yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 08:09:12

请问大家 给和弦2qute解码用aim ua3 usb线 有没有必要

Aim ua3 usb 数据线给2qute解码用会不会浪费呢。声音风格搭配吗。欢迎有经验的朋友说说

工口⑨ 发表于 2017-12-18 08:25:49


bokeh 发表于 2017-12-18 09:06:20

2qute好歹当时也算万元解码 这usb线也就两千多 想两千加上去换更贵解码这显然没意义…

zmhi 发表于 2017-12-18 09:11:52


suede_c 发表于 2017-12-18 09:23:02


boxerlc 发表于 2017-12-18 09:40:04

本帖最后由 boxerlc 于 2017-12-18 09:41 编辑

希望2qute作者 rob watts的回复可以对你有所帮助:

出处:https://www.head-fi.org/threads/ ... dave.766517/page-82
post 1220

Going back to when Hugo first came out, I noticed different SQ with different lap-tops and PC's.

Now the problem is definitely not jitter from the source - my DAC's can tolerate 2uS of jitter and it will have zero difference to the measurements - also the USB is isochronous asynchronous so the timing comes from the DAC clock, so source jitter is not a problem.

So I looked into the issue of different SQ with sources and found two sources of error:

1. RF noise. RF noise is a major pain with audio. With analogue electronics, very tiny amounts of RF noise will cause intermodulation distortion with the audio signal, and the intermodulation products is noise floor modulation. The effect is that the noise floor changes with signal level, and the effect is very audible - you perceive it as a brightness to the sound quality. Less noise floor modulation, smoother sound quality. The curious thing about this is that the brain is very sensitive to it, so you can easily hear it. Problem is that many listeners hear the brightness as more detail resolution, and so think it sounds better - but that's another story.

2. Correlated current noise. If a tiny current that is signal related but distorted enters the ground plane, then this current will be a source of error, as the current in the ground plane induces small voltages. Now this then adds or subtracts to small signals, thus degrading small signal resolution - and this upsets the brains ability to calculate depth. Now one of the most fascinating things I discovered with Dave is there is no limit to how small this error can be without a degradation in depth perception - so it does not matter how small the error is it will have an impact.

So the solution to the above problems is galvanic isolation. This means that RF noise from the source can't get into Dave, and small correlated currents can't get in too. And this approach gave two benefits - much smoother sound quality, and a deeper soundstage.

Now with Dave I can no longer hear which source is connected, but before without the galvanic isolation it was easy to hear. Additionally, optical sounds almost identical to the USB, as optical is clearly galvanically isolated too.


通过分析这段话可知,同样带有USB电气隔离的chord 2qute和dave一样,对usb线不敏感,所以你不需要使用特别贵价的USB线,机线就行。

yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:19:51

suede_c 发表于 2017-12-18 09:23


yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:20:42

boxerlc 发表于 2017-12-18 09:40
希望2qute作者 rob watts的回复可以对你有所帮助:

出处:https://www.head-fi.org/threads/ ... dave.7 ...

感觉2qute的机线声音很散    换了贝尔金那根机线感觉声音风格变化很大我想 如果升级更好的线应该声音更好吧

yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:22:03

zmhi 发表于 2017-12-18 09:11

多谢解答 现在正在考虑配什么风格的线 感觉2qute的usb口声音透明度还行 就是声音密度差点 目前还在选线

yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:23:00

chenbincyber 发表于 2017-12-18 08:20
有点酱油贵过鸡   有这预算不如解码再上去一档

我看亚马逊可以直邮 价格不错 :lol:victory:

boxerlc 发表于 2017-12-18 10:24:35

yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:20
感觉2qute的机线声音很散    换了贝尔金那根机线感觉声音风格变化很大我想 如果升级更好的线应该声音更 ...


yjwejjlb 发表于 2017-12-18 10:24:59

工口⑨ 发表于 2017-12-18 08:25

给2qute加了 鼠版的小u鼠和鼠电源 感觉声音有提升 目前感觉还可以 暂时先不升级了:(

H.M 发表于 2017-12-18 11:11:19

我的230had 插了一根pad usb ,饱满,结实的声音,仅供参考。

bluenote 发表于 2017-12-18 11:54:02



wpdownlaod 发表于 2017-12-18 13:39:55

bluenote 发表于 2017-12-18 11:54

当然上面Chord老板W ...

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查看完整版本: 请问大家 给和弦2qute解码用aim ua3 usb线 有没有必要
