proac-s140 发表于 2020-12-29 12:32:40


hot911 发表于 2021-1-17 14:27:25

as far as I know this only happens if the QNAP NAS has a bad/slow connection to the Roonlabs website, as the installer downloads the linux files from there during installation.

The upcoming update, which should appear soon in the app center (but is already available on 6 for manual installation), has an alternative option to provide the needed Roon Server files though.

Just download the Roon Server linux x64 files manually from the Roonlabs download page 3 with your computer and put it in your /Public shared folder of your QNAP.
When you install the new qpkg, (when available at the App Center or from the 6 website), it will use this file for installation and does not try to download it on its own. The filename should not be modified, or it won’t work ( -> the filename has to be RoonServer_linuxx64.tar.bz2 )

czl453 发表于 2021-1-18 23:02:55

Across the GFW,全局模式。

zhougs 发表于 2021-1-19 07:19:12

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查看完整版本: QNAP HS453DX安装ROON的问题
