Muslov 发表于 2015-8-4 11:12:22

Meridian Explorer2 USB DAC 听感

      继Meridian Explore USB DAC后,Meridian2014年11月又推出了Meridian Explorer2 USB DAC。正好原来我在办公室没有好的音源,只有一副很早买的SE530的耳塞一直留着(现在主要在家听大耳机和音箱),直接连在笔记本电脑上听音乐。
      看了Meridian Explorer2 USB DAC的介绍(,觉得不错。奇怪的是在国内居然卖不到,只好在美国亚马逊上买了一个。
         Meridian Explorer2的特点是声音很柔和,虽然耳机输出只有130mW,但实际上驱动SE530的耳塞还是没有问题的,而且听得时间越长,越发现有一种特别的韵味。首先是柔和并且凝聚感很好,而且声音细腻,柔滑,即使听高音很多的民乐,时间长了也不会觉得刺激,还是比板载声卡强很多。
          当然,在解析和灵动上,感觉 Meridian Explorer2还是比家里的意大利北极星DAC32解码器差一些,毕竟是Meridian Explorer2是299美刀的小东西,和大型台式系统加外置耳放和CD转盘及再生电源不能比。但个人感觉Meridian Explorer2在这个价位上还是相当物有所值的,尤其是方便易用。
         遗憾的是Meridian Explorer2介绍说支持Meridian新推出的Master Quality Authenticated (MQA),但网上没有找到相应的音乐,不知道用Meridian Explorer2听MQA音乐是什么效果。
-MQA:The new Master Quality Authenticated format from Meridian aims to deliver studio quality sound in smaller packages, ideal for downloading and streaming. MQA is a revolutionary new British technology that aims to bring us right back to the sound of the studio. The idea behind MQA is to get that sound in to a format that's easy to deliver so we can turn it in to a stream that's small enough to stream today or download today. So the opportunity exists to have the real sound of the studio delivered to the customer for the first time in the history of recorded music.
Meridian MQA a Stars of CES 2015

Muslov 发表于 2015-8-4 16:16:13

不知其他烧友有对Meridian 推出的 MQA了解的么?在哪可以找到相应的音乐?

Muslov 发表于 2015-8-4 16:19:30

补上Meridian Explorer2 USB DAC的外观图,实际很小:10.2 x 3.2 x 1.8厘米

Muslov 发表于 2015-8-4 16:40:01

国外知名媒体对Meridian的Master Quality Authenticated(MQA)技术的评价:

1.Stereophile:“The Future of Streaming. In almost 40 years of attending audio press events, only rarely have I come away feeling that I was present at the birth of a new world.”

2.HIFI NEWS: "The sound quality exceeds that of current hi-res formats."

awshwl 发表于 2015-8-4 23:07:36

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