本帖最后由 小白 于 2017-10-30 20:02 编辑德国飞星的Scorpio 25落地箱我前几天介绍过,是一对三分频每只喇叭有7个单元、单元配置和10万元级飞星大喇叭Avantera完全相同、灵敏度高达91分贝的优秀德国造落地音箱。具体可参看我的帖子:
现组织到3对全新行货的加强版Scorpio 25 Plus喇叭,以特价提供耳机俱乐部烧友。我个人认为这是有这个喇叭预算的发烧友一次难得的机会,在这个价格和品质,非常划算,值得关注。功放建议搭配100-200瓦两万元以上级别的高品质放大器。摆位上最佳表现为15-30平方米空间,且喇叭左右两侧能留出至少半米呼吸空间。
喇叭原价46800元(在这个原价也已很有价值),特价回复可见。注意Scorpio 25 Plus版本身应该价格比普通版Scorpio 25贵10%,但国内代理没有加钱,算是对飞星喇叭爱好者的支持。Plus加强版比起普通版来提高在一些细节上,包括下面5处。总结一下就是,箱体内部的低音单元部分以陶瓷海绵作为吸音材料,带来更佳的低频相应;中频单元的箱体部分优化了阻尼;分频器做了避震方面的改进;内部接线改进;接线端子带Plus标识。
1. In the woofer chamber a high-strength, open-cell Ceramic foam with a pore proportion of more than 85% replaces the previous damping material = more control, more precision and more deep bass2. Optimised frequency dependent damping in the midrange driver chamber = higher resolution, better spatial imaging and increased homogeneity3. Revised crossovers with selective measures against micro-vibrations = much higher resolution, better spatial imaging and increased homogeneity4. New internal wiring, integrated in the refined adjustment = improved tonal balance5. Terminal with plus+ signature
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