mvw 发表于 2017-4-28 08:24:02

monokatoikia 发表于 2017-4-27 17:22
我现在用功放+rkv vetro适配器对付009,不求太好听个响而已,声音还算过得去。


mvw 发表于 2017-4-28 08:24:43

nidemm1987 发表于 2017-4-27 22:26


13hades 发表于 2017-4-28 09:44:42

好评 几个主要的点都可以接受。1.价格克制 纯耳房我个人能接受的价格极限就是4w了 再高的话感觉真的不如上箱子。2、可以加前级,意味着以后可以有继续升级的空间。3.不脑抽在耳房里面乱加dac。总体来说就是买买买,希望stax尽早出国行。

nidemm1987 发表于 2017-4-28 22:06:33

mvw 发表于 2017-4-28 08:24


yetifc 发表于 2017-4-29 00:35:58

monokatoikia 发表于 2017-4-27 18:01


monokatoikia 发表于 2017-4-29 01:30:13

yetifc 发表于 2017-4-29 00:35


yetifc 发表于 2017-4-29 01:41:52


ginyon 发表于 2017-4-29 05:13:31


yukihasi 发表于 2017-4-30 03:38:06



mifeng 发表于 2017-4-30 08:44:41

yukihasi 发表于 2017-4-30 03:38

还是说一定 ...


Zickson 发表于 2017-4-30 10:58:32


donthuang 发表于 2017-4-30 14:16:13

head-fi stax大燒的聽感


Thank you @pokemonn for the quick translation of the video from Suzuki-san! I was unable to like your post due to "security error" so here is my appreciation in words :).

I've seen the T8000 yesterday at the Fujiya festival, it looks fantastic with the sand blasted finish in the aluminum front panel and other selectors.

The feet with rubber isolators make the amp very stable, I could plug / unplug phones without worrying about the amp sliding.


I had a quick chat with Suzuki-san (chief engineer) who made it to the show but I could not dare translate as I fear I misundertood what he told me in Japanese (I am not electrical engineer).

In regards to sonic impressions, considering the unfamiliar music, short audition time and background noise, I can only give very rough/initial statement. I kept switching between the T8000 and the SRM727 which I owned for several years before the BHSE. I used the SR009 on display since that's my sole home HP these days.

I will say this: the sonic difference between these 2 amps was far greater than what I recall when comparing the rest of the Stax line. In fact, I'd surmise the difference between SRM727 and T8000 is more akin to the jump I made when going from my 727A (unmodded) to my Blue Hawai.

初聽之下的印象,727 > T8000的跳級感近於727 > BHSE

What jumped at me yesterday on the T8000 was in particular the much added impact and firmness of the bass and more natural female voice. The T8000 immediately sounded fuller, more organic, while the 727 sounded dryer (very obvious on female voices).

There's no way for me make comparisons with my BHSE but there's no question that the T8000 sounds very different from the 727, much better from the little I could hear.

The T8000 also sounded more spacious (the SR009 sounded more open than I am used to) but I'd want to evaluate this at home to be certain.


Last there was not a single trace of hardness or emphasize in the mids/upper-mids. The SR009 sounded in fact warmer on the T8000 than what I am used to at home. Not sure if this is all amp related or also in parts from the player, SR009 sample (brand new unit it seemed, mine's from 2011).


On a side note, I also met with Sasaki-san (sales director) who was very friendly as usual and new faces. In particular, Shimizu-san who handles domestic sales and Douglas lp who handles international distribution (some of you have seen him at previous shows in the US etc...). We had great discussions, and it feels to me like Stax is trying more and more to listen to its customers and things are evolving. As an example, there is no price distortion between Japan and the other markets for the T8000.

Overall, a very very nice time spent at the Stax booth yesterday :).



yukihasi 发表于 2017-4-30 23:05:44

donthuang 发表于 2017-4-30 14:16
head-fi stax大燒的聽感



Apollo_Zhang 发表于 2017-5-1 04:14:48

amex 发表于 2017-4-27 18:12
偏压没写估计还是580v( ...

原版Blue Hawaii 不带SE我记得能输出1500Vpp,换算一下应该是535Vrms。

amex 发表于 2017-5-1 13:29:50

Apollo_Zhang 发表于 2017-5-1 04:14
原版Blue Hawaii 不带SE我记得能输出1500Vpp,换算一下应该是535Vrms。

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