gs2ke 有评测了核心词就是个relaxed
Overall ImpressionsThe GS2000e is an odd new headphone, the first Grado to offer two different types of wood.Even when I check the part of me that’s a Grado fanboy, the superior sound still wins me over.Forget these are handmade headphones.Forget they have two different types of wood in there.Forget they’re fashioned by American workers in a Brooklyn townhouse.Forget that Grado has been family-owned-and-operated for the past 60 years.These things still sound freaking fantastic, and THAT isn’t something you’re likely to forget.While these headphones did okay with most genres, they do sound pretty relaxed.And that obviously isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea.I could easily appreciate the sound with classical and old-school hip hop (vocal-heavy stuff with less reliance on beats).Rock and roll, though, could be a little lacking at times.So these may very well be hit-or-miss with the Headphone Community at large.
RecommendationsIf you’re after a dynamic-sounding open-back headphone, and you love the look of Grados, skip this model and opt out for the cheaper GS1000e.However, if you’re a fan of that relaxed sound, and you just so happen to love hearing almost everything in a given track, you will not be disappointed with the GS2000e.Of course, if you can try it before you buy it, even better.
感觉写得就是GS1000e没煲开之前的状态嘛......估计GS1000e听久了煲开了,这个还是新机。 英文不好,谁翻译下~ 就是更宽松的gs 1000. 关于音乐,我只看见了punk,hiphop和rock 'n roll,很有美国人评测的风格啊
这哥们是故意写得云里雾里还是我没看懂? 解读:细节多,宽松,刺激性不高,听摇滚没有gsk带劲 grado的东西向来没有细腻…不知道gs2 k怎么样… 这篇感觉是在黑gs2k,徒有细节,没动态,听各种音乐也只是OK级别,要买grado还是gs1000e 新耳机,尤其是高端耳机刚上市,国外首发的那些评测没有什么参考价值。
chaisan 发表于 2016-5-31 10:14
老外的评测文风也和国内不一样, ...
老外心态好,听一个新东西抱着Appreciate的心态,当然基本都是不错,除非产品真的很糟糕;国人普遍心态不大好,听一个新东西先抱着“挑刺”的心态,很容易找出不好。关键还是文化和人的心态。 reufc 发表于 2016-5-31 10:10