EC Aficionado---新螃蟹驾到!
AFICIONADO$3250Now Taking Orders
A no frills high performance flexible platform: low power speaker amp, headphone amp, or preamp. A lower cost alternative to the Studio. Instead of four 2A3 output tubes, there are two. Driver is 396A / 2C51. Back to basics approach: no feedback, passive CLCLC power supply, EI power transformer.
这做工造型,感觉回到了40年代:lol 这外壳好像cse的con4插座面板 太丑了…… 他家哪款不是黑又硬 声音咋样? 真的好复古,万年不变的外观风格 妈呀,一直心水求听感 居然连一个普通6.35的耳机口也没有,老头真是倔强