Vintage 发表于 2018-2-22 13:51:37


这是里赫特早期的一场音乐会,1949年5月30日。有两家俄国公司出版了整场录音,一家是Aquarius,一家是Vista Vera。Aquarius首发,1987,Vista Vera则在2012。蹊跷的是两版中肖邦曲目的顺序不一样,也就是从第8-16音轨的安排不一样。可能Aquarius更为忠实,因为更符合一场音乐会的逻辑线索。里赫特非常重视音乐会曲目的安排,比如纪念玛琳黛德丽那场(LCL 481),他为她亲笔抄录音乐会曲目,再比如莱比锡那场(M&A CD-1025),加演的三首勃拉姆斯与贝多芬三首奏鸣曲似乎连成一个整体,令人得到一种完美的升华,而最后加演一首肖邦则让人感到余音袅袅、余情未尽。这张Aquarius肖邦曲目如下:1、Scherzo no.2 op.31; 2、Mazurka no.20, op.30 no.3; 3、Nocturne op.9 no.1; 4、Waltz no.13 op.70 no.3; 5、Mazurka no.15 op.24 no.2; 6、Etude no.1 op. 10 no.1; 7、Etude no. 12 op. 10 no. 12; 8、Ballade no.4 op. 52; 9、Etude no.3 op. 3。而Vista Vera的顺序是:1-3-4-5-2-9-6-7-8,很明显是合并同类了。如果从曲目的调性过渡来看,似乎是Aquarius更自然、更完美。里赫特整场录音都比较讲究,而早期的更显珍贵。关于这张Aquarius,美亚有一篇customer review,写得比较中肯:
There is a premium on early Richter recordings that everyone in the know should indulge in, and this is the earliest that I know of.
I don't know of another Richter Schumann Sonata No 2. I have hundreds of his recordings, and perhaps I do have it, but he was a great Schumann player, like Gieseking, and his rendition of this piece, which is huge and episodic, of course, is marvelous.
His Haydn is exemplary, and he had a knack with it, more than with Mozart, so that, except for the incomparable violin sonatas he played with Oleg Kagan, his contribution to this period of music is really confined to his Haydn playing, which, as is Haydn, fresh, imaginative, and idiosyncratic. This is as it should be.
If you want Richter at his most grandiose -- and everyone ought to -- it is the Chopin pieces here that flare up with his early genius and daring. He would have been just over 30 when this concert of 30 May 1948 (1949)took place in The Great Hall in Moscow.
His playing of these gigantic warhorses astonishes. He's having such fun unleashing that superhuman power he had in those days. He was a great musician. He was not always the same great musician, but we are fortunate to have this concert in this early version of himself.
It is ideal for all Richter aficionados. And it's ideal for beginners hearing him for the first time play for the first time. He never got better. He only got different.

猴子熊 发表于 2018-2-22 14:37:05

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