zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-27 18:46:07

nuxus 发表于 2021-11-5 21:51
一般先改一下时区 antipodes是夜里3:30以后发送固件推送 (这个时间肯定不使用机器)
早上起来就能收到更 ...


nuxus 发表于 2021-11-27 23:13:26

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-27 18:46


nuxus 发表于 2021-11-28 09:44:26

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-11-28 12:34 编辑

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-27 18:46

我手上也有2.8版本的 但内核已经是最新版本

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-28 13:46:01

nuxus 发表于 2021-11-27 23:13


nuxus 发表于 2021-11-28 18:04:32

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-11-28 18:35 编辑

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-28 13:46
拿Antipodes CX来举例,目前同一个局域网内有三台Antipodes CX 版本分别为2.7 2.8和3.1 如下图:

nuxus 发表于 2021-11-28 18:08:02

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-11-28 18:36 编辑

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-28 13:46
CX的三个版本都可以升级到roon 1.8(build850)想知道你目前的Linux内核版本是哪个
是4.13.16-211.fc25.x86_64 还是新的5.6.13-100sgc.fc30.x86_64

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-29 09:05:22

nuxus 发表于 2021-11-28 18:08
CX的三个版本都可以升级到roon 1.8(build850)想知道你目前的Linux内核版本是哪个
是4.13.16-211.fc25. ...


zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-29 09:09:49

nuxus 发表于 2021-11-28 18:08
CX的三个版本都可以升级到roon 1.8(build850)想知道你目前的Linux内核版本是哪个
是4.13.16-211.fc25. ...


nuxus 发表于 2021-11-29 10:23:51

zjmzjm 发表于 2021-11-29 09:09



nuxus 发表于 2021-12-6 12:32:31

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-12-6 12:33 编辑

又有更新:The software upgrade to v3.11 is now live.Leave your music server booted up (not in standby) and it will receive the upgrade tool at 3.30am tonight or tomorrow night, your time, depending on your location. When you open the GUI or Dashboard from My Antipodes, the upgrade tool will open and you have the choice to begin the upgrade or skip it to do it later.Once you start the upgrade, ignore all messages on the screen until it specifically asks you to REBOOT. Because an individual step says it is complete, does not mean the upgrade is finished. Interrupting it before you are asked to reboot will likely corrupt the software on your music server.If you have a dual computer model, such as a K50 or K30, or if you connect directly between two music servers, such as between a S40 and S30, then you must complete the upgrade on the one running the Server apps first, reboot, and then complete the upgrade on the one running the Player apps. Do not upgrade them both at the same time.Reboot by shutting down via the front panel power button. And then restart the music server via the same button.What It Means
[*]Already on v3.1?
If you are already on AMSv3.1, then the v3.11 upgrade includes some bug fixes, application updates and upgrades that time had not allowed us to include in v3.1.
[*]What if you do not get the upgrade tool?
If you have left your music server on but not received the upgrade tool by 7 December 2021, get in touch with us so that we can get the upgrade started for you. The issue can be network communications issues, or only leaving your music server in standby rather than booted up and running.
[*]What if you are not yet on AMSv3.1?
You have not missed out. The upgrade process is cumulative and will deliver everything you require to be up to date at v3.11. Note that if you are upgrading from AMS3.0 or earlier, then this is a large upgrade in several steps, that you must not interrupt. Many users created problems for their music servers by not waiting for the instruction to ‘reboot’, and exiting the process before that instruction. Please be patient.
What It ContainsThese are the key upgrades in AMSv3.11.
[*]Roon Native DSD
A bug prevented Native DSD enablement with Roon Server, and v3.11 fixes this.
[*]Squeeze Player
A bug made it difficult for Squeeze Server to find Squeeze Player on the network, and v3.11 fixes this.
[*]Internal Audio
The latest Operating System did not provide full support for some internal audio chips, which mainly affected Analog Outputs, and v3.11 fixes this.
[*]My Antipodes
Some users experienced problems with finding their music servers on the My Antipodes page. We have enhanced the code for the My Antipodes page to work with a wider variety of home network setups to address this.
[*]Third-Party App Updates
The v3.11 upgrade will update your applications to the latest versions that have passed testing on our operating system.
[*]System Optimisation
Users wanting to optimise sound quality should leave their music server on. But this can result in memory issues over time. AMSv3.11 introduces regular memory optimisations to avoid any deterioration of performance, making it even more advisable to leave your music server on.
[*]SQUEEZE Remote Control
AMSv3.11 includes a new SQUEEZE Server skin, based on Material, focused on making the interface easier to use. Since SQUEEZE is, in our opinion, the best sounding software, we intend to continue to innovate with this skin to make it both simple and complete for most users’ needs.

nuxus 发表于 2021-12-11 08:22:08

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-12-11 08:24 编辑


whfcxr 发表于 2021-12-11 21:35:10

更新后, antipodes 要用IE浏览器, 用chrome不太行。

nuxus 发表于 2021-12-16 10:48:46

本帖最后由 nuxus 于 2021-12-16 10:52 编辑

Roon 1.8 (Build 880) is Live!
Improvements and Bug Fixes for Build 880:
[*]We’ve introduced Art Director, a new web-based tool that puts our community in control of how artist images are shown in Roon
[*]Search Overhaul, including new treatment of the Search result page for classical queries
[*]Updated Zone Settings design
[*]Volume limits reminder popup
[*]Curated by Roon Playlists added to Home
[*]Introducing database integrity check
[*]Live Radio Metadata
[*]Made an overhaul of empty states across the app
[*]Complete overhaul of buffering/caching/fetching infrastructure for playing media from streaming services
[*]Moved Android builds to use API level 30
[*]Adopted iOS app to new for new iPad displays
[*]Play Now / Play From here actions disable shuffle
[*]iOS volume controls:

[*]Fixed cases where volume would update for a zone with Fixed volume
[*]Resolved cases where switching between apps caused loss of ability to control volume
[*]Fixed cases where system volume was adjusting even with disabled lockscreen control feature
[*]Fixed case where local iOS zone volume is set to 0 in after switching zone in Roon app
[*]Text filtering:

[*]Resolved cases where incorrect filtered data would be shown in case of looking for an artist with “The”
[*]Fixed inability to process special chars within filter query

[*]Fixed incorrect sort of tracks in playlist export dump
[*]Fixed inability to open excel generated from Skipped files section
[*]Linn streaming:

[*]Implement track progress support for Linn songcast streaming
[*]Fixed case where Roon was incorrectly sending “stop” command to Linn devices after input switch
[*]Roon Core no longer hangs at startup on certain QNAP devices
[*]Resolved a bug causing an inability to start playback on Meridian endpoint in certain cases
[*]Fixed issue loading artist details page for unidentified artists
[*]Playlists browser: Fixed hidden text filtering state after app restart
[*]Fixed crash filtering Artists browser by favorites
[*]Adjusted action buttons order and color treatment in accordance with OS design conventions
[*]Removed unnecessary sorting options from General tab in Settings
[*]Resolved an issue with certain Qobuz account’s region info was not recognized correctly
[*]Resolved a RoonServer crashes on Linux caused by frequent network reachability changes
[*]Resolved an issue when Roon wasn’t automatically starting after finishing the restore backup procedure on Windows
[*]Resolved an issue where scrolling with keyboard arrows or by dragging scrollbar does not work in browsers after going back to it using BACK button
[*]Fixed cropped toast message on mobile clients
[*]Artist details Overview tab: Resolved issue sorting alphabetically when albums have the same release date
[*]Implemented alphabetical tag ordering on track row level on the Album details page
[*]Resolved cases where albums title under ‘Recommended Albums’ widget could be cut off
[*]Resolved issue where old scroll position was used after switching between bookmarks in the same browser
[*]Album Page: Fixed spontaneous movements of the tracklist on Album page
[*]Fixed absence of ‘In library’ and streaming service badges on search results and recent activity
[*]Fixed inability to add playlists to tags
[*]History editor closes after deleting content
[*]Resolved an issue where Win11 remote device shows as Win10 device on the Core`s Audio settings
[*]Resolved an issue where Android client would show an error in cases of no WiFi (use Roon on Android with VPN)
[*]Fixed “Save” button treatment and text formatting of Daily Mixes detail page on Mobile
[*]Fixed issues persisting selection state
[*]Fixed a crash when enabling ASIO zone on Windows when the device isn’t plugged in
[*]Resolved an issue causing to remove browser’s filter state in case of selecting an item
[*]iPads can be used in upside-down portrait orientation
[*]Qobuz bookmarks restore genre filter settings
[*]Version tab: removed “Also In Your Library” header when there is only one album to show
[*]Updated default sort order for Album date
[*]Added cover art to track row on Playlist details
[*]Added album type to “Recommended albums” widget on Artist details


nuxus 发表于 2021-12-16 13:44:18

nuxus 发表于 2021-12-18 09:57:26

Roon 1.8 (Build 882) is Live!
Roon 1.8 (Build 882) Release NotesRoon Build 882 is now rolling out for macOS, Windows, Windows (64 Bit), Roon OS, and Linux.All platforms and apps should update automatically.There is no update for Roon on Android or iOS at this time, nor are there updates for Roon BridgeImprovements and Bug Fixes for Build 882:
[*]Resolved issues enabling more than 10 audio device (Sonos, KEF, Squeezbox, Chromcast)
[*]Resolved issues loading database on certain windows systems with outdated .NET Framework packages
[*]Resolved cases where database would hang in the loading state or load with empty library
[*]Resolved a crash in attempt to merge compositions in a certain case
[*]Resolved cases where manually edited artist picture will not be shown on Now playing screen

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查看完整版本: 11月3日,roon 重大更新 你们准备好了吗?
