causeman 发表于 2021-8-14 21:16:20


本帖最后由 causeman 于 2021-8-14 21:30 编辑

PlacementIn order to deliver its full performance,the Qbase should be placed on a stablesolid surface, ideally on a dedicatedshelf on an audio rack or amp stand. Itshould be positioned to allow maximumseparation between the system’s ACpower cords and signal leads.ConnectionEach Qbase has an IEC input on oneend. The unit is symmetrical so thatthis can be arranged to the left or rightas circumstances dictate. In order toinstall your QRT unit, first switch offyour system. Then connect the Qbase tothe wall, using a Nordost or other highquality power cord. The system’s unitsshould then be connected to the Qbasein the order shown by the diagrams onthe left.It is important to connect the line-stageor integrated amplifier to the PrimaryEarth socket located at the centerof the ground star. Principal sourcesshould be connected in system orderbetween the AC input and the PrimaryEarth, balanced by power amp(s) andsecondary sources on the other side ofthis central socket.While the high-quality WBT binding-postshould be connected to an independentclean ground, the system will function asnormal without this connection. However,providing a clean signal ground is oneof the most cost-effective upgrades youcan make to any audio or video system,as well as maximizing the benefits of theQbase Focussed Earth technology.Finally, turn on the AC supply tothe Qbase, followed by the systemcomponents, running from sources firstto power or integrated amplifier last. Sitback and enjoy the results.

虽然有这张说明但是还是不太明白。后级接中间那个primary earth?还是如何
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