yah 发表于 2017-10-9 15:49:51

阿尔玛 Alma Deutscher,莫扎特再世?


Deutscher was born in Basingstoke in 2005, the daughter of Janie Deutscher née Steen and the Israeli linguist Guy Deutscher.
She began playing piano at the age of two, followed by violin at three. At four she was composing and improvising on the piano, and by five had begun writing down her compositions. These first written notations were unclear, but by six she could write clear compositions by hand and had composed her first piano sonata. At seven she composed her first short opera, at nine a violin concerto, and her first full-length opera at age ten.

According to her father, she could name the notes on a piano when she was two. "For her third birthday I bought her a little violin as a toy. She was so excited by it and tried playing on it for days on end, so we decided to try to find her a teacher. Within less than a year she was playing Handel sonatas."

In a 2012 interview with the BBC, Steen said: "At three she heard a lullaby by Richard Strauss, and she came to us and said, '...how can music be so beautiful?' She was struck by the beauty of it."


Sonata in E-flat for piano, aged 6
Andante for Violin, aged 6
Rondino (trio) in E-flat for violin, viola and piano, aged 7
The Sweeper of Dreams (opera), aged 7
Quartet movement in A major, aged 7
Sonata for viola and piano in C minor (1st movement), aged 8
Quartet movement in G major, Rondo, aged 8
"The Night Before Christmas", song to words by C. Moore, aged 8
Two songs from Cinderella: "If I Believe in Love", and "Reverie", aged 8
Sonata for violin and piano (1st movement), aged 8
Trio for violin, viola, and piano, aged 9
Concerto for violin and orchestra in G, aged 9, revised aged 12
Dance of the Solent Mermaids, for symphony orchestra, aged 9
Cinderella, a full-length opera, aged 10, revised aged 11
Piano Concerto in E-flat major, aged 10, completed aged 12


yah 发表于 2017-10-9 16:02:44

本帖最后由 yah 于 2017-10-9 16:27 编辑

Mozart piano concerto no.8 K 246 1st movement, Cadenza by Alma Deutscher.
Alma Deutscher, piano, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Roni Porat, conductor
Concert on 2.6.2015


yah 发表于 2017-10-9 16:40:10

Alma Deutscher Concerto for violin and orchestra in G
Alma Deutscher, violin, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Roni Porat, conductor.


yah 发表于 2017-10-9 17:36:19

视频来自 youtube,由 Alma Deutscher 发布。

musicseeker 发表于 2017-10-11 11:05:28


dvd333 发表于 2017-10-11 15:37:57

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