4realms 发表于 2019-6-12 18:38:59

新的小尝试和老歌德的情怀: Grado 发布 THE WHITE



对Grado很久都没什么兴趣了, 但是这个新的限量版看着确实有点点意思. 全新的外观和名称来自老歌德, 意在致敬Beatles的同名专辑 (白专辑). "我很兴奋终于够完成这款耳机, 他的灵感来自我的青年时期对音乐的热爱, 尤其是对60年代的摇滚. 半个世纪过去了, 他们仍然影响着我." Old John这样感慨道. 标价$795, RS1的等级, 腔体材质使用枫木.

说归说, 做归做, 这个白耳机除了情怀和外观之外看着也确实还有点东西. 首先可以肯定这完全是John的作品, 希望声音也够纯粹. 其次腔体确实出现了微调. 纯平的外壳表面姑且认为是模仿出一张专辑的纯视觉效果, 开孔的大小则明显比从前的所有型号都小. 按照比例, 腔体形状和耳罩来看, 白耳机的基础架构应该是PS/GS系列, 那么这个开孔仅有PS/GS开孔的约1/4大小, 等于变成了半开放. 官宣中说白耳机 "有一个更加复杂的排气系统", 我想这对做了五十年全开放的歌德而言确实够复杂的了{:1_108:}

缩小的开孔主要引起我的两个推测, 更加可能的是这会让白耳机的低频更接近近两年的潮流, 快, 沉, 密, 毕竟歌德的热情低频现在已经不算那么"疯狂"了, 前有abyss, 后有铝带, 更要命的是今年新出了个外观跟歌德几乎一模一样的意大利货spirit, 主打铝外壳+同向双单元, 就是要低频爆炸. 其二是歌德终于介入了半开放式, 是否意味着单元的控制力又高了一些 (官宣中也说, 白耳机的单元是特别的). 不过对于素质我期望不高, 歌德的素质是一方面, 何况前面那些"超级低频"类的竞品也都不是以低失真为卖点的. 1266还勉强, 铝带就不多说了, 同向双单元也明显是要音效不要音质的干活. 说来说去, 歌德的限量从来都是难得公开一见的, 欣赏过样子就算啦.

零感应 发表于 2019-6-12 18:56:04


ThrashDeath 发表于 2019-6-12 19:33:41


清where 发表于 2019-6-12 22:04:46


sufei000000 发表于 2019-6-12 22:50:13


孟获 发表于 2019-6-13 08:29:59

john grado 的作品?买买买!

mvw 发表于 2019-6-13 12:37:21


Hanself 发表于 2019-7-10 20:58:38

孟获 发表于 2019-6-13 08:29
john grado 的作品?买买买!

期待124期飞行员聊聊这个“白歌德” 最近在纠结入gh4还是等这个

包治百病 发表于 2019-7-11 09:04:28


Hanself 发表于 2019-7-11 11:24:46

Hanself 发表于 2019-7-10 20:58
期待124期飞行员聊聊这个“白歌德” 最近在纠结入gh4还是等这个

被白版描述的GH4 “华丽的高频”毒到 所以GH2和GH4的声音差距大吗? 差一千多了

iak 发表于 2019-7-12 01:38:11

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The New Grado White Headphone @TTVJAudio.com
Discussion in 'Sponsor Announcements and Deals' started by Todd, Jun 11, 2019.
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Tags: grado grado labs white ttvj ttvj audio
Jun 11, 2019 at 6:16 PM   THREAD STARTER Post #1 of 14
Headphone Vinyl Meister
Sponsor: TTVJ
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Hi All,

Grado Labs has just announced a new White headphone! Below from Grado Labs...

We are taking pre-orders at TTVJAudio and including a FREE remastered version of the Beatles White album to go with these commemorative headphones for the first 5 people to order them from us!



A Limited Edition Inspired by the impact music can have.

Brooklyn, NY: Grado Labs is excited to introduce a new limited edition, The White Headphone. Inspired by one of our family’s favorite record albums. The White Headphone by Grado commemorates the power an album, or even just a single song, may have on a person’s life.

This limited pair is the first Grado headphone to have an all white platter outer enclosure. The White Headphone features a more compact ventilation system, while increasing the mass on the face of the all maple enclosure. Powering the headphone is a transducer specifically configured for this new housing, all while keeping the Grado signature sound. Rounding out the design is a large black leather headband with white stitching, all packaged in our new box.

"I'm thrilled to have been able to finally bring this headphone to reality. The inspiration goes back to my youth and my love of music, especially rock & roll in the 1960s” recalls John Grado.“Though 50 years have passed, it never gets old. I enjoyed it then and it has inspired me now."Music has been the reason for Grado Labs’ foundation in 1953, but has been a big part of our family for even longer.

Throughout the years Grado has built headphones and phono cartridges to let others listen to music in the most transparent and communicative way, and once in awhile a specific experience with sound inspires us to create something special that represents that.

Availability: The White Headphone will be available early July through the end of 2019.Retail Price: $795

TTVJAudio.com                Todd Stay updated on TTVJAudio.com at their sponsor page on Head-Fi.

http://www.ttvjaudio.com/ todd@ttvjaudio.com
To contact me, please e-mail me at todd@ttvjaudio.com or call 1-866-444-3910.
muffins, Mad Lust Envy, Monsterzero and 2 others like this.
Jun 11, 2019 at 7:28 PM Post #2 of 14
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interesting. care to give us a sound signature review todd? Grado has always lacked bass, at extreme levels for me to ever be interested
Headphones: HiFiMAN HE-400S with PaliPads (Sundara stock pads)
Amp/Dac: Schiit Asgard 2 / Schiit Modi 3

Jun 11, 2019 at 9:49 PM Post #3 of 14
Mad Lust Envy
Mad Lust Envy
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Are those the big ear pads that go around the ears? If so, I'd be interested in hearing these at some point.
Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (Updated 6/18/2019: Creative SXFI Air added)
Read the latest review (Creative's SXFI Air) HERE.
Jun 11, 2019 at 10:20 PM Post #4 of 14
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G cushions and comfortable. There was one at CamJam 2019 NYC, a number of auditions, happy faces.
Life is too short to listen to bad headphones.... Love dem electrostatics......
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Jun 12, 2019 at 4:09 AM Post #5 of 14
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I dubbed the SR80e "The Last Samurai". I dub thee "The White Death", like the legendary sniper. Can't wait for impressions/reviews. :)
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Jun 12, 2019 at 5:30 PM Post #6 of 14
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Truly a beautiful set of cans. More manufacturers should offer white models.
Jun 14, 2019 at 11:50 AM Post #7 of 14
Headphoneus Supremus
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They are so attractive to me.
Headphones: Audio-Technica ATH-ADX5000
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Jun 16, 2019 at 1:34 PM Post #8 of 14
Headphoneus Supremus
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ESL-1 said: ↑
G cushions and comfortable. There was one at CamJam 2019 NYC, a number of auditions, happy faces.
I bet! The G Cush pads usually bring a nice staging/spacious presentation.

I'd be curious to hear these if there's a tour in the works! I'm a sucker for limited edition and more heavily custom work and these are unlike any pair of Grado's I've ever seen might have to start saving up
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Jun 19, 2019 at 6:50 PM Post #9 of 14
the chemist
the chemist
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These look great! Can’t wait to hear reviews
Jun 26, 2019 at 11:48 AM Post #10 of 14
Headphone Vinyl Meister
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Hi All,

I am receiving a pair frm Grado Labs today to hear. I only get to keep them for a few days and then I must reutrn them but I will post my impressions of the headphones here by Friday! They should be here in a few hours so stay tuned for our thoughts on this cool new headphone from Grado Labs... and don't forget, you get a free 180gram Beatles White album with your purchase of these cans from us!

Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
TTVJAudio.com                Todd Stay updated on TTVJAudio.com at their sponsor page on Head-Fi.

http://www.ttvjaudio.com/ todd@ttvjaudio.com
To contact me, please e-mail me at todd@ttvjaudio.com or call 1-866-444-3910.
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Jun 27, 2019 at 8:32 PM Post #11 of 14
Headphone Vinyl Meister
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HI All,

My impressions...

The Grado White Headphones

I was very excited to hear these were going to be made and talked to Grado Labs about the possibility of giving them a listen. They said they would see what they could do.

And fortunately, they sent me a pair that arrived yesterday. I immediately opened the box and plugged them in. I was told that they were already broken in so I did not have to wait to give them a serious listen.

The White headphones are attractive and seem very lightweight on my noggin. They fit well and are adjustable to fit your head. All good on looks and comfort.

But of course, the real reason we buy headphones is for how they sound. I have listened to a ton of headphones over the last 27 years and so it takes a lot to get me excited about a headphone.

I put the White headphones on my ears and began to listen. I like to use Donald Fagen Morph The Cat and H-Gang as a starting point. These songs have good deep and powerful bass. And they are recorded very well. A good test!

The White headphones delivered and then some. The sound was natural and as if Mr. Fagen was playing right between my ears as only he can. Great detail, very good separation of instruments’ and vocals and what I would consider good bass for a headphone. I do not like bloated or excessive bass. So if that is what you are looking for, you will not find that here. The bass was tight precise and fairly deep. Not as deep as my speakers go but very satisfying to me.

I spend a lot of time with some very high headphones plugged into some high end and very high end headphone amps, the White headphones caught and held my attention. That says a lot. I have listened to quite a few headphones for 10 or 20 minutes and thought, not bad but I wasn't drawn into the music. The White headphones not only held my attention but got my foot a tappin' and my ears focusing on the fabulous sound I was hearing. It is too close to the quality of sound from some much more expensive headphones than it has the right to! A headphone one would be happy and proud to own and even happier when plugged in and playing!

Ok, so they are the White headphones, what should I listen to next... duh, the White album of course. Right from the blast off tune Back In The USSR thru While My Guitar Gently Weeps the headphones sparkled. Made me think I was hanging with the Beatles. The mix is a little funky on the old Beatles records for headphone listening with some instruments’ and vocals hard left or right. It was very cool to hear it in these headphones. George Harrison playing rhythm and Mr. Clapton playing leads on Gently Weeps was awesome. Their interplay makes the song something very special! Hearing it here live is how I felt listening to it!

The White headphone is non fatiguing and easy to listen to. I struggle with bright headphones and cannot listen for long in them. I listened for over 3 hours on my first session and felt fresh and good to go when I took them off.

I would gladly keep these headphones and make sure they get plenty of use but alas, They must return to their creator for others to enjoy. But soon I will have a pair I say to myself rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

So, Yes, I highly recommend the Grado White headphones. It is not for the Basshead but made for someone looking to be immersed in the music with, to my ears, very satisfactory bass. The soundstage is big which is an added bonus.

The White headphones are a time limited headphone that will start shipping from Grado Labs in mid to late July and be done forever Dec. 31, 2019. Get one as soon as you can and start enjoying the music you love now! Don’t miss this Special Edition headphone for sure!

Happiness may be a warm gun to some but a White headphone does it for me!

Todd Green

iak 发表于 2019-7-12 01:39:23

iak 发表于 2019-7-12 01:38
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4realms 发表于 2019-7-12 07:29:53

不过既然说的比较保守, 那下潜应该还是一般化

zc631516 发表于 2019-7-13 01:18:43

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