他乐来测试这些耳机。这次测试不采用排名的办法,而是逐一讨论每款耳机在表现<P>每首歌时的长处和不足。
首先上场的是Crumb公司的原声碟中最后一首叫Ragtime Nightingale的吉他版曲目。这首曲子非常简洁,只有一<P>位演奏者弹奏非电声吉他,速度不是很快,曲调平直向前发展。这首曲目中没有人声,就一把吉他在演奏。
这首曲目用歌德的HP-2听起来最棒,因为吉他声在这个耳机上听起来更像是一把真吉他。在所有的耳机中歌德的<P>HP-2耳机提供了最真实的结像。索尼MDR-CD1700的中频有些过于华丽,这使得这首曲子听起来更像是一把低音吉他在<P>演奏。歌德的Grado SR-60细节交代得很清楚,但和HP-2比起来吉他和实物的大小有些偏差,没有足够的空气感和实<P>体感,听上去不似那般真实。森的HD600听起来不错,但声音不如HP-2那般干净、清晰,要达到现场的效果还有些差距<P>。爱科技的K501拥有非常纯净的声音,吉他声听起来非常不错,但和现场效果比起来好像总少了些什么,而HP-2却能够<P>做到。这么说吧,就这首曲子而言,爱科技的K501是我第二钟情的耳机。
接着上场的是基米.亨德里克斯的最终体验CD,一首叫作Little Wing的曲目。这也是一首非常简单的曲目,与上<P>面不同的是,这是由一把电吉他演奏的,是一个完整的乐队演绎的,包括人声。我想大多数人都了解这首曲子,在基米<P>.亨德里克斯的作品中这部是我的最爱。与其他曲目有所不同的是,这首曲子更能让这些耳机展现魅力及暴露不足。索<P>尼的MDR-CD1700有着最好的人声表现,它听起来是如此光滑优美。鼓声在MDR-CD1700上也表现得非常棒,但吉他声却<P>不是那么准确。听索尼MDR-CD1700所表现的人声是如此让人惬意。我从未听到这样的效果,感觉非常好。但这是基米.<P>亨德里克斯的作品,所以你指望吉他有完美的表现,但在CD1700上还远远达不到这种效果,我认为这是因为CD1700的中<P>频被设计得太过华丽了,听起来就象耳机中有胆管(的味道)或是别的什么。歌德的SR-60听起来一点不差,这副耳机<P>是我最先用来听这首曲子的,有时人们并不能够意识到他们的耳机中少了什么成分或耳机的缺陷,除非他们像我一样坐<P>下来用不同的耳机做一次比较和对照。尽管SR-60听起来不错,但你仍然能感觉到你是通过一副耳机在听碟。森的<P>HD600使得低音和和鼓声听起来非常棒,你甚至能够指出每个人应该所在的位置,但是它听起来声音太过靠后并且没有<P>清晰得象在录音棚听这些人演奏一样,仍然只是在听碟的感觉.森的HD600看来并不擅长表现简单类型的音乐.当我在<P>试听爱科技K501耳机时遇到一个十分明显的错误,我记得有人发过帖子说爱科技K501营造的声场到了他的脚下.的确,<P>我从来都不曾听到过这种现象直到我用这副耳机来听这首曲子,声场好像被转了个90度的弯,这是我听过的最不可思议<P>的现象,这让爱科技的K501在表现这首歌时在所有耳机中落得最差。我说不清爱科技的K501怎么会把这首曲子表现得这<P>样,但我有种感觉不管AKG通过什么样的染色将声场拓展得这么宽,这种做法肯定改变了声音的结像。最终,歌德的HP<P>-2(需要指出的是我并不是照你所以为的顺序听每一款耳机,所以不要认为HP-2接着爱科技出场,索尼接着爱科技<P>出场,你想要的答案藏在箱子里呢)在表现这首曲子的时候取得了头名。在这副耳机上,吉他声是如此的真实,让我暗<P>自称奇竟会如此之美。我能真切地感到我就坐在那儿(录音棚,译者猜),闭上眼睛,你真的就在那儿。它听上去已不<P>像是录音,这真是一种神奇的效果。
随后登场的是一张叫My Dying Bridge's Like Gods of the Sun中的一首曲子:My Fallen Angle.这是有史以来<P>各种类型的最哀伤的曲子之一。依然如此,这是一首简单的歌曲:一部小提琴,键盘,以及一些说唱词就构成了这首歌<P>曲。小提琴很真实,键盘用来模拟一串娟丝和吟唱。由小提琴领衔,低沉的人声为说唱词。
第四首曲子是Cradle of Filth's From the Cradle to Enslave中的一首曲子:Funeral in Carpathia(Be <P>quick ro be Dead Version).这是一首我用来对耳机进行折磨般的测试的曲子,正好算是庆祝万圣节前夜。这首曲子使<P>大多数耳机发出令人害怕的震颤。因为这首曲子特别有层次,特别复杂,特别快速,或是特别慢。在某一时刻有超过50<P>种乐器同时出现,会从快曲过渡到歌剧,过渡到平滑的慢曲,又过渡到快曲。其中有大量的自然声响,音效以及男女人<P>声。有传统的乐器,当然有吉他,鼓,键盘以及其他一些乐器。我认为用这首曲子结束这次评论是个很好的主意,万圣<P>节前夜,月儿大而圆。
索尼的MDR-CD1700跟上这首曲子的节奏颇有些费力,我不欣赏这种处理的手法,直到一个女声出现,哇。表现人<P>声是索尼MDR-CD1700最拿手的一件事,无论是女声还是男声。但表现女声显得很有魔力,声音是如此可爱。在第一部<P>分的评论中试听瓦格纳的歌剧时也有相同的效果。歌德的SR-60声场不是太大以至于不能在同一时刻展现这么多的音乐<P>成分,通过这副耳机来将这些音乐元素分开有些费力,但金属吉他声不错,现在的歌德的耳机可以将摇滚吉他表现得很<P>好,尽管是这副入门级的耳机,但曲子并不仅有吉他乐的成分,它跟不上其他的乐器的节奏。爱科技的K501耳机能将每<P>件乐器分开,你不会错过任何的音乐成分,但却不让人信服,没有声场深度,然而听起来它确实不能跟上乐曲的节奏,<P>很让人厌烦。爱科技的K501听起来一点不动人,音乐味不足。不是因为听起来不好,但就是不能让所演奏的音乐扣人心<P>弦。森的HD600轻而易举地处理了所有的音乐成分。跟上节奏也毫无问题。每样音乐成分都被展开因此你不会错过任何<P>东西,一样具有声场的深度。看起来森的HD600似乎更擅长处理像这种类型的金属和传统乐器并存的复杂型的音乐。歌<P>德的HP-2使每样成分听起来很真实,很清楚,但是由于HP-2的声场比HD600更靠前一些,好像有些过头,并且在表现<P>乐曲中比较复杂的部分时有些乱,然而在HD600上却不存在这样的问题。最终在表现这样类型的音乐时我最喜欢HD600,<P>只是听起来没有HP-2那样清晰并且声音的结像也没有那么棒,但通过它你能将每样成分都听得很清楚,不管这种音乐<P>有多复杂,这使得你能更容易地投入其中,至少这样复杂类型的音乐是如此。临末,这篇评论就这样展现在你的面前了<P>。评论的工作量是很大,却充满了乐趣。 |