1225891cfs 发表于 2015-9-3 15:20:59

沉寂多年的Audio Alchemy重出江湖,会给发烧友带来多少惊喜?

老烧们应该都知道Audio Alchemy这个牌子吧,我是无意中知道的,这个牌子的产品邈似在国外评价很不错,我知道白版跟校长以前也用过这个牌子的产品。。。:lol


Upgradeable All-Analog Preamp with 32/384 DAC, Headphone Amp, and LCD Display
Audio Alchemy's DDP-1 is the preamp for now and for the future, with built-in DAC and headphone amp. The DDP-1 combines the powerful yet practical aesthetic of the original highly acclaimed and wildly popular Audio Alchemy product line, but with modern capabilities, superior sound quality and a sleek, elegant design. The circuits were the effort of a team led by the legendary Peter Madnick. The team includes Richard Liddell, Keith Allsop, Cedric Meza, Eric Hernes and Bascom King.

Inside the sleek machined aluminum chassis are three core components: an all-analog preamplifier, a 32-bit/384 kHz DAC, and a headphone amp. On its own, the DDP-1 delivers exceptional sound quality. Add the Audio Alchemy PS-5 upgrade power supply, and the performance goes from great to truly world-class. And just as you would expect from Audio Alchemy, all of this greatness is delivered at a remarkably affordable price.

Listening to a system that included the Audio Alchemy DDP-1 and DPA-1 power amp, Chris Martens in a March 31, 2015 post for The Absolute Sound reports, "The result was astoundingly good, highly expressive, full-bodied sound..."

To Upsample or Not to Upsample
The digital section of the DDP-1 incorporates a 32/384 DAC with seven digital inputs: USB, AES/EBU, two RCA coaxial, two Toslink optical and, for the best possible sound quality, an I2S connection for use with the Audio Alchemy DMP-1 digital music player. You can select from multiple output filter profiles and you can also select the output resolution. So, whether to upsample or not is your choice. A multistage phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit reduces jitter to the picosecond level, so the sound has more of that smooth, analog quality we all love.

"The DDP-1 uses a pair of professional-grade AKM DACs, one per channel," reports Peter Madnick. "The DACs are set up in a special filterless configuration because we have our own DSP filters."

Discrete FET Driver and Four-gang ALPS Pot
The DDP-1’s preamp section uses fully discrete JFET circuitry with MOSFET outputs. For wider frequency response and flat phase response, the circuit is DC coupled with no coupling capacitors that would reduce bass or affect imaging.

A high-precision, four-gang ALPS potentiometer provides precise, transparent control of volume. ALPS has been known for making some of the best, and perhaps the best, potentiometers for audio components. A high-quality pot delivers the best ratio of performance and cost of any volume control method. The pot is four-gang because one section is devoted to each phase of each channel. Less-expensive designs use a double-gang pot and control the volume single-ended (one section per channel), then invert the plus (+) phase with an op amp to create a quasi-balanced output. Audio Alchemy created the balanced output straight from the DAC and keep it balanced all the way to the output jacks.

An optical sensor on the volume knob tracks the knob’s motion, so it can work with the DDP-1’s advanced, multiprocessor-driven control system. The motor on the four-gang pot allows the unit to work with a remote control, but without sacrificing audio quality in any way. This pot has a great feel. It's smooth, with just the right about of physical resistance required for precise adjustment.

Superb Headphone Stage
Audio Alchemy used Sennheiser HD800 and Audeze LCD-X headphones when developing and testing the DDP-1's superb headphone circuit. "The amp is based on an integrated circuit that we noticed was used in some very highly regarded audio products," said Peter. "We got in some samples, tested them, and found the performance outstanding, actually better than some fully discrete circuits." The output of this amp is one-watt at 32 ohms, enough to drive even the most insensitive headphones to high levels.

Inputs and Outputs
XLR and RCA analog inputs and outputs are provided, along with input trim and balance controls. The headphone amp feeds a 1/4-inch front output jack, and offers enough gain to drive even exotic, low-sensitivity planar-magnetic headphones.

Output Filter Options
The DDP-1 offers three output filter options: minimum group delay, minimum phase, maximally flat and transient perfect. "From a technical standpoint, none of them is best overall," Peter tells us. "Each one simply prioritizes a particular aspect of performance. It’s just a matter of listening to them and picking the one you like best. Audio Alchemy pioneered this feature in the DTI-PRO back in the 1990s, and the minimum group delay filter was the favorite of most customers, followed by minimum phase."

According to Peter, "Technically what those do is, minimum group delay minimizes the variance in phase at different frequencies, while minimum phase minimizes the overall phase shift. Maximally flat provides the flattest possible frequency response, while transient perfect delivers the sharpest and quickest transients. But you don’t need to know any of that, because it’s easy to hear the difference, and which one you choose is a matter of taste."

The PLL anti-jitter circuit is Audio Alchemy's own design. It was designed primarily by Cedric Meza, although the entire team was involved.

Special "Loop" Design Isolates Circuits
"What’s special about the DDP-1’s physical design is that the circuits are designed in a 'loop,' which isolates them from each other," Peter reports. "This allows us to keep audio signal paths as short as possible, and facilitates cleaner, more symmetrical star grounding, with all key ground connections tied to a single point to minimize noise and effectively eliminate voltage potential between ground connections.

"The 'loop' starts with the power supply circuits on the left side of the circuit board as you’re looking at the DDP-1 from the front. At the front of the DDP-1’s circuit board are the digital audio circuits. The right side of the circuit board contains the analog audio circuits. The back of the circuit board holds the input and output jacks. Digital control circuits are on a separate circuit board right behind the front panel."

Choose Standard or Upgrade Power Supply
The DDP-1 comes standard with a power supply suitable to operate it to full specifications and sound wonderful. To exceed these levels and to reach performance competitive with products many times the cost of the DDP-1, you can add the optional PS-5 upgrade power supply. (Sold separately.)

The DDP-1’s standard supply is a 9-volt, 2.5-amp AC wall wart, which connects to a standard two-conductor coaxial power connector on the back. When you use the standard supply, all of the rectification (AC/DC conversion) and regulation is done inside the DDP-1. Power supply storage is in capacitors located at various points around the circuit board, a total of about 50,000 microfarads.

The PS-5 is a substantial upgrade compared to the standard supply. It uses a special multi-pin connector on the back of the DDP-1, and provides two separate regulated supplies. The main supply, which is used to feed the DDP-1’s analog circuitry, is fully linear, with a separate transformer, rectification and storage capacitors and regulation. This supply provides a +/- 20-volt DC feed. The second power supply is a switching-type supply that provides +12 volts DC for the DDP-1’s digital circuitry.

This design offers three main advantages. First, it moves the rectification section of the power supply outside the chassis of the DDP-1, thus reducing interference. Second, it adds an additional 20,000-microfarad capacitor bank to the DDP-1’s existing supply capacitance prior to a discrete pre-regulator stage; this helps smooth out the DC even more, and also gives the preamp better dynamics. Third, it better isolates the DDP-1’s digital DAC and control circuits from its analog preamp circuits, to minimize any interference between the digital and analog circuitry.

Finishing Touches
An IR remote control provides access to all functions, and an illuminated front LCD screen provides feedback for all control inputs. The display shows the basic information needed for day-to-day operation, plus additional information needed for less-frequent adjustments – and also updates to the operating software.

The DDP-1 is everything a digital preamp should be. Advanced, yet traditional. Versatile, yet musical. Compact, yet capable. It’s the spirit of Audio Alchemy, taken to a whole new level.

Substantial Upgrade Power Supply For Audio Alchemy DDP-1
Audio Alchemy's DDP-1 combines a preamp, 32/384 DAC, and headphone amp in one sleek chassis and features outstanding performance right out of the box. But it's easy to make the DDP-1 sound even better! To get the maximum performance from this high versatile, extremely capable component, step up to Audio Alchemy's PS-5 balanced power supply.

An Easy and Highly Effective Upgrade
The Audio Alchemy DDP-1 comes equipped with an external DC power supply. But it can be easily upgraded by replacing the stock power supply with the PS-5. The DDP-1’s standard supply is a 9-volt, 2.5-amp AC wall wart, which connects to a standard two-conductor coaxial power connector on the back. When you use the standard supply, all of the rectification (AC/DC conversion) and regulation is done inside the DDP-1. Power supply storage is in capacitors located at various points around the circuit board, a total of about 50,000 microfarads.

The PS-5 is a substantial upgrade compared to the standard supply. It uses a special multi-pin connector on the back of the DDP-1, and provides two separate regulated supplies. The main supply, which is used to feed the DDP-1’s analog circuitry, is fully linear, with a separate transformer, rectification and storage capacitors and regulation. This supply provides a +/- 20-volt DC feed. The second power supply is a switching-type supply that provides +12 volts DC for the DDP-1’s digital circuitry.

The power supply doesn't just upgrade the performance of the DDP-1, but it enhances the look as well, sitting alongside the DDP-1 and continuing its sleek design lines.

Three Big Performance Advantages
This design offers three main advantages. First, it moves the rectification section of the power supply outside the chassis of the DDP-1, thus reducing interference. Second, it adds an additional 20,000-microfarad capacitor bank to the DDP-1’s existing supply capacitance prior to a discrete pre-regulator stage; this helps smooth out the DC even more, and also gives the preamp better dynamics. Third, it better isolates the DDP-1’s digital DAC and control circuits from its analog preamp circuits, to minimize any interference between the digital and analog circuitry.

steinfigur 发表于 2015-9-3 15:39:45


1225891cfs 发表于 2015-9-3 15:43:32

steinfigur 发表于 2015-9-3 15:39 static/image/common/back.gif

DDE3.0+PRO32? :lol

小白 发表于 2015-9-3 19:32:44


1225891cfs 发表于 2015-9-3 20:18:54


激光鼠 发表于 2015-9-3 20:19:21


小白 发表于 2015-9-3 20:23:04

激光鼠 发表于 2015-9-3 20:19


1225891cfs 发表于 2015-9-3 20:24:18

激光鼠 发表于 2015-9-3 20:19 static/image/common/back.gif

The Team
Skilled in the arts and practices of audio mythology, magic, and spirituality, the Audio Alchemy team is made up of veterans of the original Alchemy R&D team, plus a few new additions.Meet the alchemists:

Keith Allsop
Digital Signal Processing guru with more than 25 years of experience developing algorithms and circuitry for filtering, resolution enhancement and other digital conjurings.

Eric Hernes
Software development specialist and high level system programming magic.

Richard Liddell
Sorcerer’s apprentice specializing in implementing and testing the new spells imagined by the team.

Peter Madnick
The Wizard of the organization, keeps the pot stirring hoping to achieve his Magnum Opus – the audio elixir of life.

Cedric Meza
High-speed digital design magician, responsible for the bewitching subjects of jitter control and Field Programmable Gate Array design of signal switching and routing.

Ken Samel
Embedded microcontroller programmer creates spells for internal digital housekeeping and user interface control.Ken keeps the digital broomsticks marching in a line.

Dusty Vawter
Manufacturing and quality assurance, handles all aspects of product assembly, test and transmutation of base parts into noble products.

lili199010 发表于 2015-9-3 23:51:56

倒是prism sound什么时候出新解码啊

1225891cfs 发表于 2015-9-4 10:43:34

lili199010 发表于 2015-9-3 23:51 static/image/common/back.gif
倒是prism sound什么时候出新解码啊


sun1a2b3c 发表于 2015-10-21 00:00:00


chrisalex 发表于 2015-10-21 18:53:50

看到您提了我,出於禮貌,我要給您詳細的回覆,關於這次見到AUDIO ALCHEMY的新製品以及見到白頭翁PETER MADNICK先生的事。



在這個專門為小型器材製作的縮小版機架上(不是開玩笑,真的有這樣的製品售賣的),我彷彿回到了我發燒生涯的原點,在學生時代,我購買的第一台解碼器,便是美國製AUDIO ALCHEMY雅閣美的DAC-IN-THE-BOX,這是被稱為點石成金的小盒子解碼,後來因為對雅閣美製品的好感(聲音改善明顯,價格實惠,體積小巧),我把玩了當時市場上幾乎所有雅閣美的解碼器製品,還包括其JETTER殺手及界面,還有轉盤,我還記得解碼中最好聲的不是旗艦V3.0而是V2.0,那個體積更大的作品,不過雅閣美因為經營不善而倒閉,後來資金團隊復活原班人馬成立了PT(縮寫是PER。。。TECHNOLOGY,很遺憾我忘記了拼寫),推出了雅閣美重新包裝後的高級品,不過推出過幾款製品後也歇業了,最後就是今次見到了AUDIO ALCHEMY以原來的品牌名稱再次復活的好消息!

雖然外觀上已經找不到當年雅閣美時代那種小一點,再小一點的緊湊感,現在的機器相比之前的作品是要大塊很大的存在了,而且那種美國早期黑色款黝黑面板的設計已經不符合當今的審美了,所以機器重新進行了設計,可能因為PETER MADNICK先生在CONSTELLATION任職副總工程師的緣故,機器的外觀看上去真有些星座FEEL呢,最頂部的是DDP-1解碼/前級/耳放,雅閣美當年的專用接口I2S被保留了下來,接下來是DMP音樂播放器與PS-5分體電源,這個與雅閣美時代一樣,是升級版電源,原配是普通變壓器,再往下的是DPA-1立體聲後級放大器,輸出150W每聲道。價錢與前級一樣,都是38萬日元的克制定價。

chrisalex 发表于 2015-10-21 18:55:48


我已經不是第一次見到PETER MADNICK先生,初次見到他的身份,是美國頂級品牌CONSTELLATION的副總工程師,著名的JOHN CURL先生的徒弟,他還有的一個身份,我是後來才知道的,就是AUDIO ALCHEMY雅閣美的創始人與設計師,今次在日本見到白頭翁本人,終於可以向他進行提問雅閣美的問題,我和他說我以前用過雅閣美的各種型號,但我覺得DDE V2.0的聲音要好過V3.0是什麼原因呢?因為我知道V3.0才是旗艦,PETER很不好意思地請我描述下V2.0的模樣,幫他回憶到底是哪台機器,他不太記得的原因不是因為時間太久,而是這台機器是定制款,是根據某些代理商的要求特別製作的稍大框體的機型,可能這樣會好賣一些,不過在PETER心目中,旗艦還是V3.0。

為什麼會在現在復活AUDIO ALCHEMY,PETER想了很久,說因為當時AUDIO ALCHEMY的設計並沒有結束,我們仍然有設計沒有完成,也有更好的計劃要實施,所以待資金情況好轉一些的時候,又把當時的計劃給繼續下去。PETER在雅閣美的官方網站上這樣描述品牌回歸:“YOU'VE GROWN UP, SO HAVE WE”,作為一個雅閣美的常年粉絲和用家,我很期待親自驗證新一代AUDIO ALCHEMY製品的真正實力,希望白頭翁會給我這個機會。

wkw 发表于 2015-10-21 19:34:19

本帖最后由 wkw 于 2015-10-21 19:41 编辑

曾经的 Audio Alchemy 用家。 他们倒闭后重新再创立的牌子叫 Perpetual Technologies ,只出了一对可以独立使用的 P-1A 和 P-3A 的 升频界面和解码器组合。这套组合当时得到过不少天书和其它媒体的奖项。可是虽然这样也挽回不了再次倒闭的命运。我跟同伴们曾经借来 P-3A试听但是没有 P-1A,实话说挺失望的,干快薄,机主很快就把它出了。

punkerji 发表于 2015-10-21 20:17:49

在用perpetual p3a 和 p1a,声音很好,比三小强好。
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