sonicboy520 发表于 2017-9-24 09:49:09


lxtdd 发表于 2017-9-24 14:04:45


门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-24 14:44:00

sonicboy520 发表于 2017-9-24 09:49

本人也在用Odroid C2,安装的是volumio早期的版本,USB直接输出到基点MC13带解码的有源喇叭上播放,效果也很好,播放DSD64 很流程!

bigbill 发表于 2017-9-24 18:43:45

本帖最后由 bigbill 于 2017-9-24 18:44 编辑

我更倾向于像几年前罗技的squeeze touch那样的数播的发展道路,更精简的主板线路,更低的干扰,运行linux系统,这几年USB音频接口的兴起,其实这不是一项新技术,也不是最合适声音传输的方案,但是,其最大背景是,Pchifi正在改变传统hifi,或者说是摆脱过去传统hifi厂家操控音乐市场的局面,最适合pchifi现状的,无疑是每台电脑都有的usb口,所以,usb传输音频也成为主流。
我现在很关注一款sonore mircrorendu产品,就一个网线口和usb口,里面安装一个linux内核,据说是专门考虑音乐而设计的主板,希望这是趋势的开始,解码方面,越来越多的专业音频厂家也开始把目光投在传统HIFI市场了,这都是pchifi发展的大潮推动的。;P

门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-24 20:10:40

bigbill 发表于 2017-9-24 18:43
楼主也是牛人了。linux做pchifi比较有前途,系统开销小,适合MINI主板,但是最大缺陷是很多厂商对基于linux ...


门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-25 08:02:21

volumio 极力 推荐使用tinker,

The Tinkerboard on paper can be just the perfect match for Volumio

This is why we were so excited to put our hands on it. Right after unboxing you can feel the build quality and the attention to details that ASUS put into the board design: everything from the thick black solder mask, to the colored GPIOs headers is just about build quality.

And if we talk about mere specifications, it can’t get any better:
CPU: Rockchip RK3288 – Quad core 1.8 GHz ARM Cortex-A17 (32-bit)
RAM: 2GB dual channel LPDDR3
Storage: removable MicroSD slot ( supporting SD 3.0 )
Display Output: full size HDMI 1.4
Audio port: 3.5 mm audio jack ( supporting line out and microphone in )
Audio Playback: 192k/24bit sample rate
GPIO: 40-pin header with 28 GPIO pins
Ethernet: Gigabit LAN ( not shared with USB bus )
Wireless: Bluetooth 4.0, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, with IPEX antenna header
USB: four USB 2.0 ports
Integrated SPDIF Out (requires soldering 2 pins)
I2S Output
More informations at Tinkerboard product page

From what you can see, there are many reasons to believe that the Tinkerboard is just a perfect fit for Volumio, and the most serious candidate to become the platform of election to build an audiophile music player. Some of the advantages we think are just great are:

Its blazing fast: really, it is. I would also say faster than low-tier X86 machines
It features an external Wi-fi antenna connector, super useful to extend its wireless capabilities without the need of external dongles
The integrated Analog Jack is very competent and sounds good enough for casual music listening, and it’s capable of 24\192 playback
Integrated SPDIF output, although you need to solder 2 pins
Gigabit LAN onboard, without all the known problems of PI with USB BUS
However, to make a Single Board successful and worth, there are many pieces that should come together. As Volumio Team, we were indeed excited by the ASUS Tinkerboard, however, I2S DACs are still not supported as of now: Tinkerboard supports I2S output, however for some reasons the I2S output is handled (at driver level) via USB. We’re still not sure how I2S connection is handled at Hardware level, and whether the board is Pin compatible with Raspberry PI in regard to I2S. We’re working closely with ASUS to clear everything related to I2S and try to extend its compatibility with Volumio’s supported I2S DACs.

We can conclude by saying that the Volumio on the ASUS Tinkerboard is among the best (together with X86) you can get: browsing is super smooth, Network is fast and the sound quality via USB is as good as it can be (especially when paired withiFi’siPurifier2). To become the real Raspberry PI killer (we do find that the price difference is more than acceptable for what you get more) it remains to be seen how I2S support will evolve, but rest assured we’re working with ASUS to make it happen.

激光鼠 发表于 2017-9-25 10:35:17

本帖最后由 激光鼠 于 2017-9-25 10:37 编辑

我比较看好moodeaudio,可惜目前还没有for Tinker Board的版本。
在树莓派上,Moodeaudio音质明显比Volumio好,Moodeaudio针对树莓派有多种优化选项,比如有实时内核可选,不用的硬件可以关闭,声音的实体感更好,更加流畅。要是作者能出个Tiner Board版本就牛逼了。

激光鼠 发表于 2017-9-25 10:36:38

刚刚在淘宝下单了一个Tinker Borad,准备比比看Volumio+Tinker Board跟Moodeaudio+树莓派哪个更好

苹果榴莲 发表于 2017-9-25 11:02:55


aiheadphoneclub 发表于 2017-9-25 11:31:20

激光鼠 发表于 2017-9-25 10:36
刚刚在淘宝下单了一个Tinker Borad,准备比比看Volumio+Tinker Board跟Moodeaudio+树莓派哪个更好


xion 发表于 2017-9-25 12:54:31

激光鼠 发表于 2017-9-25 10:36
刚刚在淘宝下单了一个Tinker Borad,准备比比看Volumio+Tinker Board跟Moodeaudio+树莓派哪个更好


Brown_Symphony 发表于 2017-9-25 13:00:41

volumio在搞tinker i2s to dac啊,我觉得tinker usb to 数字界面,再数字界面 i2s to dac,会更好

门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-25 13:58:05

Brown_Symphony 发表于 2017-9-25 13:00
volumio在搞tinker i2s to dac啊,我觉得tinker usb to 数字界面,再数字界面 i2s to dac,会更好


门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-25 13:59:07

激光鼠 发表于 2017-9-25 10:36
刚刚在淘宝下单了一个Tinker Borad,准备比比看Volumio+Tinker Board跟Moodeaudio+树莓派哪个更好


门的耳朵 发表于 2017-9-25 14:06:29


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