darkblood 发表于 2023-2-18 20:12:25

ada 8xr 火线 电脑端怎样设置192K输出


天方夜谭天说地 发表于 2023-2-19 15:33:50

ada8解码 非xr版?

darkblood 发表于 2023-2-19 19:07:46

本帖最后由 darkblood 于 2023-2-19 19:12 编辑

天方夜谭天说地 发表于 2023-2-19 15:33
ada8解码 非xr版?

darkblood 发表于 2023-2-19 21:56:01

本帖最后由 darkblood 于 2023-2-19 22:05 编辑

7.2 Extended sample rates and Split96 interfacing ........................................................ 26
7.2.1 What are ‘extended’ sample rates? ................................................................... 26
7.2.2 What is the use of extended sample rates? ...................................................... 27
7.2.3 Interfacing extended sample rates..................................................................... 27
7.2.4 Extended sample rates in the ADA-8XR.....................

这说明书这么多字 漫无边际大道理就是没有简单一句话   
8xr火线到模拟输出192Khz到底是不是无条件的单线aes输出   还是需要特殊条件

amex 发表于 2023-2-19 23:13:20


darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 00:47:43

amex 发表于 2023-2-19 23:13

选4o4i 192出来了 但是没有声音 怎么办

darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 11:58:14

If you have an ADA-8 XR that is fitted with two FireWire I/O Modules, an Analogue Line Input
Module, and an Analogue Line Output module the “FWire AD/DA Casc” store will appear in
the store banks when the Factory Stores are recalled. Use this store for common A/D and D/A
applications with sample rates up to and including 192kHz.

就为了192要多买一张火线卡日仙人这叫支持192192要多花钱 不早说   

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 13:22:54

darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 11:58
If you have an ADA-8 XR that is fitted with two FireWire I/O Modules, an Analogue Line Input
Module ...


darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 14:36:19

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 13:22


简单一点 你现在用手机录像操作流程传到b站上去我看录像操作一遍就行了火线 单线单卡 输出模拟192Khz

darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 16:23:14

本帖最后由 darkblood 于 2023-2-20 16:26 编辑

Each FireWire card caters for 8 simultaneous input and output channels at up to 96kHz sampling rate, or for 4 simultaneous input and outputs channels at 176.4 and 192kHz sampling rates. 8 channel simultaneous input and output applications at sampling rates over 96kHz require two FireWire cards. 16 channel input or 16 channel output applications are also supported at up to 96kHz with two FireWire cards.


http://www.prismsound.com/music_ ... s/ada8_firewire.php

sampling rates over 96kHz require two FireWire cards

sampling rates over 96kHz require two FireWire cards

sampling rates over 96kHz require two FireWire cards

4通道我调出来了选96就有声音选192可以播放 就是没有声音到底什么情况

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 16:25:45

for 4 simultaneous input and outputs channels at 176.4 and 192kHz sampling rates
8 channel simultaneous input and output applications at sampling rates over 96kHz require two FireWire cards.

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 16:27:03


darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 16:29:05

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 16:25
for 4 simultaneous input and outputs channels at 176.4 and 192kHz sampling rates
8 channel simulta ...


darkblood 发表于 2023-2-20 16:29:37

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 16:27
我们8xr用户用了多少年192了到你这得两 ...

已经跑了 就是没声音为什么

amex 发表于 2023-2-20 16:31:00

不要选pc driver
下面sampling rate is set manully(对,手动才会自动)
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查看完整版本: ada 8xr 火线 电脑端怎样设置192K输出
