EMC 1 UP故障求助
本人有一台不常用的EMC 1UP不知什么原因出现如下故障:推开顶盖,正常显示OPEN;不放CD,合上顶盖,正常显示NO DISC;放入CD以后合上顶盖,问题来了,显示窗只有-- ----闪烁,无论换什么盘都不读。请教各位用家是否遇到过类似问题,这可能是哪里出问题了。谢谢!是光头读不出碟,先清洁一下光头吧。如果前期没有出现读碟困难或者跳碟等情况,那估计和相关线路有关。 机器要常用,隔一阵不用,麻烦就来了,特别是潮湿的南方。 找个吹求和镜头布清理下光头,如果还不行就只能试试调整下光头功率了。凭感觉像是光头老化的问题。 这个光头不便宜 全新的光头目前得要碰了,有很多拆机的冒充全新的。 2PRO的光头我记得是300多,全套转盘伺服我记得是3000多,但小心别买到假的。 CD机不能闲置太久,一定要不定时放放的,要不好机也会出问题 要经常驱潮 应该是光头寿终正寝了! 很久没上来,今天试试清洁一下光头,谢谢大家的热心。 估计是悲催了,用电吹风吹了一会儿,问题照旧。这个光头现在不好找,并且看样子有光头也很难换,各位知道北京什么地方能修这玩意儿吗? 这个机器大概才用了两年:( 搜寻了一下,有个叫enco systems的网站有卖cd pro2,这么介绍的:Enco continues to serve specialty audio markets, even though Philips has ceased production of new CD Pro 2 modules. While our supply lasts, we continue to sell the last of the factory-new players built at the Philips production plant located in Guangzhou, China. With the future in mind, we now also have service parts available for the CD Pro family of products. And we rebuild player modules that we are reclaiming from the field. Despite the discontinuation by Philips of the CD Pro, we remain dedicated to the product and to compact disc technology. We will continue to back the CD Pro 2 with parts and service long after new player modules are no longer available. 我这个机器这么快就玩完,难道有可能跟机芯产自广州有关。 一直下不了决心买好CD机的原因就是这个。