le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-28 15:45:11


本帖最后由 le123cn3 于 2022-10-20 08:36 编辑

本人最近查找资料,找到了一篇名为《Jennifer Warnes Shootout - Famous Blue Raincoat, The Hunter, and The Well》的文章,作者是:Robert S. Youman,这是一篇讨论唱片的文章,其中试听设备是非常不错的名器。遂翻译与大家分享,内容略有删减。

This was a fun project. The original genesis was realized from dozens of emails from various readers over the last twelve months in response to some of my most recent hardware reviews. When trying to explain a point or what they were hearing in their own system, the references were often a track from one of these three Jennifer Warnes' titles. This included references to CD, SACD, and vinyl formats.这是个有趣的项目。构思诞生于过去一年里不同读者的数十封电邮交流之中,这些来信都是关于对我近期的一些器材评论文章的看法。当读者们就自己的音响系统中解释某一观点或阐述听感时,往往会选择Jennifer Warnes(珍妮弗·华恩丝)的若干曲目作为参考,包括CD、SACD和黑胶。I thought it was odd, if not a coincidence at first, but the emails and references kept coming and it triggered my curiosity and next step. There was obviously an interest from these readers and probably many more for these recordings. Yes, they are used as standard demonstrations at most shows and dealerships and might be "ho hum" for many, but I for one never tire of this music. I am a rock n roller at heart with a growing appreciation for jazz and classical, yet this music provides an intriguing mix of all genres for me. I love the arrangements, Jennifer's voice and style, and the sound quality is absolutely terrific.刚开始的时候,我不以为然,认为这只是巧合。但随着邮件和推荐信源源不断的提及,激起了我的好奇心和进一步研究的欲望。我认为,不仅仅是这些读者对Jennifer的歌声感兴趣,而且可能还有更多的人也喜欢她的作品。没错,很多商业演出和销售商都播放Jennifer的歌曲,用以展示他们的器材。可能有人觉得平淡无奇,而我对这些歌曲是越欣赏越懂欣赏。虽然我这颗摇滚的心渐渐地迷上爵士乐和古典音乐,但Jennifer的歌曲里面把各种音乐类型绝妙地组合起来,我真的非常喜欢这样的编曲,并且她的歌喉、风格以及作品音质都是超一流水准。So, after some thought and discussion with a few audiophile buddies, it occurred to me that it might be interesting to have a shoot out and compare the many releases and re-issues. So many are familiar with these recordings that it might also generate plenty of opinions and insight beyond our findings and thus help with the entire project.因此,经过一些思考,也和部分发烧友讨论过,我觉得让不同版本和再版进行一次较量可能会很有趣。毕竟很多人都很熟悉这些歌曲,除了我们的发现之外,大家还可能还有很多的建议和见解,有助于项目开展。Thank You 感谢I want to thank several of my local and remote friends who contributed some of their own collections and helped out in this evaluation. A simple idea morphed into a very enjoyable two nights of great music, Chicago style deep dish pizza, and a multitude of local craft beers. Yep, Chicago style deep dish pizza is even better the second night around!And yes, yes, I know. Get a life Bob! Regardless, the whole process and experience was highly enjoyable and very insightful—especially if you admire this music.我要感谢几位本地和远道而来的朋友,他们贡献了不少珍藏,并在这一场对决中提供了帮助。从原本简单的想法变成了一个非常愉快的两晚音乐旅程,品尝了芝加哥风格的深盘披萨,以及大量的当地精酿啤酒。 大家说的对,芝加哥风格的深盘披萨在第二天晚上更美味!不得不感叹这就是美好生活!整个过程是非常愉快的体验,尤其是你在欣赏这些歌曲的时候。Review System 器材· Sonus Faber Stradivari Loudspeakers(意大利世霸大名琴音箱)· REL No. 25 Reference Subwoofers(英国REL低音炮)· Devialet 1000 Pro Integrated Amplifier(法国帝瓦雷D类功放)· Pass Labs INT250 Integrated Amplifier(美国柏思AB类功放)· Pass Labs XP-15 Phono Preamp(柏思唱放)· VPI Avenger Plus Turntable(美国VPI黑胶转盘)· VPI JMW 12-3DR Tonearm with Nordost Reference Cable(VPI唱臂配音乐丝带)· van den HulCrimson XGW Stradivarius Moving Coil Cartridge(范登豪MC唱头)· Esoteric K-01X SACD/CD Player(日本第一极品SACD唱机)· Aurender N10 Music Server(韩国奥兰德数播)· Synergistic Research Element CTS Cable throughout(美国第一线)· Synergistic Research PowerCell 12 UEF SE Power Conditioner(美国第一线电源处理器)· Rix Rax Hoodoo Component Rack(器材架)· Magico QPod Footers(脚钉)
Caveat Emptor 购者自慎System synergy and personal taste are critical when evaluating high-end audio products and both audiophile and non-audiophile recordings. This review is based on my subjective requirements, my subjective ears, my specific system, and my specific listening room. This combination is only one data point of many that exist out there for these components and recordings. Please consider my comments and analysis accordingly.在评估高端音频产品以及高保真录音和普通录音的唱片时要做好两手准备,一是要搭配良好的设备系统作为参考,二是依据个人的品味爱好进行判断,这都是非常重要。本文是来自于我的主观喜好、主观听感,还有我这里特定听音室及其相关器材。对于这些播放设备和唱片,这种组合只是如繁星般市场产品里的沧海一粟。在考虑我以下意见和分析的时候,不要忽略这一点。

le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-28 15:51:24

试听开始:Jennifer Warnes, Famous Blue Raincoat: The Songs of Leonard Cohen,Pressings《骄傲的蓝雨衣:科恩之歌》,版本:· CD - Cypress Records YD 0100(加拿大柏树唱片公司CD编号YD 0100)· CD - Private Music 01005-82092-2(美国私人音乐唱片公司CD编号01005-82092-2)· CD - Attic (Canada) ACD 1227(加拿大阁楼唱片公司CD编号ACD 1227)· CD - Cisco 20th Anniversary 24K Gold Edition GCD8011-2(美国思科唱片公司20周年纪念金碟CD编号GCD8011-2)· CD - Impex 20th Anniversary 24K Gold Edition IMP8301(美国进出口唱片公司20周年纪念金碟CD编号IMP8301)· CD - Classic Records/Rock The House Gold RTH 5052(美国经典唱片公司金碟CD编号RTH5052)· LP - Cypress Records 661 111-1(加拿大柏树唱片公司黑胶编号661 111-1)· LP - Attic (Canada) LAT 1227(加拿大阁楼唱片公司黑胶编号LAT 1227)· LP - Classic Records/Rock The House RTH 5052 – 1(美国经典唱片公司黑胶编号RTH5052-1)· LP - Cisco CLP7060-45(美国思科唱片公司黑胶CLP7060-45)· LP - Impex Records IMP6021(美国进出口唱片公司黑胶IMP6021)Tracks Evaluated 试听曲目:· Track 1 "First We Take Manhattan"(第一首:我们先占领曼哈顿)· Track 2 "Bird On A Wire"(第二首:线上孤鸟)· Track 4 "Joan of Arc"(第四首:圣女贞德)Summary 简评Famous Blue Raincoat: The Songs of Leonard Cohen was Jennifer Warne's sixth studio album and was released in 1986 on the Cypress label. It was produced by C. Roscoe Beck and Jennifer Warnes. Several Engineers are listed for various original and re-issue productions including Charlie Paakari, Csaba Pelocz, Steve Postell, Paul Brown, Steve Strassman, Tim Boyle, Bill Youdelman, Frank Wolf, and Larry Brown. Bernie Grundman is credited for all mastering. This is quite a list of industry superstars and probably explains the fantastic sound from even the very first release.《骄傲的蓝雨衣:科恩之歌》是Jennifer Warnes的第六张录音室专辑,于1986年由加拿大柏树唱片公司发行。它由C罗斯科·贝克(C. Roscoe Beck)和Jennifer Warnes共同监制,几位录音工程师被列入了首版和再版作品的名单,包括Charlie Paakari, Csaba Pelocz, Steve Postell, Paul Brown, Steve Strassman, Tim Boyle, Bill Youdelman, Frank Wolf, 还有 Larry Brown, 由Bernie Grundman(伯尼·格伦德曼)进行母盘处理,这个名单全都是行业里面的顶尖高手。为什么从第一个版本开始声音就是如此的曼妙悦耳,这就是很好的解释了。Famous Blue Raincoat was clearly intended as a heartfelt tribute to Leonard Cohen by Jennifer Warnes who actually toured as one of his backup singers in the 1970s and provided backup vocals on several of his albums. Guest artists included Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Lindley, Robben Ford, Vinnie Colaiuta, Russell Ferrante, and a host of many more of the finest studio musicians available at that time. Van Dyke Parks contributed to the arrangements and Leonard Cohen himself provided additional vocals on the song "Joan of Arc".《骄傲的蓝雨衣》显然是Jennifer Warnes向“老头子”Leonard Cohen(伦纳德·科恩)衷心致敬的专辑,她在20世纪70年代作为“老头子”科恩巡回演出的后备歌手,并在他的几张专辑中初试莺啼。参与到这张专辑的嘉宾还包括Stevie Ray Vaughan(美国传奇吉他大师,主音吉他手)、David Lindley、Robben Ford、Vinnie Colaiuta、Russell Ferrante,以及许多当时最优秀的音乐人。范戴克·帕克斯为这一安排做出了贡献,伦纳德·科恩也亲自参与了歌曲《圣女贞德》演唱(这一首歌曲非常好听)。Again, when considering the CD format, there are dozens of early pressings and labels from around the world. Our focus was primarily on the US releases and those current availability in both new and used marketplaces. Of special note, we were able to purchase both the Cisco and Impex 20thAnniversary 24K Gold pressings as sealed new copies. We were also able to obtain the Classic Records' Rock The House Gold pressing which is said to be of very limited production and availability. From my limited research, it seems that an SACD version of Famous Blue Raincoat was never released.同时,作为《骄傲的蓝雨衣》的CD唱片,世界各地早已有好几十个不同的版本。我们这次主要关注在美国发行过的版本,以及在售和二手市场上能找到的现有版本。特别注意的是,我们能够找到了思科唱片公司和美国进出口唱片公司的 20周年金碟,我们还找到了美国经典唱片公司的RTH金碟版本,这是世间罕有的限量版。从我目前的研究来看,似乎从来没有发布过SACD版本。Lets get right to the brass tacts. The domestic CD pressings from Cypress Records and Private Music were just fine, but we found the Attic pressing from Canada to be our favorite from the original releases at hand. Slightly more open with a touch of warmth and musicality that was subtle, but noticeable.让我们直奔主题,回归到听感上来。来自加拿大柏树唱片公司和美国私人音乐唱片公司CD版本都很动听,但是我们发现来自加拿大阁楼唱片的版本是我们手头上最喜欢的版本。稍微自然一些,带有一种微妙但情不自已的温暖和音乐感。Of the three audiophile CD pressings from Cisco, Impex, and Classic Records, there was definitely a step up in sound quality. The Impex and Cisco were indistinguishable from each other as expected since they were pressed at the same plant. Extremely open and fast with slightly more weight in the low end, both were very impressive. 试听思科唱片、美国进出口唱片公司和经典唱片公司推出的三款发烧CD唱片后发现,音质较刚才的版本有明显提升。因美国进出口唱片公司和思科唱片公司的金碟是在同一工厂生产的,因此它们之间并没有太多的区别。自然开放、低频迅速且量感较强,令人过耳不忘。The Classic Records Gold provided the most intriguing combination of results and created a split in the final voting. Not quite as dynamic and three dimensional as that from Cisco and IMPEX, it did have more of an analogue sound with a certain sense of roundness and purity that was very attractive. Maybe it was the sound or maybe it was the limited production, but several listings of the Classic Records Gold can be found on eBay in the $200 to $300 range. Ouch!而经典唱片公司的金碟最为耐人寻味,我们在最后的投票环节没能达成统一意见。它不像思科唱片和美国进出口唱片的版本那样充满活力和立体感,而是模拟音频特有的味道极为浓郁,背景纯净、高频圆润不刺耳,这实在是太吸引人了。或许是声音特别、或许是产量有限,在eBay上价格被炒到在200美元到300美元之间。不得了!译者释义:圆润(round)描述听感上不刺耳,音频的高频部分被滚降。Moving on to vinyl, the Cypress and Attic (Canada) pressings represented themselves well. From a strictly nit picking perspective, surface noise was slightly higher than the audiophile pressings and there was a certain edge to the sound that probably would not be noticed if you hadn't heard the other alternatives. In my rig, I still preferred them over all the CD pressings—even the gold CDs. Just a more relaxed and natural sound despite the slight edge mentioned above.把目光转向黑胶,柏树唱片和阁楼唱片(加拿大)的制作表现得最好。 从吹毛求疵角度来看,表面噪音略略超出发烧友的接受程度,可要是您没有听过其他版本,那么这些细微的噪音可能不会被注意到。 在我的音响系统里,我喜欢黑胶更甚于CD,包括金碟。 尽管有微噪,但是黑胶听感显得轻松自然许多。The Cisco, Impex, and Classic Records' LP pressings were more difficult to define and differentiate. In this case, the Classic Records' pressing was similar to the Cypress and Private Music pressings. It had a quieter surface noise but was ultimately not the preferred choice. 接下来思科唱片、美国进出口唱片和经典唱片的的黑胶则是难分伯仲。总的来说,经典唱片的版本类似于上一段提到的两个黑胶版本,而且噪音更低一些,不过这始终不是我们认为最好的。It was the 45 RPM Cisco vs. the 33 RPM Impex pressings that generated the most discussion and again split the vote. Consensus was established that these two were the top choices of all the CDs and LPs for sound quality, but the debate continued across both nights.最后出场则是45转/分钟的思科唱片黑胶对比33转/分钟的美国进出口唱片黑胶,这是引发我们最多讨论并在投票里出现严重分歧的两个版本。经过两晚的持续争论,大家一致认为这两张唱片是所有CD和黑胶里面音质最好的。然而谁才是最后王者?I am a big fan of 45 RPM LPs and my preference for the Cisco 45 RPM held strong. I found that an addictive if not realistic rendition of proper timbre, tone and weight made it my favorite. IMHO, harmonics were to die for. But, that was a lone vote. The other panel members preferred the Impex 33 RPM. More speed, more transparency, more air, and three dimensional holographic like imaging does have its appeal. Different strokes for different folks.我(作者)是45转/分钟黑胶的死忠粉丝,我对思科唱片的45转/分钟版本更为偏爱。我发现该版本对音色、音调和重量的完美演绎。在我听来,我觉得泛音极为丰富,尽管略微夸张却能让人上瘾,这使它成为我的最爱。但是,只有我一个人投票给这个版本,其他人更喜欢33转/分钟的美国进出口唱片的版本,在听感上有更快的速度、更高的透明度、更强的空间感以及更准确的结像能力确实有其吸引力。只能说一句:萝卜青菜,各有所爱。译者释义: airy(空气感):空间感。配音仿佛在一个较大的、令人愉快的空间中,并且带有一定量的没有声染的混响。高频延伸到18khz。transparent(通透感):音乐很易听,细节感好,清楚,没有拖泥带水。

le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-28 15:55:12

Process 术语处理Throughout this article I will use the term "pressing" for both original releases and re-issues for all three formats. Though often used as a term for LPs, I am not sure that it is appropriate for CDs and SACDs. Never the less, I was hoping to simplify things by using this term extensively. 文章里,我将对三种格式(黑胶、CD、SACD)不同时期推出市场的唱片使用黑胶玩家常用术语“版本”来进行描述。毕竟之前没有这种说法,因此我不确定它是否适用于CD和SACD,而作为我本身是希望通过大众化的词汇来便于大家理解。Also, let me state upfront that all of the Jennifer Warnes pressings evaluated throughout this article sounded just fabulous. Not a dog amongst them. There were differences, as we point out below, but not a reason to chuck what ever you have and restock your library. Again, this includes CD, SACD and LP formats. 另外,让我先声明,在本文中所评估的所有Jennifer Warnes作品中,各个版本听起来都非常棒,它们之间相差并不远。虽然CD、SACD和黑胶格式之间存在差异,但千万不要以此为理由扔掉手头上的版本并重新购买其他版本。Though we received many contributions from many sources, it was still difficult if not impossible to get copies of everything out there. There are new pressings and discontinued pressings on all three formats from many different labels around the world. Therefore, personal experience and comments from readers would be greatly appreciated on anything mentioned or not mentioned here.尽管我们从许多渠道获得了读者们的支持,但要把所有的版本汇集在这里,几乎是不可能的,毕竟这三种格式都在世界各地的各大厂牌生产过或者仍在生产之中。因此,我衷心感谢读者们的经验和评论,不管在这里提到或没有提到的各方面事情。Just to be clear, the listening and evaluation process was not all that sophisticated. I know that this will disappoint many, but again, the main objective was to just have some fun and not get overly serious. No, we did not use any kind of formal blind ABX comparison. 我们聆听和评估过程并不是非常的严格和复杂。我知道这可能会让你们失望,但需要强调的是,我们的主要目标是享受音乐的快乐,没有必要画地为牢自找烦恼。因此,我们没有使用任何形式的ABX盲听比较。译者释义:ABX测试是音频应用方面常见的用于衡量或比较相同性质的对象之间不可量化的特性(比如音质)的方法。Also, as you can tell from the long list of pressings, it would have been impossible to listen to each from beginning to end when comparing. We focused on three cuts from each title and we bounced back and forth between two or three pressings when we needed additional confirmation. Track selections are listed below for each title.由于试听的版本非常的多,在进行聆听比较时,不可能把专辑从头到尾都听一遍。我们在相应专辑选择3首曲目进行对照,当我们需要认真鉴别的话,就会在不同版本之间多听两到三遍。下面列出了每个专辑的试听曲目。In my hardware reviews, I typically like to discuss specific tracks and then dig even deeper with the sound of specific instruments and vocals for comparison. I took a shot for the same in this article, but it just got too monotonous with so many sources. Instead, I tried to just provide some higher level comments on the sound in general for each pressing. I hope that this will be acceptable.在我过往的器材评论中,我通常喜欢讨论特定的歌曲,然后更深入地挖掘歌曲里面器乐和人声的细节进行比较。在本次鉴别中,我也尝试了同样的方法,但是对于有如此多的版本需要聆听,这就显得相当枯燥乏味。不同于往常,这次我试着对不同版本的音色提供一些更有高度的描述和看法,希望大家能够认可。One additional note to help avoid confusion between labels. There is a connection between Jennifer Warnes, Cisco Music, Impex Records, and Elusive Disc that should be explained. Cisco Music closed their doors in 2008. Impex Records (short for Import Export Records) was established with the same Cisco Music management team in 2010. Impex Records and Elusive Disc joined forces in late 2016 in order to expand the label. This allowed Elusive Disc to handle all the distribution and marketing and allowed Impex Records to focus on titles, production, and quality control.另外给大家提醒,以避免对厂牌认知的混淆。对于歌手Jennifer Warnes,唱片公司Cisco Music、Impex Records和Elusive Disc之间复杂联系要给大家理顺清晰。 Cisco Music(思科音乐)于2008年关闭。Impex Records(美国进出口唱片公司的简称)是在2010年以思科音乐管理团队为核心创立的新公司。Impex Records和Elusive Disc于2016年底合作以扩大品牌,让Elusive Disc能够处理所有唱片分销,这也使得Impex Records专注于唱片的制作和质量控制。Last but not least, Jennifer Warnes has personally worked directly with Cisco Music and Impex Records since 2000. Jennifer has approved all masters for all her US pressings including those from Cisco and Impex. Along with Bernie Grundman's support (see below), this helps to explain the consistent superb results from both Cisco and Impex and why so many of their pressings are included here.值得一提的是,Jennifer Warnes从2000年以来一直亲自与Cisco Music和Impex唱片公司合作。Jennifer获准使用她自己在美国所有作品母带,包括来自Cisco和Impex的版本。除了混音师Bernie Grundman的功劳(见下文),这就很好地解释了Cisco和Impex版本的音质一致性,以及为什么同一张专辑有多个厂牌的版本。

le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-28 16:00:50

Jennifer Warnes, The HunterPressings《猎手》,版本:· CD - Private Music 01005-82089-2(美国私人音乐唱片公司CD编号01005-82089-2)· CD - Cisco 24K Gold Edition GCD 8012-2(思科唱片公司金碟CD编号GCD 8012-2)· CD - Impex 24K Gold Edition IMP8303(美国进出口唱片公司金碟CD编号IMP8303)· CD - Sony K2HD CSON3480K2N(SONY唱片公司K2HD格式CD编号CSON3480K2N)· SACD - Sony 88875181862(SONY唱片公司SACD编号88875181862)· LP - Private Music (Germany) 211 974(美国私人音乐唱片公司黑胶(德国制)编号211 974)· LP - Cisco CLP 7063-1(思科唱片公司黑胶编号CLP 7063-1)· LP - Impex IMP 6007(美国进出口唱片公司黑胶编号IMP 6007)Tracks Evaluated试听曲目:· Track 1 "Rock You Gently"(第一首:柔情轻抚你)· Track 8 "Way Down Deep"(第八首:沉沦)· Track 9 "The Hunter"(第九首:爱情猎手)Summary简评Jennifer Warnes, The Hunter was released in 1992 (five years after Famous Blue Raincoat) on the Private Music label and was produced by Jennifer Warnes, Roscoe Beck, and Elliot Scheiner. Engineering was provided by Csaba Petocz, Tim Boyle, Steven Strassman, Paul Brown, Larry Brown, Frank Wolf, and several more. Mastering was provided by Bernie Grundman.1992年,继《骄傲的蓝雨衣》后五年, Jennifer Warnes发行了《爱情猎手》专辑,由其本人、C罗斯科·贝克和艾略特·谢纳监制。录音工程由Csaba Petocz、Tim Boyle、Steven Strassman、Paul Brown、Larry Brown、Frank Wolf等人提供。依然是Bernie Grundman(伯尼·格伦德曼)进行母盘处理。也是全明星顶尖阵容。The Hunter entices if not embraces an interesting selection of covers and original material that should easily satisfy even the most discerning listeners. Of the three titles, this is my favorite. For me, there is a definite emotional connection with the song selection and the very creative if not unique arrangements. Another key for me is that Jennifer's voice never sounded better. Full, rich, and warm—quite alluring by most standards.如果不考虑封面和内页介绍资料,这张专辑绝对能满足最为挑剔的听众。在这三张专辑里,《猎手》是我最喜欢的专辑。对我而言,曲目的选取和安排非常的有创意,歌曲之间有着明确的情感牵引递进,我喜欢的另一个关键要素是Jennifer的声音从来没有这么好听过。饱满,厚实,温暖,都在水准之上。译者释义:饱满(full)指基波相对强于谐波。低频响应良好,虽未必有所延伸,但在100Hz到300Hz的频率范围内,具有足够的电平。男声在125Hz一带相当充足;而女声和小提琴声在250Hz一带也相当充足;萨克斯管在250Hz到400Hz一段也很充足。厚实(rich)指听感上声音沉稳有力,不浑浊。偶次谐波上带有好听的失真。温暖(warm)指低音良好低频足够,基波相对比谐波丰富、不单薄。也指有良好的空间感,低频段有明显的混响。Music contributions include songs penned by Todd Rundgren, The Waterboys, Donald Fagen, and Leonard Cohen. Another distinguished collection of guest artists provided some very serious musical support including Richard Thompson, Robben Ford, David Lindley, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jorge Calderón, and dozens more.音乐创作包括由Todd Rundgren,The Waterboys,Donald Fagen和Leonard Cohen(伦纳德·科恩)撰写的歌曲。 还有一批杰出的特邀艺术家提供认真且投入的音乐(器乐)支持,包括Richard Thompson,Robben Ford,David Lindley,Stevie Ray Vaughan,JorgeCalderón等等。Comparing the CD and SACD alternatives was challenging as the sound quality was consistently very good but there were some differences. The original Private Music CD pressing took residence at the back end of our rankings with slightly understated dynamics and a soundstage that did not extend well beyond the speakers like the other options. 比较CD和SACD及其相关的版本是很有挑战性的,毕竟音质都很好,仔细聆听之下也有一些差异。作为首版,美国私人音乐唱片公司的CD被我们排在末尾,原因是动态稍有不足,声场空间感比起其他版本略微逊色。释义:声场(soundstage)指展现在聆听者眼前或环绕四周的那种三维的空间感。Surprisingly, the Sony SACD did not stand out as expected considering the higher sampling rate and word length. I would characterize the sound as middle of the pack with a nice level of transparency and extension, but it still fell short of the Sony K2HD, Cisco, and Impex pressings. As we all know, format does not always dictate sound quality.令人惊讶的是,SACD并没有像预期的那样脱颖而出,尽管在采样率数据上更厉害。 我觉得SACD具有透明度较好和延展性较广的中频声音,但它仍然没有超过索尼K2HD、思科唱片还有美国进出口唱片(IMPEX)的版本。 我们再一次验证了格式并不能决定音质。释义:延伸(extension,也翻译为延展)指音响器材在重放音乐时所能重放出的最高频率或最低频率。Like our findings for Famous Blue Raincoat, we all agreed that the Cisco and Impex 24K Gold Special Edition CDs were identical in performance for The Hunter. Pressed at the same plant, this was expected. Both sounded very close to the best of the LP pressings with an extremely broad and deep soundstage and an analogue like smoothness and musical presentation. Always a first rate-choice, Ciscocontinued their admirable record of success and extremely impressive batting average.就像我们在上一张专辑《骄傲的蓝雨衣》所发现一样,CISCO和IMPEX金碟版本音质上大致相同的,因为它们是在同一家工厂生产,这是意料中事。这两版本广阔和纵深的声场规模都非常接近音质最好的黑胶版本,并且拥有模拟声音所特有的流畅性和表现力。作为第一选择,我们继续把票投给了CISCO的CD版本。 释义:声场(soundstage)指展现在聆听者眼前或环绕四周的那种三维的空间感。The Sony K2HD CD was the real eye opener. We never saw it coming. Highs had a liquidity and sweetness that belied the format. Mids had extraordinary bloom and palpability. Jennifer sounded more seductive and tangible than ever. Bass performance in terms of weight and slam were the most impressive over all the CD, SACD, and LP options for The Hunter.始料不及的是,索尼K2HD的CD让我们真的大开眼界。高频的流畅和甜美超越了格式的限制,中频充盈整个空间触手可及。人声听起来比以往任何时候都更有吸引力、更加真实。在所有CD、SACD和黑胶选项中,索尼版本的低频素质在重量和力度方面是最令人印象深刻的。释义:空气感(bloom)用于表示在乐器的声像四周有空气环绕的声学术语。低音(bass)指在音频低频段的声音,通常低于200Hz。Moving on to vinyl was a tough one to call. All three LP pressings were superb from almost any perspective. Liquid and relaxed with a timbral purity that was easy to recognize, we could all happily live with any of the LP alternatives. Surface noise was still a slight issue with the original Private Music pressing from Germany, but by every other frame of reference, it was difficult if not impossible to identify the differences between the three LPs and declare a clear winner. However, despite our love for vinyl, there was no argument from the panel. The Sony K2HD stood out based on bass performance alone.然而,在黑胶唱片的选择是一个艰难的决定。不管怎么看,这三张黑胶唱片都非常棒。流淌的音符和让人放松的纯净旋律,一听就知道是黑胶的特性,这足以让我们很好地享受生活。美国私人音乐唱片的黑胶,背景噪音仍然是一个小问题,但从其他方面来看,要我们辨别出三张唱片之间的差异并指出一个明显的赢家,那就有点力不从心了。不可否认大家都喜欢黑胶,但如果就低频质感来看,索尼K2HD无疑是最大的赢家。

le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-28 16:01:19


headfan 发表于 2021-10-28 19:55:00


fightclub 发表于 2021-10-28 23:35:52


zzzypl123 发表于 2021-10-30 00:22:03


乔治亚斯 发表于 2021-10-30 06:41:35


le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-30 10:01:19

乔治亚斯 发表于 2021-10-30 06:41



le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-30 10:05:09

The Winners and Special Mentions冠军与特别奖: Famous Blue Raincoat《骄傲的蓝雨衣》· Winner - Impex 33 RPM LP(冠军:美国进出口唱片公司黑胶33转黑胶碟)· Special Mention - Classic Records/Rock The House Gold CD(特别奖:美国经典唱片公司金碟CD)· Special Mention - Attic (Canada) CD(特别奖:加拿大阁楼唱片公司CD)As stated above, there was much discussion comparing the the Cisco 45 RPM LP verses the IMPEX 33 RPM LP, but the final vote declared the later as the overall preferred choice. Again, format does not always dictate the winner! Have we not all learned this lesson the hard way? Ugh!如上所述,关于思科45转黑胶和IMPEX 33转黑胶有很多的争论,但最终投票结果是后者胜出。再一次证明格式并不是决定胜负的因素,这一点我们不都是有着深刻的教训吗?The Classic Records CD deserves a special mention despite current pricing on eBay and Discogs. This is clearly one of the best sounding CDs in my entire collection. Though I only have a half dozen or so Classic Records CD pressings (of various titles), they all seem to get the sound right despite the digital format. Keep an eye on the used market and I definitely recommend pulling the trigger on this one at the right price!美国经典唱片公司的CD唱片值得向你推介,尽管目前的价格在eBay和Discogs平台上售价不菲,但非常明显的是我全部收藏中音质最好的CD唱片,虽然我拥有这个公司的CD唱片不多,也就6张左右。难得的是,作为数字格式的产品,它们的声音有着模拟记录般的正确。The Attic CD from Canada must also be strongly considered from a sound and value perspective. It should be fairly easy to find for those Jennifer Warnes' newbies who just want an inexpensive way to check out her most popular title.从音质上来讲,加拿大阁楼唱片公司的CD唱片也是值得考虑。对于Jennifer的新粉来说,如果想得到她的巅峰之作,这应该是相当容易找到的且性价比极高的版本。The Hunter《爱情猎手》· Winner - Sony K2HD CSON3480K2N(冠军:索尼K2HD,编号CSON3480K2N)· Special Mention - Private Music (Germany) LP(特别奖:美国私人音乐唱片公司黑胶[德国制)Though the panel clearly had a love for vinyl, there was no bias when it comes to digital. Ranking the Sony K2HD CSON3480K2N as the top choice for The Hunter was a close call at first but after additional comparisons it was the indisputable winner. Outstanding at all frequencies with bass performance that absolutely rocked the house.尽管评审团是特别的喜欢黑胶唱片,但在数字音乐格式上面也没有偏见。索尼K2HD版本作为《爱情猎手》的众多版本首选,并非是一听入魂的出彩,但经过多次的比较后,它是无可争议的赢家。因为它在全频段有出色的表现以及低频更为突出,绝对能震撼房子。For those looking for value, if you can locate a copy, the Private Music (German) LP pressing can be had for much less than the audiophile CD, SACD, and LP pressings and will provide excellent sound and performance.对于重视性价比的乐迷,美国私人音乐唱片公司的黑胶不仅比CD、SACD便宜,而且能提供更为优秀的音质。

乔治亚斯 发表于 2021-10-30 12:41:48

le123cn3 发表于 2021-10-30 10:01



无题无题 发表于 2021-10-30 12:59:02


回响 发表于 2021-10-30 15:43:12

美国 帝瓦雷{:1_101:}

le123cn3 发表于 2021-11-1 07:50:28

回响 发表于 2021-10-30 15:43
美国 帝瓦雷

对不起 错了 要改过来
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