beyerdynamic DT1990pro
Right on time for the IFA trade show in Berlin we complete our professional headphone portfolio
with an open-back flagship model:
The DT 1990 PRO.
As high end reference headphones the DT 1990 PROs take their place alongside
the closed DT 1770 PRO in the beyerdynamic professional line.
The DT 1990 PRO reference headphones combine these decades of expertise
in headphone technology with the latest Tesla driver technology in an open-back design.
Together with an ingenious open-back design, the high-resolution Tesla drivers ensure a wide,
dynamic and extremely natural stereo image. Designed for professionals, the DT 1990 PROs
are the perfect headphones for ambitious listening, mixing and mastering.
The DT 1990 PRO is having its premiere during the IFA in Berlin, from the 2nd to 7th September 2016.
有点意思,似乎要和t1形成不同序列的旗舰? 880升级版呢:Q 诶我去终于等到了。。。 如果没有880升级版,宁要1770不要1990:Q 九月发售,这是直接等黑5的节奏么…… 尤记AKG搞701和702双旗舰的年月,最后701就向702靠拢去了。。。 dt1990pro和t1 mk2哪个定位更高?到底谁才是真正的旗舰啊 这挤牙膏挤得。。。不过看1770比起770的进步应该还是靠谱的。希望最后能给t1来一次。 诶我去终于等到了。。。:lol 本帖最后由 lili199010 于 2016-7-16 15:47 编辑
条纹和dt931有些神似 就这样联想起了曾经感动我的DT990 PRO,没有1。 tomking319 发表于 2016-7-16 14:05
dt1990pro和t1 mk2哪个定位更高?到底谁才是真正的旗舰啊
旗舰毫无疑问是T1 mark2,dt1990pro属于不同系列,for professional use? 这跟现有产品线完全不冲突啊,人家是叫DT1990PRO又不是DT1990,就跟DT990PRO相对于DT990是一样的