grimm uc&grimm cc1
grimm家产品完全没热度了,前几年不是还热火朝天么? 自从cc1被两仪总狙击了以后就没声音了? 现在有啥性价比高点的时钟么?歌诗德C18,淘宝那个小猪的时钟咋样 uc1还可以的,朋友买过,挺好听的 uc1…挂咸鱼一年都卖不掉……好听有啥子用。 因为外观太专业化(没吸引力),声音也就那样,,代理是港独,KOL要继续这样下去的话里外不是人啊 本帖最后由 zjzju 于 2022-2-16 01:58 编辑YW9252 发表于 2022-2-15 21:43
grimm cc1/2最初是为avid接口开发的。
翻遍grimm cc1产品白皮书,它是极力反对工业品10m合成音频频率。按它的说法:
The greatest common denominator between 44.1kHz and 10MHz for instance is 100Hz. It is exceedingly difficult to make a synthesizer with such a ratio that doesn’t have significant jitter products at 100Hz intervals. If the aim of the undertaking is to minimize jitter, bringing in a 10MHz laboratory standard is a surefire way of making things much more complicated and much more expensive.
The lowest jitter clock you can ever get is a really good crystal oscillator that puts out the frequency you want (or an integer multiple) directly. This is what the CC1 does
cc1还是相当不错的,外观很好看,我接在weiss界面和rme声卡都有很大提高,3d感,整体素质都有明显的进步,前提是要热机一个小时以上。 发烧的血液 发表于 2022-2-16 00:02