sc1991130 发表于 2019-4-23 20:23:28


wwwping2011 发表于 2019-4-23 20:49:48

amex 发表于 2019-4-23 14:44


spitz 发表于 2019-4-23 20:54:32


不倒翁 发表于 2019-4-24 16:44:51


tanxin 发表于 2019-4-24 17:05:12


恰空zzz 发表于 2019-4-26 04:51:13

本帖最后由 恰空zzz 于 2019-4-27 00:08 编辑





小白 发表于 2019-4-26 08:36:40

本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-4-26 08:44 编辑

WADAX Arcadia解码接到AURALiC Aries G1数播以USB线连接继续试听。Arcadia虽出自拉丁系的西班牙设计师之手,但我觉得它并不像很多意大利机、法国机那么强调音色的韵味、柔美,其基本音色我觉得十分中性和干净利落,声音的层次、细节、分离度、声场规模、动态等素质都是一流,同时声音的厚度、信息量都非常充分,确实是一台素质和音乐表现全面的机器。它可以切换1V、2V、4V三档模拟输出电平,我试下来输出电平越高,声音的力度越猛,动态趋于强大,但1V输出的声音最为细腻和耐听。我多数时候还是以1V输出在听,觉得声音的动态也是足够的,当然此时要求后面的前级有一定的素质。如果是那种只会衰减的无源前级,可能需要把输出电平设置得较高、靠后面去衰减了。

WADAX有个独家的musIC芯片处理模式,我听厂家设计师PPT介绍过,应该是厂家自己开发的数字处理芯片,播放时它有两种模式可以选择切换——普通模式Normal,以及Ultra Performance模式,我对比过,还是更喜欢开启Ultra模式,此时音乐的氛围感明显更强,泛音和声场信息更好,简单说就是让我觉得有更强的临场感,切回普通模式会觉得声音相对“朴素”和平面一些,听录音的临场感相对于Ultra模式有所减弱。我觉得这是一个带升频算法的芯片,实际效果还是挺好的。这个musIC处理是跳不过的(就像很多内置升频算法的解码器同样这一步数字处理跳不过),但存在两种模式的区别,算是一种玩法吧,取决于用家的口味。我喜欢它火气全开的Ultra Performance Mode。

不倒翁 发表于 2019-4-26 08:38:47


sc1991130 发表于 2019-4-26 09:51:20


songeagle 发表于 2019-4-26 11:23:12


Evangelion 发表于 2019-4-26 14:32:07

小白 发表于 2019-4-26 08:36
WADAX Arcadia解码接到AURALiC Aries G1数播以USB线连接继续试听。Arcadia虽出自拉丁系的西班牙设计师之手 ...


dekiller 发表于 2019-4-26 14:41:52


小白 发表于 2019-4-28 12:20:50

本帖最后由 小白 于 2019-4-28 12:30 编辑

拉丁系繁复过度设计的Wadax(西班牙设计制造)和北欧简约派性冷淡风的Densen B110合并放大器(丹麦设计制造)摆在一起有一种奇特的和谐感。

想想欧洲文化里有拉丁系的花哨繁复,也有北欧的简约冷淡,真是有意思。 ​​​​

把Wadax解码和某价格也不菲但没到8万元的DAC对比了下,觉得Wadax胜出的地方主要还是在于一流的硬素质,以及非常强的氛围感。也许是因为西班牙设计师曾经强调说过其独家的musIC芯片(当时我做现场翻译的),我总觉得这种超强的氛围感是和那个musIC有关系的,而也总觉得这个musIC是一种数字处理技术。是的,听的时候一定要把其musIC的工作模式开到Ultra Performance Mode,这样才能获得这种超强的临场氛围感。我个人觉得这乃是此机的一大亮点。如果在普通模式Normal Mode,这个解码的身价就该缩水一些了。

DXDXDX 发表于 2019-4-28 13:12:20

The musIC 2 chip, like the original musIC chip, is a custom, cell-based ASIC. The first release of the chip was launched in 2010 and was built in the 90nm node. musIC 2 was just released and this time we used a 45nm process. Now we have almost 10 times the processing power of the original musIC chip. musIC process inside the chip has a set of extreme performance arithmetic tools, designed specifically -and uncompromised- for High-End audio playback and processing. As an example of its internal complexity and accuracy, I would mention its 2,180 hardware 128-bit multipliers running in parallel, its internal 256-bit datapaths, .. The concept behind the musIC process has been described earlier by reviews at The Audio Beat, for example. We use feed-forward processing to linearize the signal path, from DAC to audio output connectors. Feedforward can only be as good as the behavioural models used. Our behavioural models are extremely complex, and this is what esentially improved from the original musIC to musIC 2. Behavioural models considered many non-linear parameters in musIC 1 already. But in musIC 2, the models have grown over 10 times in size and with interdependencies with the rest of the conversion process, such as induced jitter effects, modulated noise floor, power supply induced effects, etc. Such a crazy model requires an associated processing power to run it in real time and with the mandatory accuracy. This is the reason behind musIC 2.
Besides, musIC 2 has a wide and deep set of features that are not used as of today, but will be unlocked over time... and a simple firmware update will continuously improve the product. We designed Atlantis DAC as a live architecture that keeps evolving in parallell to our knowledge and R&D activities.

sea520 发表于 2019-4-28 13:54:40

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