meltice 发表于 2004-2-5 18:56:55

[转贴] 什么是Eurodance


Eurodance is a very global term, and depending on the websites you will visit each webmaster will have his own definition, including or excluding some musical trends. Definitions evolve with time, and confusions are easily made. As for me I chose to include the "classical" or "true" Eurodance projects (which are also my favourites), but also some projects which could be rather classified as "euro-NRG", "bubble gum" (Aqua, Daze, Hit&#39n Hide), "happy hardcore" (Scooter), "trance" (Sash, ATB, Antiloop), and "dream dance" (Robert Miles).

A "classical" Eurodance song could be described as a song containing a strong beat ranging from 110 to 150 beats per minute (BPM), a creative and catchy synth melody, female vocals for an easy-to-remember chorus (or sometimes for the entire song), male rap or ragga-rap (sometimes male vocals too).

Eurodance is named from the fact that it is mainly produced in Europe : Italy, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands... Contrary to certain generally accepted ideas, there are hundreds of Eurodance projects, from the most popular ones (2 Unlimited, Cappella, Culture Beat, DJ Bobo, E-Rotic...) to the most anonymous (Ten Minutes, DIP, X-ite, See:3...). Eurodance&#39s power is also its endless creativity.

meltice 发表于 2004-2-5 18:58:55


What is Eurodance?


There are several different forms of dance musice out there, the most popular ones are euro, techno, progressive, dream, happy hardcore, raggae, and rap. Each style has its own unique characteristics and hence, has its own group of audiences. I&#39m one of those who is deeply attracted by the beautiful sound of eurodance, or so-called "high energy" music.

Most of the eurodance/hi-nrg tracks have the following characteristics:

Awesome female vocal
Equally awesome melodies
Male rap or raggae
All male vocal
Strong bass rhythms
BPM ranges from 95 to 150 beats per minute
Creative synth sounds
The most distinquish feature of eurodance tracks is the abundance of the vocal verses/choruses as opposed to other styles of dance music where less vocals are heard. The combination of rich vocals and catchy melodies make eurodance tracks easy to attract listeners and fill the dance floors.

Here&#39s a brief history of eurodance for those of you who are new to this style. Eurodance emerged in the early 90&#39s with songs like "Rhythm is a Dancer", "Mr. Vain", "The Sign" etc. And it blossomed towards the mid 90&#39s when tons of awesome eurodance/hi-nrg tracks were released. However, in 1996, a few other new styles emerged and took the dance scene by storm, the most noticeable was dream music. From that time on, eurodance gradually loses its popularity. It gets worse when euro progressive style took over the club scene in the early 1997. At that time, a lot of eurodance artists began to go with the trend and change their music styles. Most of them ended up with no success. So what do you do if the experiment doesn&#39t work? Go back to the basics! And back to the eurodance style they went. With the surprise success of Danish pop/bubble-gum releases from artists like Aqua and Daze, eurodance began to creep back to the dance scene. In 1998, Sweden led the way with awesome eurodacne releases from E-Type, Basic Element, Solid Base, and La Cream. They all did very well, especially E-type whose two new releases topped the charts and sales in many of the european countries, and Solid Base&#39s album "The Take Off" sold plantium in Finland. Many of the new eurodance releases have the influence of the progressive sound that dominated during the year 1997 and 1998.

meltice 发表于 2004-2-5 19:14:55

对大多数朋友而言,读这几段英文绝对没问题的。我就不做蹩脚翻译了。Eurodance的黄金时代已经过去,但是喜爱这种舞曲音乐的人依然不少。如果你在网上搜索Eurodance这个词,就会找到不少相关站点。现在在德国,每天收音机里播放的音乐中也有一定数量的Eurodance,但感觉上揉合了一些其它类型的音乐元素,所以在第一篇文章中,作者提到"classical" Eurodance。实际上,准确的定义很难下,虽然两篇文章提到的那些特征可以帮助界定,可你如果从网上下载所谓的Eurodance音乐,就会发现未必完全符合。

眼看为虚,耳听为实。:D 下次的每周一曲,就是两首Eurodance,敬请期待。:p

meltice 发表于 2004-2-11 17:58:32


DJ Veryrelentless

This is EuroDance
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