阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-13 16:32:15

本帖最后由 阳光枫林 于 2019-7-13 16:33 编辑


青岛子弹 发表于 2019-7-14 10:47:48



青岛子弹 发表于 2019-7-14 14:47:32

The importance of zero play in the bearings of a Hi-fi tonearm

Rega is famed for its tonearm designs. One unique characteristic of these      designs is the achievement of near frictionless movement horizontally and    vertically whilst having no measurable free play in the bearing assemblies (and in reality one or two microns of pre load). So, why has Rega spent over thirty years and invested so heavily in thisarea of tonearm design where the removal of even microns of movement has been pursued?

Look at a stereo vinyl LP under an electron microscope and you will see microscopic ridges and bumps that the diamond stylus of the pick-up cartridge tracks and reads. Thelengthofaridgedependsonitsfrequency. The height is its amplitude.

Towards the centre of an LP, a 10Khz signal is just 26 microns long and if it’s very quiet it may be less than 10microns high. If your tonearm has 10 micronsofmovementwithinthebearingassemblies(andevenvery expensive tonearms usually have much more play and movement), reading the bumps will be difficult and musical vibration will be lost in arm movement.

It is impossible to quantify exactly the musical distortion or loss of measured information. This is due to the random nature of pivot or bearing movement. However, it is easy to see that accurate measurement or tracking of a 10 micron bump is not possible if the tracking stylus can move randomly at least the same distance that it is trying to measure.

Workings : Towards the centre of the playing area on an LP.

At 0.15m diameter the groove speed is :

0.15 x π x 0.55 revolutions /sec = 0.26m/sec (linear velocity).

Wavelength = velocity of wave / frequency

One cycle 0.26/10Khz= 0.000026m = 26 microns (μm)

The calculated 10 kHz signal wave length is 26 microns.
Therefore a single ‘bump’ is half of this.

zt213wow 发表于 2019-7-14 21:20:58


plauger 发表于 2019-7-29 21:16:42

本帖最后由 lesliealantam 于 2021-2-3 21:54 编辑


阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-30 06:51:44

本帖最后由 阳光枫林 于 2019-7-30 06:54 编辑


Tequila 发表于 2019-7-30 16:52:29

我比较同意枫林兄的意见。阿玛尼的盘是可以的。我没有听过LP22, 但是LP62, LP82同场比较过VPI TNT 3.5(算是老旗舰吧)和VPI Scoutmaster,还特意用了2个一模一样的MC头比较,以场面细节方面62/82不输给TNT, 音色上会有区别, VPI ScoutMaster明显少了很多信息。所以如果算上价格,我相信同平台的22是很超值的。


Rega 听过RP10, 觉得也挺不错,不过就不算入门级的价格了。个人认为P3真的太单薄了,喜欢进口的巨富推荐的Clearaudio Concept听过也不错。

阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-30 17:33:34

本帖最后由 阳光枫林 于 2019-7-30 17:35 编辑

clearaudio concept转盘部分还是太单薄了,clarify唱臂是OK的,只是clarify是磁吸单点臂,对刚接触黑胶的玩家来说比较难调整,国内商家的调整水平又差强人意。

Tequila 发表于 2019-7-31 06:00:40

阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-30 17:33
clearaudio concept转盘部分还是太单薄了,clarify唱臂是OK的,只是clarify是磁吸单点臂,对刚接触黑胶的玩 ...

枫林兄有没有试过配SME V?

阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-31 07:30:40

Tequila 发表于 2019-7-31 06:00
枫林兄有没有试过配SME V?


Heerochen 发表于 2019-7-31 20:00:48


阳光枫林 发表于 2019-8-3 09:15:16


plauger 发表于 2019-8-3 10:06:43

本帖最后由 lesliealantam 于 2021-2-4 01:00 编辑


阳光枫林 发表于 2019-8-3 10:15:51


steffen 发表于 2019-8-3 11:09:52

本帖最后由 steffen 于 2019-8-3 11:14 编辑

阳光枫林 发表于 2019-7-30 17:33
clearaudio concept转盘部分还是太单薄了,clarify唱臂是OK的,只是clarify是磁吸单点臂,对刚接触黑胶的玩 ...
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查看完整版本: 新人打算入黑试试,君子p3怎么样?
