乐色 发表于 2016-2-25 21:27:46


在淘碟过程中多次发现Columbia的爵士唱片Label一项会标出Columbia / Legacy,我不明白为什么一张唱片会有两个发行单位,后边的这个Legacy是隶属于Columbia的子厂牌还是什么别的含义?另外包括Billie Holiday在内,Columbia的很多爵士人声录音现在都是由SBME SPECIAL MKTS发行,请问这家公司是美国本土的吗?它们出的东西音质如何?因为以前从YLJ里收过几张德版OJC,从做工到音质都不是很满意。所以对这些美国JAZZ很讨厌欧洲录音和欧版碟。拜托有了解的老烧帮忙简单介绍下谢了

notus 发表于 2016-2-25 22:54:01


Legacy Recordings is Sony Music Entertainment's catalog division. It was founded in 1990 by CBS Records (renamed Sony Music in 1991) under the leadership of Jerry Shulman, Richard Bauer, Gary Pacheco and Amy Herot (then the Marketing Development Department) to handle reissues of recordings from the vast catalogues of Columbia Records, Epic Records and associated labels. The division now additionally handles the archives of Sony Music owned RCA Records, J Records, Windham Hill, Arista, LaFace, Jive, Buddah Records, Philadelphia International Records, as well as RCA Nashville. It also handles the catalog of recordings produced by Phil Spector.
This is not to be confused with the defunct British independent label Legacy Records.

乐色 发表于 2016-2-25 23:32:23

notus 发表于 2016-2-25 22:54

Legacy Recordings is Sony Music Entertainment's catalog division....

明白了SONY成立的专门处理包括Columbia在内的一些公司的旧录音 谢谢!
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